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Sore throat, throat doesn't feel right, waving, groaning noise throat lozenges, 25 coins Stomachache, stomach hurting, on the floor, hand on stomach, moving slightly, groaning and moaning, peptic syrup, 65 coins Headache, Oww. head hurting, waving, groaning, Anti-inflammatory pills, 35 coins Allergys, Sneezing, jumping violently, sneezing sound, antihistamines, 25 coins. A cough, cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, ect., cant stop coughing, jumping a little, coughing noise, antitussive syrup, 45 coins (I think!!!) Rash, poison ivy, ect., Itchy, dancing weirdly, Ns, crontsive cream, 25,35, or 45 coins. Basic things about all sicknesses: The status bar will say sick, or a bit sick on it. When the sick person is picked up they will make the sound of the sickness loudly in thier voice (I.e, old men will do their sound low, little girls will groan much higher) If all else fails, and my guide is a piece of garbage (which I hope it's not :) then doctor consultations are always available at all generations at the bottom of the food and medicine catagory for 475. If they shake thier heads it means you gave them the wrong medicine. Whoops! Hint: I find that when you want to cure someone, you should give them medicine while it says the sickness description. That way it can't have changed, so you won't waste 40 or so coins.
Carousel - does absolutely nothing Yoga mat and ball- you can't use it Anti spam software- It can cause no marriage proposals Pets- Sorry pet lovers, but all you go with them is pet then and they walk around aimlessly. Roll the dice- expensive, and sometimes it's s bad event. Tables from dining room- You do not use them at all. Towels- they're pretty but useless.
If you are new and have no idea how to change their feelings of: "not feeling fresh" , dont worry! Just drag then to the shower or give them a small towelette from the flea market. Easy! They should change. Also if you are new and they are hungry, drag them onto the dining table/island that's built in. They should then say preparing a meal and wait for then to set the table. Then drag all your family to the table for them to eat. They should say sitting down to a meal. If they are depressed, praise them and/or give them a treat. Whether the dirty candy or bananas, it should work. If they are elated, don't worry. That's good! It means proud or happy. If they are a bit sick, don't waste your money on every medicine or that stephescope, either. Instead, drag ten to an empty space until they something unusual in the actions bar, like cant stop coughing or sneezing or itchy or upset stomach or head hurts. Then look through the medicine in the store until you find sown thing that sound like it would help. Throat longitez or that red/brown/maroon bottle that says respitory problems should help sore throat or coughing, the Advil thingy should help headaches, cortisone should help itchy, the pink bottle is for upset stomach, and the little white bottle without the green labels is for sneezing.
Not important in a partner: Cloths/ looks: Esily changeable and not a super important characteristic. This goes for name too because they all have weird names. Likes and dislikes As long as they do not connect to your person's likes and dislikes, they don't matter. Children feelings Though slightly important, just as long as one of the spouses want a kid, they will most likely have one. I had a couple where one said no way and the other said maybe but they still had 4 kids. Worst case you could adopt, or get them cocktails from the flea market to motivate them. Important in a partner: Job This is a big one. Try and get a spouse with a job that pays at least 45 coins in the beginning. It is helpful if your person and their spouse work in the same room because they can share recourses. It is even better if your spouse and your person have the same job because you achieve a goal. And lastly, don't get a bad job like a ketchup bottler! Money in bank Really with this one, the more the better. Try for at least 200, minimum 125. Hope this helps you pick the perfect spouse. Don't reject too often, because proposals only come so often.
Dryer Lint is Burning = drag one of the adults to the workshop as you will see something red under the bench at the top. That is the extinguisher. Drag your adult to the extinguisher. Stove is on fire = Same applies Bathroom sink is leaking = Drag an adult to one of the workshop benches. Kitchen sink is leaking = Same applies Internet Router is broken = If you look at your router and the light is red instead of green, it is broken. Drag an adult to it and they will fix it. Ants are in the kitchen = If there are ants in the kitchen DO NOT STEP ON THEM! They will not go away. Instead, there should be some brown weird funnel looking thing on the counter that looks like a bee's nest. Its actually cinnamon. drag an adult to it and they would do the rest.
