Just like the Power Rangers Megaforce earn rewards for fighting the good fight, you can do the same by performing certain tasks to obtain trophies and unlock the rewards that come with them. It can be as simple as completing a stage, or something a bit trickier like beating every stage on the Hard difficulty mode with Gold Stars on each stage. There are 40 trophies in total.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Classic Scene 10: Ultra Megaforce (Victorious), Photo Frame: Robo Knight with Lion Mechazord (card style), Secret Stage 4
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- Classic Scene 14: Warstar Spaceship, Photo Frame: Megaforce team (with title, standing)
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 100.
- Classic Scene 15: Command Center, Photo Frame: Megaforce team (with weapons)
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 500.
- Classic Scene 16: Harwood County High School, Photo Frame: Red Dragon Mechazord
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 1000.
- Classic Scene 17: Megaforce in Ultra Mode (holding Ultra Swords up), Secret Stage 9
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 2000.
- Classic Scene 18: Lion Mechazord, Photo Frame: Mechazord Heads with Mega Blaster
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 3000.
- Classic Scene 19: Gosei Great Grand Megazord, Secret Stage 8
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 4000.
- Classic Scene 1: Troy Burrows (Megaforce Red)
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- Classic Scene 20: Megaforce in Ultra Mode (explosion), Photo Frame: Troy with Gosei Morpher
| - Gosei Medals acquired: 5000.
- Classic Scene 2: Noah Carver (Megaforce Blue)
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- Classic Scene 3: Jake Holling (Megaforce Black)
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- Classic Scene 4: Gia Moran (Megaforce Yellow), Photo Frame: Red MMPR Morph, Photo Frame: Black MMPR Morph, Rangerpedia entry: Gosei
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- Classic Scene 5: Emma Goodall (Megaforce Pink), Photo Frame: Troy with Dragon Mechazord (card style)
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- Classic Scene 6: Robo Knight, Photo Frame: Jake with Snake Mechazord (card style), Secret Stage 3
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- Classic Scene 7: Troy in Ultra Mode, Photo Frame: Noah with Shark Mechazord (card style)
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- Classic Scene 8: Noah in Ultra Mode, Photo Frame: Emma with Phoenix Mechazord (card style), Secret Stage 6
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- Classic Scene 9: Jake in Ultra Mode, Photo Frame: Gia with Tiger Mechazord (card style)
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- Legendary Ranger Mode: Mighty Morphin, Photo Frame: White MMPR Morph, Secret Stage 7
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- Photo Frame: Gosei Great Grand Megazord, Secret Stage 2
| - Play the game for 10 Days.
- Photo Frame: Megaforce team (with title, posing), Secret Stage 1
| - Play the game for 15 Days.
- Photo Frame: Pink MMPR Morph, Photo Frame: Green MMPR Morph
| - Play the game for 5 Days..
- Rangerpedia entry: Bluefur
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- Rangerpedia entry: Creepox
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- Rangerpedia entry: Dragonflay
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- Rangerpedia entry: Loogies
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- Rangerpedia entry: Megaforce (all five Mega Rangers)
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- Rangerpedia entry: Metal Alice
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- Rangerpedia entry: NoJoke
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- Rangerpedia entry: Robo Knight
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- Rangerpedia entry: Tensou
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- Rangerpedia entry: Zombats
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| - Beat the game on Hard. THAT'S MEGA!!