Select "Start Game" and create a new character. Enter one of the following cheat codes as your character name. Select "Yes" to confirm the code, then you can rename your character as desired. Note: Achievements cannot be earned while using your cheat mode character. Also, only one code can be enabled at once.
Effect | Code
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- Alchemy Coin and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Alchemy Coin and Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo
| |
- Alchemy Coin and War Horn with unlimited ammo
| |
- Alchemy Coin has no shot limit
| |
- Alchemy Coin that always yields gold; unlimited ammo, and instant fire rate
| |
- Alchemy Coin with unlimited ammo
| |
- Alchemy Coin, Mobile Gear, War Horn, and Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo
| |
- Alchemy Coin, Mobile Gear, and War Horn
| |
- Alchemy Coin, and Mobile Gear, War Horn, and Propeller Dagger
| |
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- All 46 song sheets (not turned in yet)
| |
- All Relics except the two Chalices with unlimited ammo
| |
- All Relics except the two Chalices; all with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
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- All enemies drop a red ruby
| |
- All enemies drop higher amount of gold
| |
- All enemies drop more gold
| |
- All enemies drop slightly higher amount of gold
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- All money from enemies and dig piles always are in rising bubbles
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- All surfaces are slippery, turning causes little water droplets to kick up
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- All three shovel abilities
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| |
- All types of enemies drop a fixed amount of gold
| |
- Alternate Troupple King dance
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- Always blowing little air bubbles out of your helmet
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- Armor color changes when you get hit
| |
- Armor color changes when you jump
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- Armor that changes colors upon damage
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- Basic armor with blue horns
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- Black armor with purple horns
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- Blue armor with orange horns
| |
- Blue armor with orange outline
| |
- Bluish armor with mint green horns
| |
- Bosses start with half health
| |
- Bossws start with half heart; dies with one hit
| |
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- Brown armor with teal horns
| |
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- Chaos Sphere with unlimited ammo
| |
- Chaos Spheres and Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- Charge hit shovel ability
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- Checkpoints break after one use; game crashes Chester missing from village but not from stages
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- Chester sells all relics from start but will not sell anything Chester sells all relics from the start
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- Chester sells all relics from the start
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- Chester's prices randomly higher; over 500 gold in stages, Coat changes color when you jump
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- Coat changes color when you jump
| |
- Collected upon defeat regardless of proximity
| |
- Completely light orange armor
| |
- Conjurer's Coat (Purple Armor)
| |
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- Darker purple and grey horns
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- Default armor with no yellow parts (all blue)
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- Dig piles in one hit shovel ability
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- Double damage from normal enemies
| |
- Double length Phase Locket and Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Downward striking enemies gives you a moon jump bounce
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- Downward striking enemies gives you a super jump bounce.
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- Drop all gold on death; die again without recovering your gold it is gone
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- Drop half gold on death, no checkpoints, enemies drop a lot of items
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- Dust Knuckles and Alchemy Coin with unlimited use
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- Dust Knuckles and Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Dust Knuckles and Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Dust Knuckles move twice as far on hit
| |
- Dust Knuckles with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Dust Knuckles with unlimited ammo
| |
- Dust Knuckles, Throwing Anchor, Alchemy Coin, and Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo
| |
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- Enemies always drop magic refills is if Conjurer's Coat used
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- Enemies and damaging obstacles go through you without any damage or recoil
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- Enemies do no damage, still get knocked back, Enemies do quadruple damage
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- Enemy hits do four life notches of damage
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- Enemy hits do two notches of damage
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- Enemy hits will not reduce your health
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- Every time you begin a level with less than 10,000 gold, your gold is set to 10,000
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- Every time you begin a level with less than 100 gold, your gold is set to 100
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- Every time you begin a level with less than 2,000 gold, your gold is set to 2,000
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- Every time you begin a level with less than 500 gold, your gold is set to 500
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- Everything except music unlocked
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- Everything up to Lich Yard completed
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- Everything up to Pridemoor Keep completed
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- Everything up to the Explodatorium completed
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- Everything up to the Flying Machine completed
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- Everything up to the Iron Whale completed
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- Everything up to the Lost City completed
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- Everything up to the Plains completed
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- Everything up to the Stranded Ship completed
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- Extremely bright yellow-green armor
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- Falling into pits does not kill you
| |
