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Pokemon Y

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Pokemon Y on Nintendo 3DS

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Pokemon Y Cheats

Upon waking up in your house at the beginning of the game, your character will be holding a Pikachu 3DS XL. On the ground is a Wii U. If you are a girl it will be white, and black if you are a boy.

Defeat the Elite 4 and meet Looker, then return to the Trainer PR Studio in Lumiose City. Choose to edit your video to see new caption text options that reference your championship status.

Enter a Pokemon Center on your birthday to get a special greeting, including confetti, new music, and a digital birthday cake on the wall.

On your birthday, enter any pokemon center and let the party begin!

There are three cafes around Kalos that you have to pay to enter. Each possible seat you choose will allow you to talk to patrons who will show you Pokemon for your Pokedex. The 100 price option will show you one Pokemon. The 1,000 price option will show you two Pokemon. The 5,000 price option will only show one Pokemon, but it will be guaranteed to be one you haven't seen. You can only do each one once, so use it only as a last resort for pokemon you can't find.

After defeating the Kalos region's Elite 4, you will have a chance to encounter one of the three legendary birds from Pokemon Red and Blue throughout Kalos. Which bird will appear is based on the Pokemon you chose at the beginning of the game. The legendary bird should appear in your Coastal Kalos Pokedex afterward, allowing you to track its location. Walk (don't fly) to the bird's location to challenge it again; it should flee. Repeat a few more times, after which the Pokemon should retreat to Sea Spirit's Den. There you will at last be able to catch it.

UnlockableHow to unlock

Go to Anistar City and find the old man who wants to relax with one of your level 5 or lower Pokemon. Give him any Pokemon that is level 5 or lower. Visit him again after a few days. The only thing in his house will be a Pokeball containing your loaned Pokemon, with a note attached from the man. He will leave a Comet Shard for you, which sells well in Lumiose City.

Unlike the previous two games were the day care man would call you over if he had a egg for you, the caretaker in X and Y doesn't call your attention to the fact. You have to check, and he may or may not have anything for you. However, there's a way to tell without heading over to engage him in conversation. If he faces the road, that means he has an egg. Otherwise, he'll be looking toward the building. Knowing that fact can save you some hassle.

Go to Route 6 or 7 and a random Psychic Pokemon trainer will challenge you. After you defeat him he will say "Wow! You and your Pokemon's power levels are incredible! They're over 9,000 for sure!".

The Trainers at the Battle Chateau pay out amounts in excess of P1,000 per battle when you start out, but as you gain rank these amounts skyrocket to north of P20,000 per battle. Combining this with an Amulet Coin and/or the Prize Money O-Power can result in a very profitable day at the Battle Chateau.

After getting an egg or several eggs from the breeders, go to Prisim Tower in Lumiose City. Outside of the tower hold Left or Right to start an infinite loop without worrying about random battles. You can use a piece of tape to hold down the direction.

In Lumiose City, there is a very convenient circular walkway surrounding the big pokemon building (it's yellow on your map, and resembles the Eiffel Tower). The path serves as a very nice endless road, perfect for hatching your new babies. Find a spot where you won’t bump into anything and start marching! You can place a quarter or some other coin to hold the circle pad slider in place. Your trainer will roam around in circles and you can leave to do something else. When you return to your system, you should have a new level one hatchling.

Go to the 3 star restaurant and equip the Pokemon in front with the Amulet Coin. All the Balm Mushrooms you get will be for profit, easily making you rich.

The Trainers at the Battle Chateau at first will pay out 1,000 per battle. However, as you get better ranks it can end up over 20,000 per battle.
Use an Amulet Coin and/or the Prize Money O-Power in these battles to make a large amount of money.

After accessing both the north and south parts of Lumiose City, travel along Autumnal Avenue and enter the building that has a black sign with two stars. Accept the rotation battle request from the waiter. You can earn Big Mushroom items, depending on your performance. Each of them can be sold for 2,500. Repeat the battle as often as desired. Note: You will no longer have access to this after you earn the Voltage badge and leave the city.

Use an Opower while training in a restaurant in Lumiose. The Opower does not run out after three minutes, but instead works until you complete the restaurant.

