Go to the Park decoder under options and enter the following codes.
Effect | Password
| - splotch, splotch, splotch, crown
| - crown, drink, crown, drink
| - wrench, drink, wrench, drink
| - ferris wheel, wrench, wrench, wrench
| - roller coaster, roller coaster, splotch, splotch
| - splotch, ferris wheel, mechanic, mechanic
| - crown, crown, mechanic, mechanic
| - wrench, mechanic, crown, crown
| - mechanic, splotch, wrench, wrench
| - splotch, tree, wrench, wrench
| - mechanic, mechanic, mechanic, wrench
| - drink, drink, ferris wheel, tree
| - wrench, splotch, tree, tree
| - crown, drink, ferris wheel, ferris wheel
| - ferris whee,l ferris wheel, tree, ferris wheel
| - crown, crown, mechanic, drink
| - mechanic, tree, mechanic, tree
| - mechanic, mechanic, tree, mechanic
| - splotch, tree, tree, splotch
| - ferris wheel, drink, tree, tree
| - crown, crown, mechanic,crown
| - splotch, ferris wheel, splotch, ferris wheel
| - splotch, drink, splotch, splotch
| - drink, splotch, drink, splotch
| - drink, mechanic, crown, wrench
| - ferris wheel, wrench, wrench, ferris wheel
| - ferris wheel, splotch, crown, crown
| - crown, crown, splotch, splotch
| - drink, ferris wheel, splotch, splotch
| - ferris wheel, ferris wheel, splotch, splotch
| - mechanic, mechanic, splotch, splotch
| - drink, splotch, wrench, wrench
| - drink, splotch, crown, crown
| - ferris wheel, ferris wheel, ferris wheel, tree
| - roller coaster, tree, roller coaster, tree
| - wrench, roller coaster, mechanic, splotch
| - crown, ferris wheel, crown, crown
| - splotch, wrench, crown, crown
| - drink, ferris wheel, ferris wheel, ferris wheel