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The population limit is around 90 villagers. I always run out of berries before I can get enough tech points to increase my harvest level? Try to put more people at the research table. Also you don't need to always have someone at the berry bush. If there's enough food in your bin (like 150 or so ... even 100 is good for early on in the game), allow that farmer to do some research. Then once your food dips below a certain point, put that farmer back on the berry bush. Remember also that children can spot mushrooms around the village and help increase the food level. At what age can kids start working and breeding? Working at 14 and breeding at 18. How do you build buildings new huts? Just drag a villager on the construction site (foundations) and he will start constructing. It may take a few tries to get the villager started. How do I know where to start construction? Drag the villagers around (hold the villager and don't let go) and they will tell you what they see. How do you accumulate tech points? Drag a villager to the research table (center of the village) and they will initiate research and start gaining points. You can also check the preferred skill box for research so that they prefer that activity over the others! What can children do? Children can spot mushrooms around the village. But act quickly, because mushrooms wilt rapidly in the sun. Puzzle 6: Here the lagoon must be completed. Then you drop a Master Farmer into the lagoon, and he will begin hunting a strange fish. This fish is only found in the lagoon, so don't even try the ocean, LOL! Level 3 of Harvesting is required for him to be able to find it. The pop up (Celebration time) about the fish will not appear until the farmer has placed the fish in the food bin. Puzzle 11: The temple is puzzle 11. The ruins found in the lower right will be restored as the temple. You must have completed level 3 of construction. Simple drag a villager (I use a master builder, though other occupations will help;) drop the village in the pile of ruins, and for their action it should say restoring the temple. If they walk away, keep dragging them back. You can also drag other villagers to the ruins and drop them there. This take quite a while to complete. Please be patient! Puzzle 15: As for the Puzzle 15, the buried avoid spoiling it for those who want to find it on their own... Your tribe MUST have all 3 levels in Construction and Science. Here's a hint on finding the treasure...drop a master builder (as the treasure can ONLY be found by a master builder) south of the food bin in line with the temple...but I am not saying where on the temple. Drop him/her in the sandy area south of the food bin in line with the temple. Patience, as it takes them a while to find it.
You MUST have completed the reconstruction of the temple, the idol, and the lagoon, and you must have level 3 in Fertility. Other levels of tech skills are needed also and you must have them to complete the lagoon, the temple and the idol. He is always a male and is very important to the game. The boulder cannot be moved without him, not can that orange plant in the back by the lagoon (that looks like it could bear fruit) actually become fruit bearing. Take a nursing mother and place her in the lagoon, babe in arms. The golden child immediately walks on the water and wears gold colored clothes. Your entire village will run back to the lagoon. Patch of dead flowers: I drag a master farmer to the patch, where he/she will automatically head for the lagoon, (the action will read 'Watering strange patch' You do not have to worry about them using well water for this patch. They will automatically use the water from the lagoon ONLY! This patch requires an enormous amounts of water. I grab and drop every adult in the patch, and drop them there, and they all head for the lagoon. It is quite a sight to see the procession of them coming from the lagoon with their bowls filled with water. After they have watered, your master farmers usually automatically continue to return to the lagoon and repeat this action. I suggest you keep an eye on the patch as your builders, researchers, etc...are more likely to water with their one bowl and try to wander off. Pick them up immediately and drop them right back in the patch and they will again head for the lagoon. Your farmers pretty much continue with the water on their own, it is the other occupations you may have to continue to pick up and drop back in the patch. This is another major project and due to the enormous amount of water required to restore the flowers, this one takes a while to complete. Herb Mastery: The four plants necessary for herb mastery which is puzzle 8 are located in 4 places. 2 are on the east side of the village, the rose and the purple tulip/lily looking flower, one is in the back near the boulder. It is a cactus. The 4th is on the west side of the village and south of the lagoon. I am unsure what it is, bit it is a green plant with a round green thingy in the middle LOL.