Honestly using this trick... I love this trick because I tried the trick where you skip ahead years, well it didn't work for me at all, I lost money because I didn't get anything from the trick, and they were all 10 years older and one of my triplets was gravley ill and it cost me $8000 to heal him, so that trick is just a bad idea. Then I thought...if they worked a lot... Maybe they would level up faster to get more money. So I kept praising them and praising them, went off, two hours later one of my little people had gone from level one to level five and was now making over $200 as appears to $75 an hour. I make a lot of freaking money doing this. All my rooms are renovated. I have 300k in my bank. As for the food thing, you can either make it fill up on its own by buying a 99 cent power up in the store that never let's your people starve, or you can buy it. If you have over 300k, you can easily buy your own! So try this trick. I've been doing it for 18 generations. There's no risk.
Clean up the house so that there are no dirt spots, wrappers, or socks. Pick all the weeds, and gather all the collectibles. Take a shower, then get off for 20-30 minutes. You should have your first proposal. If you get a proposal, but reject the person for whatever reason, do the same things then have them work on their job then get off for about an hour. If that proposal doesn't work out, then do the same thing and wait 2 hours, then 4, 6, etc. Note: take advantage of first 2 proposals. They will most likely be your best bet.
Bring home the Bacon-1000 coins. Same as above. Mind on Money- 10,000 coins. Same as above. Trump this- 100,000 coins. same as above. An eventful week- 10 emails/house events. Every once in a while a little yellow envelope flashes in the top right corner of the screen. This is an email. Drag a peep to 1 of the computers. House events appear as soon as you log on. They have two choices, and fill the entire screen. Never a dull Moment- 50 emails/house events. Same as above. Marry rich- When you get a marriage proposal (through email) you accept when they have more then 370 coins in Thier bank. If your not getting a Proposal, wear perfume. It's at the flea market. Marry for love- same as above except they have less then 150 coins in the bank. Perfect Match- When you get a proposal, the person asking and your other person will have the same job. Oh, baby- you had a baby. Place an adult on another adult and they should either say Embracing, Arguing, or trying to make a baby. Try again if They don't say the last one. Tip: make sure the house/yard is clean and both parents are happy and healthy. Oh, baby baby- you had twins. Same as above, except instead of 1 kid, you got 2. Ohhhhh dear- you had triplets. Same as above except that instead if 1/2, you had 3. 4 is enough- you had 4 kids total. No vacancy- you had 6 kids total. Note: you can only have 6 kids.
- Fires (oven and dryer). - Leaks (sinks). - Clogged stuff (toilet and shower). - Ants (kitchen). Here's how to fix them! Fires 1. bring your person to the fire and make sure it says under action " is burning!" 2. keep them like that for about 15 seconds 3. drag them to the upper left table in the workshop. There should be a fire extinguisher there. 4. place adult on it. If it doesn't say "putting out fire" try again. 5. they will put out the fire! Leaks/clogged stuff 1. put them by the leak and wait for 15 seconds while their action is "the sink is leaking!" 2. drag them over to the bottom workshop table and they should say "fixing (leaky/clogged). (." 3. try again if they don't 4. they will fix the shower/toilet/sink! Ants 1. when ants appear, put any person on them and they will say stomping ants. 2. praise them and you will get a goal and 25 coins. 3. place an adult on the brown pot on the counter in the kitchen. 4. they will "prepare cinnamon ingredient" 5. once they are done, drag that same adult onto the orange-yellow thing by the bins by the gate. 6. clear every person out of kitchen otherwise you will not get rid of ants 7. they will "finishing ant spray" 8. the ants will be gone and never come back!!! 9. plus you'll get a goal and 50 coins!