- Fast movement speed, takes x4 damage from enemies
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- Fast movement speed, takes x4 damage from enemies
| |
- Fast movement, icy physics
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- Fast movement, no checkpoints, dies with one hit
| |
- Fast movement, no checkpoints, dies with one hit
| |
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- Faster movement on ladders
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- Faster movement on ladders
| |
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- Fishing Rod and Alchemy Coin with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Fishing Rod and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo
| |
- Fishing Rod is much faster
| |
- Fishing Rod with unlimited ammo
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- Fishing rod and flare wand, unlimited ammo
| |
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- Flame Wand and Phase Locket
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- Flame Wand with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
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- Flame Wand with unlimited ammo
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- Flame Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, and Throwing Anchor
| |
- Flame Wand, Phase Locket, and Dust Knuckles
| |
| |
- Flare Wand and Alchemy Coin with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Flare Wand and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Flare Wand and Dust Knuckles with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Flare Wand and Dust Knuckles with unlimited ammo
| |
- Flare Wand and Fishing Rod with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Flare Wand and Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- Flare Wand and Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- Flare Wand has no shot limit
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- Flare Wand with no limit on projectiles and unlimited mana; Shovel Knight is invisible
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- Flare Wand, Dust Knuckles, Phase Locket, and Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo
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- Full glowing purple armor and horns
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- Gastronomer, magician and chester are missing
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- Glowing dark teal color armor and horns
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- Ground spark shovel ability
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- Hall of Champions completed
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- High knockback from being hit
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- Higher knockback from shovel attacks
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- If you own all legitimately obtained relics
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- If you respawn at an unbreakable checkpoint
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- In a Boss battle, both Shovel Knight and the Boss have half a heart
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- In town or stages, but only once per attempt in a stage
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- Invincibility grace period after getting hit increased by 50%
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- Invincibility grace period after getting hit increased by 60%
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- Jump height increased to middle of screen
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- Jump height increased to past top of screen
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- Jump screen height with momentum armor speed/slide effects, but with knockback
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- Light blue armor with lavender horns
| |
- Light blue palette-swap armor, unlimited ammo Chaos Sphere, super jumping
| |
- Light red armor and yellow horns
| |
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- Lime green armor with pink horns
| |
- Little to no invincibility grace period after being hit
| |
- Lose 50% of your gold upon dying, can be recollected
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- Lose all gold upon death; can be recollected
| |
- Lose all gold upon death; can still be recovered afterwards
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- Lose all gold upon dying; can be recollected
| |
- Lose all relics upon completing a stage
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- Lost gold is all in one bag but still the normal 25%
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- Lower jumps, slower movement, proof of duplication
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- Magician is missing, every kill recovers magic
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- Mail of Momentum (Black Armor)
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- Mail of Momentum (Black Armor)
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- Max screen height jump, pink armor, Propeller Dagger with unlimited magic use
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- Mobile Gear and Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Mobile Gear and Warhorn with unlimited use
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- Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- Mobile Gear with unlimited ammo
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- Moon jump (normal jump only) and very fast speed
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- Moon jump with bouncing loot
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- Much faster shovel attack, increased treasure from enemies; will glitch game
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- New Game+ mode with everything unlocked and fully upgraded
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- New Game+ mode with no upgrade
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- New Game+ with everything unlocked except music
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- No instant kills, but must start over if you run out of health
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- No knockback from shovel attacks
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- Normal armor that randomly changes color upon changing screens or respawning
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- One Chalice, first two Knights' stages completed
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- One-hit death and no checkpoints
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- Only drop one bag if you do not have much gold
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- Ornate Plate (Gold Armor)
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- Ornate armor, unlimited ammo Alchemy Coin
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- Over 1,500 gold in village, max 9,999 gold
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- Peach armor color with cyan horns
| |
- Permanent Treasure Ichor The Indomitable Magnet Mode
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- Phase Amulet and Dust Knuckles with unlimited use
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- Phase Locket and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo.