There are three cafes around Kalos that you must pay to enter. Each type of seat you pay for will allow you to talk to customers who will show you a Pokemon for your Pokedex. The 100 price option will show you one Pokemon. The 1,000 price option will show you two Pokemon. The 5,000 price option will only show one Pokemon, but it will always be one that is not in your Pokedex. You can only do each seat once.

You must encounter Moltres, Zapdos, or Articuno twelve times before they go to the Sea Spirits Cave.

Sometime when training on the punching bags in super training, you will be told to "Float like a Butterfree, sting like a Beedrill," a sly reference to Muhammad Ali's famous quote.

Advance the system time to 23:59 and wait one minute.

After beating the Elite Four, head to Lumiose Station in Lumiose City. There, Professor Sycamore will hand you the TMV Pass, letting you go to Kiloude City. In the northeast corner of the city is the Friend Safari.

To evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon or Leafeon, you must be standing next to Ice Rock or Moss Rock when leveling it up. Ice Rock can be found first; it is located in the deepest part of the Frost Cavern (the cave is not too large). Moss Rock is found closer to the end the quest to defeat the Elite Four. It is on Route 20, between Snowbelle City and the Pokemon Village. Enter the area from Snowbelle to immediately see it.

Mewtwo can be found in the Pokemon Village. Cross a small stream on the western side using the Surf HM to reach a cave entrance. Mewtwo will be inside immediately after entering the cave. At first, a man will block the cave entrance, but he will disappear once you defeat the Elite Four. Mewtwo is Level 70; use a Master Ball to easily capture him, otherwise it will be a long battle and require a lot of Ultra Balls. As soon as you capture him, you will also get the special stone needed to activate Mewtwo's Mega Evolution.

Pikachu can be found very early in Route 3, immediately after the forest, in small grass patches. Pikachu is a great early Pokemon. He has high special attack and speed stats that give him an advantage early in the game. His special characteristic, Static, works very well early in the game by paralyzing Pokemon that come in contact with him. Pikachu also levels up very quickly early in the game with a lot of bird type Pokemon in the grinding areas. He is overall a great addition to any team early in the game.

To get a Sylveon, you must max out all three stats (Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment) for an Eevee to evolve it into a Sylveon. To max out all stats for an Eevee, keep petting it and playing the mini-games. It should take approximately one hour to max out all the stats for the Eevee using this method. Note: Make sure to teach the Eevee a Fairy move before leveling it into the Sylveon.

Zygarde is found deep inside the Terminus Cave, which is located just off Route 18. The Terminus Cave is one of the longest dungeons in Pokemon X and Y; thus, make sure to have lots of healing items and strong Pokemon before entering it. Zygarde is Level 70 and dual Dragon and Ground-type; use a Master Ball to easily capture him, otherwise it will be a long battle and require a lot of Ultra Balls.

There is an unmarked building on the outer rim of Lumiose. If you talk to the clerk she will say she does not know why this building is here. Go to the second floor and you will encounter a ghost that will appear behind you.

Go to Route 14 and walk down to Lumiose City. Once you arrive, make a right into first building. Inside, you should find two kids and a woman near a desk. Go to the elevator and emerge on the second floor. When you exit the elevator, a cutscene will begin. A Hex Maniac girl appears behind you. She'll walk in front of you (with no walking animation) and say "You are not the one...", then disappear.

UnlockableHow to unlock

If you find yourself having too much trouble facing off your current Gym Leader, have no fear. Before challenging the Gym Leader, you can walk, skate, or bike toward the next route. The trainers you battle there will help to increase your team's overall level. Some routes will be blocked, but others are wide open and allow you to roam ahead of time, giving you the opportunity to level up a fair bit before you return and challenge that pesky Gym Leader.

Talk to the man in the Pokemon Center in Shalour City to hear him tell you about a game he is playing where a cool little dude "runs around and whacks enemies to the beat of the music." That is an apparent reference to another game from the game's developer called HarmoKnight.

Start a Wi-Fi battle. Once an opponent accepts and you are placed at the Overworld, your entire party will be fully healed.