1. Adults are easy. Depression comes when spouse/child dies, too true, too true. But this trick does double the awesomeness, because in addition to your friends happiness, you make TONS of money! you may have heard this cheat before but ill repeat it. Place adult on workspace, praise three times. They will say "stop nagging!" And will run away. Drag them back to the workplace and repeat until desired happiness level. As a matter of fact, you could place them anywhere, like the tv, piano, bed, kitchen table, ect., but now your peeps will work for you when you aren't playing. Also, candy, fruit, promotions, house upgrades, new furniture and a clean house will help. 2. Kids are a bit harder. The ALSO from above (candy, fruit, promotions, house upgrades, new furniture and a clean house) helps, and also tickling, stories, and movies help, but the same method as the parent can be used. Make sure the kid is doing something good, like playing quietly or reading a book, and not something like digging a hole to China and other bad stuff. How to fight Sleepiness, FAST There are two easy methods for this: Method No.1 1. This only works for 3rd gen and above, they can buy a hammock. 2. Buy a hammock. 3. Repeatedly make them relax in it. 4. When they are back to normal, have them switch off with other family members to keep them awake. Method No.2 1. This works for all generations. 2. Same as above method, except with a chair or couch. Also, try not to let them use to much energy. Make them read, play quietly, watch tv, ect., not have them play in the dirt or play train or work or anything. How to fight Hunger 1. To keep them alive when you're not playing, aim to keep fridge stocked to around 1000 units of food. 2. I've discovered this: ORGANIC GROCERIES DO NOT MAKE YOU HEALTHY. Nor does a variety. So go ahead. Buy the 20 coin grain bag and live life to the fullest. 3. Making meals is SOOO unnecessary. I haven't made a meal since they were all starving after I went to camp for a week without my iPod, and that was on my 5th generation (I'm on 16th). Only make meals when theyre statving, ok? Just buy food from the flea market or make them heat up food/look for snacks when they get hungry. Just make sure when you feed them food from the fm, its 1. Good fruit or good candy (no imported, dirty, or salty candy) 2. They are doing something good (like working or playing). How to tolerate bad behavior 1. Kids usally misbehave around ages 6-9. 2. To stop the behavior, simply scold them (or give them BAD candy(BC) and (this is important) pick them up AFTER THYRE ACTION IS NOT RUNNING AWAY. Otherwise the message won't sink in. Then praise them or give them GOOD candy(GC) for doing something good. Tip: to keep happiness levels the same, do BC with praising and GC with scolding. 3. Try to avoid having your people do any of these below actions (-= unless hungry, z= unless tired, ~= kid stuff (blank or no ~= everyone): 1. -Looking for snacks 2. -Heating up some food 3. -Preparing a meal 4. Cleaning up a meal 5. z Sleeping (anything, napping, going to bed,) 6. ~Throwing rocks 7. ~Throwing clothes on the floor 8. ~Playing in the toilet 9. ~Tearing books 10.~ Baging dishes 11. ~ Drawing on the wall 13. Looking at stuff 14. Browsing Web 15. ~Switching lights on and off There might be other stuff you guys don't want them to do, you may love it if they do this stuff but guys don't be like "I WANT THEM TO MAKE MEALS!!!" Cause go ahead, make them make meals. Anyway moving on. MY way of making babies 1. Baby boosts don't work. I put one on my wife and I had to adopt my only child. Twice. And three times on the dad. Too many only children!!! 2. Cocktail crezdanzas help if I give them it before trying to make a baby. 3. It also works best if you put them on top of each other right outside the bed they're using. 4. Try to make them in sync (which is hard, I know) or as close as you can. 5. When there actually on the bed, drag a previous child or pet over thier heads from the bottom right corner to the area in the room above where the parents are (or outside) on the top left area. Engage them in something, and make sure you can see thier action (if its a kid. If its a pet just leave it there). Make sure you (important!!!) CAN'T SEE THE COUPLE. Hopefully, you'll have a new pair of legs running around soon! Extra money Time!!! Here's a few tips for some Xtra (lol :) money! 1. DON'T USE PREVIOUS MONEY CHEATS!!!!!!! They have updated VF2 so they DON'T WORK! They just make your people sick and weak. 2. When collectables appear in the yard, place as many peeps as possible on it. I find it helps if the peeps are doing something near the collectable. 3. Adding on to #2, if you disturb them by picking them up, they will still get money! If you don't believe me, look at the bank before and after. 