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- Phase Locket and Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Phase Locket lasts three times longer
| |
- Phase Locket with unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
| |
- Phase Locket with unlimited ammo
| |
- Phase locket and flare wand with unlimited ammo
| |
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- Plains completed with a chalice
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- Pogo off any surface, high bounce
| |
- Pogo off any surface, normal bouncing height.
| |
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- Propeller Dagger and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Propeller Dagger and Chaos Spheres with unlimited ammo
| |
- Propeller Dagger moves twice as far
| |
- Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo
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- Purple palette swap armor, all enemies drop magic
| |
- Purple-pink armor with crème horns
| |
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- Random Relic and set of armor, mana at 30 or 80
| |
- Random Relic, set of armor, and armor color; Mana starts at 30 or 80
| |
- Recoil in both enemies and player is bigger
| |
- Red Armor color palette change
| |
- Red armor with silver horns
| |
- Red palette-swap armor, Infinite Ammo Fire Rod
| |
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- Regular ground tiles have ice tile physics; you also move faster
| |
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- Reize, Baz, and Phantom Striker defeated
| |
- Relic, chalice, HP, mana up, and at Tower of Fate: Entrance
| |
- Relics require double the usual magic to use
| |
- Relics require half the usual magic to use
| |
- Relics require no magic to use
| |
- Run instead of walks, but dies after one hit
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- Shiny purple and fluorescent green horns
| |
- Shovel Knight breathes bubbles and all treasure floats around in bubbles
| |
- Shovel Knight four times as large
| |
- Shovel Knight looks like Vile from Mega Man X
| |
- Shovel Knight twice as large with invincible head
| |
- Silver armor, and three-minute timer
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- Standard Shovel Attack is much faster
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- Start at walking speed but quickly accelerates
| |
- Start with 10,000 gold, all relics, max HP, and fully accessible map
| |
- Start with 99,999 gold, can pogo off the ground, enemies do quadruple damage
| |
- Start with everything, invincible, big, super jump, super speed
| |
- Super jump (both normal and downward thrust bounce)
| |
- Super jump (normal and downward thrust bounce), fast movement and attacks
| |
- Super jump (normal jumps only) and fast attack speed
| |
- Super jump and fast speed
| |
- Super jump and increased movement speed
| |
- Super jump and pogo bounce higher
| |
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| |
- Tan armor with orange horns and green shading
| |
- Throwing Anchor and Dust Knuckles with unlimited ammo
| |
- Throwing Anchor and Fishing Rod with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Throwing Anchor and Movile Gear with unlimited ammo
| |
- Throwing Anchor has no shot limit
| |
- Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- Throwing Anchor with unlimited ammo
| |
- Throwing Anchor, Alchemy Coin, and Mobile Gear
| |
- Throwing Anchor, and Alchemy Coin
| |
| |
- Tower of Fate: Ascent completed
| |
- Tower of Fate: Entrance completed
| |
- Treasure from enemies and piles are in bubbles, Shovel Knight blows air bubbles.
| |
- Treasure magnetically attracted to you
| |
- Troupple King dances to bonus music track
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- Unlimited Ichor usage; cannot be changed
| |
- Up to the Clockwork Tower completed
| |
- Various words in dialogue are replaced with "Butt"
| |
- Various words in dialogue are replaced with "Butt"
| |
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- Very fast movement and fast attacking speed
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- Walk through enemies including Bosses without harm; spikes still hurt
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- War Horn and Fishing Rod with unlimited use
| |
- War Horn and Propeller Dagger with unlimited ammo
| |
- War Horn much faster but blow lasts half as long
| |
- War Horn with unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- War Horn with unlimited ammo
| |
- War Horn, Propeller Dagger, Fishing Pole and Chaos Orb, all with infinite use
| |
- When you jump, you change color
| |
- White armor with crème-colored shading
| |
- With 6 Health, 60 Mana, Dynamo Armor, Trench Blade, and 3 minutes to complete stage
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- With unlimited ammo and instant fire rate
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- With unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
| |
- With unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- With unlimited ammo and instant firing rate
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- Your gold is set to 1,000 gold
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