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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Oni on Macintosh

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Oni Cheats

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a hex editor to edit the "persist.dat" file in the game folder. Go to hexadecimal offset $47. Change the $02 value at that location to $07. Save the file and start the game. Press [F1] to display the diary screen, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repeat code entry to disable the code.

Effect Code

Press [F8] to change characters shapeshifter
Invincibility liveforever
One hit kills touchofdeath
Cannot be knocked down canttouchthis
Ammunition and health fatloot
Breakable objects glassworld
Win level winlevel
Lose level loselevel
Super ammunition superammo
AI controlled characters fight each other reservoirdogs
Gatling guns mode roughjustice
Daodan power mode, more damage chenille
Godzilla mode, become giant behemoth
Fists Of Legend mode fistsoflegend
Ultra mode, tougher enemies killmequick
Slow motion mode carousel
Big head mode bighead
Mini mode minime
Regenerate health elderrune
Phase cloak moonshadow
Weapons locker munitionfrenzy
Enable developer mode thedayismine

Use the thedayismine code, then press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding command.

Effect Code

Cycle through all possible weapons [F7]
Change character [F8]
Start recording [F9]
Stop recording [F10]
Playback recording [F11]
Toggle slow motion [Ctrl] + [Shift] + G
Toggles textures [Ctrl] + [Shift] + S
Display opponent logic [Ctrl] + [Shift] + B
Display frame rate [Crtl] + [Shift] + Y
View console commands dump_docs
All doors unlocked door_ignore_locks = 1
Kill all nearby AI ai2_kill
No clipping mode chr_nocollision 1
No clipping mode disabled chr_nocollision 0

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