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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Starcraft on Macintosh

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Starcraft Cheats

Start star craft as normal. then when you start a game for instance Terran level Revolution press enter and type show me the money and press enter the screen should say cheat enabled. | Submitted by gallop

In order to play the bonus level 'Dark Origin', finish the Zerg Brood wars level 'The Reckoning' (level 8) within 25 minutes. This can easily be accomplished by using the invincibility cheat 'power overwhelming'.

Press [Enter] during game and type “modify the phase variance”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “staying alive”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “noglues”.

Press enter to type message. Type operation cwal as a message to enter code. (Repeat to disable cheat)

 | Submitted by Rusty Hansen

Press [Enter] during game and type “operation cwal”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “medieval man”.

To enter the code press enter so it says message on screen. Then type power overwhelming and press enter. If entered corectly it will say cheat enabled.(Repeat to disable cheat) | Submitted by Rusty Hansen

Press [Enter] during game and type “game over man”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “whats mine is mine”.

While Zerg are best suited for rush games, Terren are equally adept at rush and long games.

Press [Enter] during game and type “war aint what it used to be”.

Press return, so it says message, then type 'black sheep wall' with no capitals!
 | Submitted by StephenCoulson

Press [Enter] during game and type “ophelia” to enable Mission select mode. Press [Enter] again and type a race (Protoss, Terran or Zerg) and level.

(Note: Starcraft missions consist of a race followed by a mission number such as protoss1, protoss2, terran1, terran2, zerg1, zerg2, etc.)

Press [Enter] during game and type “there is no cow level”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “the gathering”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “food for thought”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “something for nothing”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “breathe deep”.

Press [Enter] during game and type “man over game”.

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