4. Use the tip from "How to cure depression" Finally, how to nurse a weak person back to health. 1. THIS PROBABLY WILL NOT HAPPEN INSTANTLY. Please be patient and never give up on your little friends. 2. Some general tips on the topic: • It takes a while. I cannot stress that enough. • Try to improve the other bars, which in turn help the health bar. • weakness is caused by neglect, so try to play and care for your people AMAP (as much as possible) and when you know you can't, pause the game. 4. It is a very long process to nurse a weak (or extremely weak or a bit weak, it's just easier to say weak) person back to health. Here is what to do, and what not to do. What TO DO: 1. Buy them TONS of fruit and multivitamins from the flea markets. AMAP, in fact. 2. Hand sanitizer and energy drinks wouldn't go astray either. 3. Let them rest. Relax in the hammock or sit down, watch tv or read a book, get energy levels HIGH for the next step. 4. Make them excersize, vigorously. Treadmill it, praise them for working out, aerobics, and kung fu/ tai chi. This makes them healthier, faster. Kids can also jump on the trampoline. Make sure they are HAPPY, FULL, and WELL-RESTED (hyper works too :) 5. Rest them and feed them again. 6. Leave the game until the flea market refreshes (about 1-8 hours, depending on when it last changed). When you return, repeat steps 1-5. 7. After lots of care, your people should feel much better. Also, a little tip. Help the more critical conditions first. Example: child is a bit weak, father is extremely weak, you have one multivitamin pack. Give it to the dad. What NOT TO DO: 1. Ignore them. 2. Make the adults work, unless they REALLY need to. 3. Scold them to much. 4. Don't let then eat or sleep. 5. DON'T KILL THEM!! PLEASE!!! 5. If all else fails, send the kids to boarding school and (gulp) kill the parents. PLEASE DON'T THOUGH, EVEN THOUGH THERE PIXELS, THEY STILL HAVE FEELINGS (not really)!!! Well that's all I have to say for now, I hope I helped all you guys out there, so guys, do me a favor. If you see someone asking something that can be answered in a cheat, TELL THEM SO. Don't answer the question, just say,"Hey ---, look in the cheats at corgi luvers problems around the house guide In the hints section; it should answer your question."
Picking a spouse: You need a spouse who either definitely wants kids or someone who says that kids would be nice. Maybe is ok. Try to find someone who works in the same career room and has a job that makes only 15. If you can't do both then just pick one. Stock up on food: It doesn't matter what kind of groceries you buy, just as long as you have over 2000 food stocked up. Some people say to just leave a meal out and don't let them clean it up. I try that all the time and it doesn't work. It only works if you pause your game when you leave which I find annoying because then no one grows at all. Each bag of food gives you 150 food no matter how much you pay for it. Working: To make money, first start with the husband because if you play right then you should ALWAYS have a baby in the mother's arms. Take the husband and drag him to his working area. You have probably heard this before but praise him until he says Stop Nagging and then drag him back to the area. Repeat at least 20 times. When you are gone, he will make lots of money and get lots of promotions. Another thing you can do to help is buy all of the career room upgrades. Kids room: To make an amazing kids room for around 3000 dollars for 6 kids max, first buy some children's beds. They sell for 550 at the shop. If they're on sale, definitely buy them. I bought bubble machines, balloons, a dreidel, stuffed animals, a toy ship, a giant teddy bear, a mini pool, and much more! This will keep you're kids extremely happy and never bored of their toys. You can use the same process on the kids that you use on your parents to make money. They'll never be mad or sad when you're gone. How to give your kid good jobs: To make your kid a successful person, there are many ways to get them good jobs. If you want them to work in the kitchen when they grow up, then make sure they always play cook using the money method. To get them a job as a carpenter or builder, so they can build rooms for you for free, make sure they always play in the workshop using the praising and money method. That's what my 2 and 4 year olds have been doing most of their life. You can lock your kids in the workshop by putting a loveseat (99$) in front of the door (NOT A COUCH). I don't advise you to do that though because it sometimes glitches and they get out but can't get back in. You can lock in the parents too! Selling collectibles: Most of you all know this trick, but to sell collectibles for more money, place 2 people on the collectible. You can't put the mom and the dad or they will try to have a baby. You can pause the game to do this if you'd like.
