Certain conditions must be met so the following characters can be unlocked in Rumble and Dodgeball Modes, as well as their respective entries in the Character Database.
Character | How to unlock
| - Complete the Job:"Throwdown Challenge: Dragons"
| - Complete the Job "Showdown: Dodgeball"
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Thornley"
| - Defeat him in Ueno during Story Mode
| - In New Game +, Defeat Gold Lion in Akihabara during Story Mode
| - Simply watch the beginning cutscene upon starting a New Game
| - Compete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Partners"
| - Beat the game and save after the credits roll
| - Complete the Job "Stand-In Gladiator 2"
| - Defeat and Recruit her in Shinjuku during Story Mode
| - Complete the Job "Nizaemon Bounty"
| - Complete the Job "Stand-In Gladiator"
| - Complete the Job :"Throwdown Challenge: Dragons"
| - Complete the Job "Jock Bounty"
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Thornley"
| - Defeat her in Shibuya during Story Mode
| - Beat the game and save after the credits roll
| - Defeat Sakata in the intro chapter of Story Mode
| - Defeat him in Asakusa during Story Mode
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Rivals"
| - Defeat and Recruit him in Yokohama during Story Mode
| - Defeat him in Akihabara during Story Mode
| - Complete the Job "Get My Mask Back!"
| - Complete the Job "Jock Bounty"
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Partners"
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Tigers"
| - Complete the Job "Throwdown Challenge: Tigers"
| - Defeat him in Asakusa during Story Mode
| - Defeat him in Shinagawa during Story Mode
| - Complete the Job "Showdown: Dodgeball"