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HESSTILLGOOD- Brings you back to life. DAWHOLEENCHILADA- Grenades, missiles, napalm, and flamethrower IAMSOLAME- Invincibility STERNOMAT- Napalm THEBESTGUN- Auto-shotgun THEREISNOPLACELIKEOZ- Skip level gimmedat -gives you everything! CROTCHBOMB - Gives full load of mines. FIREHURLER - Gives flamethrower and full fuel canister. EXPLODARAMA - Gives all explosive weapons and full ammo. FLAMENSTEIN - Gives all fire-based weapons and full ammo. TITANIII - Gives missile launcher and full missiles (both regular and heatseeker). CARRYMORE - Gives backpack (allows you to carry twice as much ammo) LOBITFAR - Gives full load of grenades and molotovs healthful - gives 100 health suckdeeznuts-no clipping shellfest - nice auto shotgun chthome- brings you back to life after you die. chtpos - Kevlar vest and health
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