by the way, if you're hoping something neat will happen when you finish the puzzles, like a thing telling you that you won, forget it. nothing special happens. Puzzle 1: the well - put a villager to work on the construction in the middle of the village, then when they have a little experiance, take them to the well. they will fix it. Puzzle 2: the hut - have one or more villagers work on the construction in the middle of the village until it is done. you can check thier progress by clicking on the construction. Puzzle 3: the ocean - drag a villager to the debris on the beach. they will start cleaning it up. it takes a very long time, and there is no way to check the progress. Puzzle 4: the school - take a master scientist to the long hut, they will convert it into a school. you get a master scientist by having a villager research for a while. Puzzle 5: the lagoon - You must upgrade to contruction level 2 before completeing this puzzle. once you have, take a villager to the pile of rocks in the top right hand corner of the island. have them clear it until it is gone, which will take a while. Puzzle 6: the fish - you must complete puzzle 5 for this. once you upgrade to harvesting level three, Take a master farmer to the lagoon, and they will begin hunting a strange fish. It may take many tries before they succeed, so be patient and keep trying. Puzzle 7: the graveyard - you must upgrade to spirituality level 2 first. once a villager dies (hopefully from old age) drag a villager to the upper right hand corner of the island. they'll do the rest. Puzzle 8: the plants - there are many strange plants surrounding the edges of the island. drag villagers to all the plants and let them study them. it doesn't have to be the same villager for it to work. (Plant locations: three on wall between boulder and lagoon, one just below the lagoon, and two odd looking flowers on the right hand side of the island) Puzzle 9: the flowers - you must complete puzzle 5 for this. on the right side of the island, below the graveyard, your villagers will see dead flowers. let them water the flowers with the lagoon water... eventually they will grow. Puzzle 10: the star flower - you must complete puzzle 13 and 14 for this. once you have butterflies following your golden child (this will make sense if you read the other puzzles) take him to the middle plant along the wall between the boulder (or cave, if you've finished that puzzle) and the lagoon. Puzzle 11: the temple - you must upgrade to construction level 3 for this. you may also have to have spirituality level 2, but i'm unsure if that was a requirement. once you do, drag a builder to the rocks at the bottom right corner of the island. it will take a while, as all construction does. Puzzle 12: the idol - you must complete puzzle 11 for this. you must also upgrade to spirituality level 3. afterward, drag a builder to the rock that everyone's been so curious about, located below the lagoon. again, it takes a while. Puzzle 13: the golden child - you must complete puzzles 5 and 12 for this. you must also upgrade to fertility level 3. take a nursing mother to the lagoon. the golden child will appear and will remain 5 years old, no matter how long you wait. he can do the puzzles that require him imediately. Puzzle 14: the butterfly - you must complete puzzles 9 and 13 for this. take the golden child to the flower garden. it may not work the first time, so just keep moving him around. the butterflies also may have to be on the map, but i'm not sure. Puzzle 15: the treasure - you must upgrade to construction level 3 and technology level 3 for this. take a master builder to the area below the food bin and drop him around until he digs. it takes a few tries, but eventually other builders will help. it takes a while. Puzzle 16: the cave - you must complete puzzle 13 for this. luckily, that's all you have to do. the golden child does the rest on his own.
The berry supply is limited and you'll need to find another food source as soon as possible. Nursing mothers devote all of their time to caring for their baby and don't do any productive work in the village for 2 years of game time. Babies eat as much as adults and making too many babies too soon can quickly create a food crisis. Any villager (even a sick one) can heal another villager, but healing is only possible when a villager's status is "Sick" (check the Details screen). Sometimes a villager will "resist" healing attempts by a specific doctor. If that happens, try to heal your sick villager again with a different villager. Sick villagers need to be healed or they will weaken and die [*] Villagers can become weakened by such things as prolonged disease, starvation, on-the-job injuries, animal attacks, or old age. Villagers who show a status of "Weakened" will generally improve in health over time unless they are sick, elderly or continue to suffer injuries. The villagers need to be taught to perform a job - they will not initiate tasks in an occupation in which they have no skill. You can view information about various technology advancements on the Village Tech screen by clicking on the "?" button for that technology. This information will help you choose the order in which to purchase new technology. The villagers' curiosity is often a clue to puzzles. The children can find and harvest a certain kind of food. Picking up a villager while they're working will interrupt them, and they will drop the object that they were carrying.
In the first time you play you get 6 villagers, put one on the berry Bush and put the rest except the child to the research table. Don't make babies yet until you get 500 food and 1000 tech points.Always make one baby at a time unless you have many food. You can use the time cheat, but I warn you, It will kill some of you're villagers and won't let them make food. You can go too options and change the game to easy mode and 2x speed.Dont disturb your villagers while they're working.Always heal sick villagers.