To fully restore your party anywhere in the game, simply start a wireless battle. If your opponent accepts, once you are returned to the overworld, your entire party will be in perfect health.

Heart Scales are used to teach your Pokemon forgotten or never learned moves at the Move Relearner in Dendemille Town. Get the Old Rod from in the Aquarium by the Magikarp Statue in Ambrett Town and TM46 "Thief" from Cassius's house in Camphier Town Use the Old Rod on the Route 8 "Muraille Coast" to battle Luvdics for a 50% chance of getting a Heart Scale.

Heart Scales can be used to teach your Pokemon moves you forgot or never learned at the Move Relearner in Dendemille Town. To obtain Heart Scales in Pokemon X and Y you need the Old Rod from Ambrett Town in the Aquarium by the Magikarp Statue and TM46, Thief, from Cassius's house in Camphier Town. Use the Old Rod on the Route 8 - Muraille Coast to battle Luvdics who have a 50% chance of carrying a Heart Scale. Keep fishing for an infinite supply of Heart Scales. Switch spots if Luvdisc doesn't take the bait.

Once you have the run of both the north and south portions of Lumiose City, head along Autumnal Avenue and look for the building with a black sign that has two stars. Enter the building and accept the request of a rotation battle from the waiter. You can earn Big Mushroom items depending on your performance here, which you can then easily sell for 2,500 apiece. Repeat the battle as often as you like, and sell the mushrooms for easy money while also earning lots of experience points. This may no longer work once you acquire the Voltage badge and depart from the city.

Send a red Writ of Challenge and then advance the system time by one hour to change trainers without having to wait.

During a battle, sometimes various objects in the background can be destroyed to release an item (for example, trees when outside or rock formations in caves). Try using ranged moves such as Air Cutter, Earthquake , Twister, Razor Leaf, Pedal Blizzard, Surf, Rock Slide, and Heat Wave on them.

If you battle the psychic trainer on route 10, talk to him after you win and he will tell you that you and your Pokemon's power levels are incredible. He notes that they are "over 9000, for sure," a reference to Dragon Ball Z.

Instead of constantly check in with the man at the Day Care to see if you have an egg ready, take note of his position. If he is facing the road, he has an egg. Otherwise, he will be facing the building.

Defeat the Elite 4. Depending on your starting Pokemon, you can encounter the corresponding Legendary Bird wandering around Kalos.

If you started with Froakie, Moltres will be available.
If you started with Chespin, Articuno will be available.
If you started with Fennekin, Zapdos will be available.

After encountering the bird, look it up in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex to find its current location. Walk there to challenge the bird again. Repeat the process and it will eventually go to Sea Spirit's Den, where you will have the chance to catch it.

Get a Male Plusle with Lightning Rod from a Horde on Route 5, and get a female Pikachu from Route 3 or Santalune Forest. Note: Have a Pokemon with Static to attract more. Put the female Pikachu in the Day Care with the male Lightningrod Plusle. Breed a Pikachu until it has Lightning Rod.

Defeat the Elite 4, go to Kiloude City, then return to Lumiose City. You will get a Holo Caster message from a detective named Looker, who will hire you as an assistant and allow access to various side quests.

Perform a Game Sync then complete the following tasks on the Global Link to earn the corresponding medal.

MedalHow to unlock

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Pokemon Village. Enter the previously inaccessible cave at the top of the map to battle a level 70 Mewtwo.

During training on the punching bags in Super Training, you will be told to "Float like a Butterfree, sting like a Beedrill".

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Lumiose City and speak to Professor Sycamore at the train station.

The items in the boutiques are the only way to get new clothes for your avatar, and their stock changes daily. You can find boutiques in the following cities: Anistar City, Cyllage City, Laverre City, Santalune City, and Snowbelle City.

Complete any of the following tasks to advance your Trainer Card color from green to blue, then silver, then gold.

Defeat the Elite Four and Champion to enter the Hall of Fame.
Capture all Pokemon in the Kalos Pokedex.
Get a 50-win streak in the Battle Maison.

Select the girl trainer. She gets out of bed with a Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL in her hand and a white Nintendo Wii U on the floor. It is the same for the boy trainer, but instead he has a black Nintendo Wii U on the floor of his bedroom.

If you complete all three Kalos Pokedexes - Mountain, Coastal, and Central - speak with Professor Sycamore in his Lab in Lumiose City to earn the Oval Charm, an item that increases the likelihood of finding Eggs at the Daycare (so long as the Pokemon there can produce Eggs).

Defeat the Elite Four, then return to Lumiose City and speak to the scientist on the second floor of Professor Sycamore's lab to receive the Poke Radar. It helps locate Pokemon that are hidden in tall grass.

Complete the indicated task then enter the hotel in Coumarine City. Talk to the "Game Director" to receive the corresponding diploma, which can be seen inside your house in Vaniville. Note: Catching Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, or Volcanion are not required for any of the diplmomas.

Central Kalos Pokedex Diploma: Catch all Pokemon in the Central Kalos Pokedex
Coastal Kalos Pokedex Diploma: Catch all Pokemon in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex.
Kalos Pokedex Diploma: Catch all Pokemon in the Kalos Pokedex.
Mountain Kalos Pokedex Diploma: Catch all Pokemon in the Mountain Kalos Pokedex
National Pokedex Diploma: Catch all Pokemon in the National Pokedex.

After you've beaten the Elite 4, travel to Kiloude City and beat your rival. Then, travel to Anister City and speak to Professor Sycamore at the sundial. You'll receive an upgrade to your Power Ring, which will allow you to find more evolutionary Mega Stones between 8 PM and 9 PM.

After progressing through Victory Road you will eventually meet a trainer who says "After all the training I've received here on Victory Road, my body is ready". This is a reference to Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Aime, who is known for saying "My body is ready".

TrickHow to unlock

Occasionally in battle, you will notice various things in the background, ranging from trees in the field to rock formations in caves. These seemingly innocuous background objects can be destroyed and release an item.

It seems that the various objects react to specific ranged attacks. While Surf may work on one, it won't work on another, and other moves such as Earthquake will not effect the same object Surf does.

Some of the known moves that work are Air Cutter, Twister, Razor Leaf, Pedal Blizzard, Surf, Rock Slide, and Heat Wave.

Complete the National Pokedex and visit Professor Sycamore. This item increases the chance of finding Shiny Pokemon by 300%.

Complete the indicated task to perform the corresponding trick.

360: At Lumiose City, Estivel Avenue, rotate the Circle Pad quickly to spin while moving.
Back Flip: At Lumiose City, North Boulevard, go over a ledge at high speed to do a back flip.
Cosmic Flip: Lost Hotel, get enough speed and have the skill learned the other four tricks while going on a ledge.
Parallel Swizzle: At Lumiose City, South Boulevard, tilt the Circle Pad in the opposite direction to turn in that direction quickly while gaining speed.
Running Start: At Lumiose City, Vert Plaza, start running with the D-pad then switch to the skates with the Circle Pad to gain more speed.

UnlockableHow to unlock

After you've beaten the Elite 4 and become the Champion, go back and check the Pokemon storage system. You'll be able to access a new set of wallpapers for your boxes.

After you've beaten the Elite 4 and met Looker, head back to the Trainer PR Studio in Lumiose City. If you decide to edit your video, you'll find a few new caption text options that reference your becoming the champion of Kalos.

Sketch the following moves for a stat raiser:

Agility = Speed + 2
Baton Pass = Pass Stats to teammate.
Calm Mind = Sp.Atk, Sp.Def + 1 each.
Coil + Calm Mind + Agility + Baton pass.
Coil = Atk, Def, Accuracy + 1 each.

Defeat the Elite 4 and become the Champion, then check the Pokemon storage system.

You can modify the local time on your 3DS to affect certain daily events. A few examples:

Acquire daily items and daily activities by setting the clock to 23:59.
Before midnight, set the time back for unlimited writ time.
Send a red Writ of Challenge and keep changing the time by an hour to keep changing the trainers without having to wait.

Turn the system time back before midnight.

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Terminus Cave. Go to the lowest level of the cave to battle a level 70 Zygarde.

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