Puzzle 1 The Well: alongside the berries bush, there is a covered well, a contractor can reveal the well. Puzzle 2 The Hut: once you have a contractor, you can start build a brand-new hut beside the "research table". Puzzle 3 The Beach: eliminate the debris and wood piece from the coastline. Puzzle 4 The School: a master expert can turn the "long hut" to be a college, so that the villager offsprings are born with abilities. Puzzle 5 The Lagoon: left-top edge of the town, lvl 2 building + builder will let you clean out the obstruction of the lake. Puzzle 6 The Magic Fish of Fertility: lvl 3 farming + a master farmer will able to discover the magic fish in Shallows (could need a couple of shot - swimming). Puzzle 7 The Cemetery: lvl 2 spirituality + a dead villager (pass away from illness or ageing), the villagers will get the skeletal system and bury it at the right-top edge. Puzzle 8 Natural Mastery: choose among the villagers as a healer, and get him to study the plant below the shallows + a cactus beside the huge stone + a purple lily on the right-middle + an odd plant below the dead flower bed on the left-corner (might need couple of shot for the physician student to acquire some recovery abilities). Puzzle 9 The Garden: a contractor + shallows water the dead flower bed on the left-middle. Puzzle 10 The Magic Plant of Life: golden kid + finished Puzzle 9 and 14, select the golden kid to the "fruitless plant" by the Lagoon. Puzzle 11 The Temple: lvl 3 building + a master home builder (you can keep training the home builder to repair the hut to obtain even more building abilities if everything is developed however the villager hasn't reach the master level). Puzzle 12 The Idol: find simply below the shallows, it needs lvl 3 building + lvl 3 spirituality + finished puzzle 11 + a home builder. Puzzle 13 The Golden Child: finished Puzzle 5 & 12 + lvl 3 fertility + a nursing mom (this is a talented kid). Puzzle 14 The Butterflies: choose the golden kid to the flower bed, let the butterflies to follow him. Puzzle 15 The Treasure: lvl 3 building + lvl 3 science + a master contractor + finished puzzle 13, the treasure is found at the sample of the holy place (9 o'clock) and the food bin (6 o'clock), simply envision there is an unnoticeable line. Puzzle 16 The Cave: a golden kid will move away the Giant Stone alongside the cactus when he is in an excellent state of mind.
1) Have 2 farmers and a berrie bush that have berries (best in the 1000 or something) 2) Change the date (settings, system, date and time) to 2025. 3) Open the game and BAM! 653429 food and still 500 berries left.
I have been through the entire game a lot now. I never tire of it, as the villagers are always different...some are stubborn with minds of their own, some are great workers, etc...I find the game exciting and fun each time I play and can't wait to see what surprises the game has in store. It is different every time, and I love it! The puzzles remain the same, but the game throws different surprises your way...'to drink the fizzy liquid or not to drink it?' Hmmmm. I click yes for help regardless of how well I know the game. I personally do this with every game. The adults in each game can vary in the number of each sex. I have had games start with 4 men, and 2 women, 3 of each and with 4 women and 2 men. I have never seen 5 of one sex and only one of the other. And of course you have 1 child. One of your villagers will ALWAYS come with building skills, and most likely carry the title of builder trainee. ALL jobs can be done by either sex. I immediately make one villager a farmer by clicking one of them, and then clicking details, and checking the farming box. (you can also change their first name from the details box.) One will already be a builder, and that leaves us with 4. I click all 4 remaining villagers individually and then click details, and I make them ALL researchers. I do this to ensure that the tech points from researching will begin to build. Try and get those points to purchase the second level of farming BEFORE the farmer you selected to forage has picked the berry bush clean. You could find yourself in trouble if this happens. Drag all 4 of your researchers to the research table, as your builder will be building the first hut, and your farmer will be foraging. Remember your villagers are very curious, and tend to wander off to explore other things. Keep dragging them back to the research table. If they look at you and say "Uh Uh" LOL Just say "Uh Huh!" and drag them back to the table, they will eventually catch on to the research idea. Once your builder has completed the first hut, there is not much else he can do until you purchase the 2nd level of construction. He can clean up the shipwreck debris on the beach, but I still let him do research to get those points as I know it will be a while before I have level 3 in farming which is fishing, so the debris on the beach is not important yet. I click on my builder and then click details, and check research. ( Once again, the villagers name can also be changed from the details screen.) Whatever job you have checked will be the dominant job they do, although they will do others providing they have some skill in the job. My builder is now researching and adding to the tech points instead of standing or wandering around doing nothing. The first thing I purchase is level 2 of farming. In the beginning of the game, it is crucial to be able to supply food, otherwise you find yourself with no villagers, due to starvation. OK we have enough points for level 2 of farming finally. Go to Tech, click buy on farming. The game will give you level one of all the items in tech in the beginning. You must work for the others. OK, we just purchased level 2 of farming! You will see the soil just below the research table looks like it has been tilled. Now take your farmer and drop him in this soil. He will begin to plant and water crops. It might take him a few tries, so be patient. At this time, I click one of my researchers, and click details and check farming. Now my researcher is doing farming. So I have 2 villagers working on planting and watering crops. Please remember you can change the job of any villager at anytime by click on them, then details, and check the job you want them to do. Remember they are untrained in the beginning in the new job and need time to learn. If they walk away from the new job, drag them back. Continue doing so until they are doing the new job. When a villager is carrying something, be it a bowl of berries, veggies, laundry, a fish, etc...DO NOT pick them up! If you do, they drop the item they are carrying. The women will not drop the babies though. Now if you want a farmer who is doing laundry to harvest the crops, pick him anyway and let the laundry fall, because he is needed to do something more important than laundry. You may click on villagers carrying items, but do not pick them up, unless the item they are carrying is unimportant. (laundry) Laundry is not an issue in the beginning, but it is one the lagoon blockage is cleared.
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