The next goal is the pool goal. It is titled "staying cool in the pool". You do not have to buy a full sized pool. In fact you can just get a cheap swimming pool. If you do not want to keep the pool then put it outside your front gate and sell it. So that is how you earn that goal. Another goal is the plant tycoon. The way that you achieve this one is is to water the plants in the window boxes. The plants are on the left side of the house. All you have to do is drag a person over to the hose. Their status should say watering the flowers. Another goal is to buy a radio for your house. You don't actually have to pay 850 coins for a RADIO. Who says that you can't buy a 350 coin MP3 player instead? It will still count as a radio and you can sell it when you are done. A way to get all of the wrapper attack , sock warrior, and sir spot a lot achievements is easy too. You only have to use the time/money glitch. If you do not feel comfortable about doing that I understand. When i did it i didn't earn money but I achieved the cleaning goals because my house was a wreck. If you do not want to use that method then I recommend just cleaning up as life goes on. This is an achievement that may be slightly harder. It is to get your person to live for 65 years. Here are some things that may help. As your people grow older give them organic food and check on them often Stay away from making them work and give them full attention Do not scold them for anything that they do Do anything that you can to make life easy Once one of them dies keep playing with the other
Drawing on the wall Playing in the toilet Jumping on the bed Throwing rocks Banging dishes Be sure to either drag them back then see what they do again (playing, going outside, etc) then leave them be, or scold them ONCE, otherwise it will go too far. What I like to do is after I scold them, when they go to do something else (playing blah blah blah) I like to praise them ONCE to cancel out the scolding. So basically, for the parents, PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THEM, and praise them, not all the time, but praise them sparingly when they work, and you will see that they will continue to work without you dragging them to their working place. So praise sparingly, then you can focus on the kids.
How to fix the leaky sink? well simply drag your character onto the workshop near the tools on one of the tables. it is same as the toilet and shower clogged. How to remove the ants? well drag your character to the cinamon ingredient. and your character must say preparing cinamon ingredient, then go to the recycling can outside of your house near the gate you will see an orange bottle drag your character and it will say finishing the ant spray. then its removed, lol or just wait for mins then its gone. just incase u want it earlier. How to dig for bones? well guys go to the store then go to flea market this is an rare items comes up rarely. buy the rock hound certificate cost 1,500c when you see it.
Bring the person to the bathroom. Place them right by the dirty as sock pile (by the toilet). The person will stand there and its symptoms will be stated in its activity bar. (Such as; "can't stop coughing", "sneezing", "stomach aches", and so forth.
It is common knowlege that you drag your mum or your dad on top of each other. Then they will walk to couch, bed or other comfertable things and try for a baby. Sometimes they will say they cant agree to have one. Rubbish! Just keep dragging till they finally do it. If you have already had a baby recently then they may say it is too soon to have one, if they do get a baby boost $2500 or you wait.
Now, i dont know if it works for everybody, but heres my secret: Put the woman on top of the man -not the other way around!- until they try to make a baby. When their walking over there, pick up the man and make him take a shower- it must be a shower! The woman will act as if hes there, and she should end up with multiples! Im on G3 with 4twins and 1 set of triplets with no baby boosters!
As the game works in real time, your characters normally sleep during the night and not earn very much money during it. Right? All you have to do is change the day/night button over when you go to sleep so your family work all night and then change it back when you wake up so they can work all day too. You might want to try it every other day so your family get enough sleep.
Garbage When you put a peep on the can, wait till the bag is visible. Then either praise the person or pick them up. The bag will dissapear, and the garbage will be gone. Sleeping When your people get tired , you put them to sleep . But they sleep for like 5 minutes. So buy a hammock, then just put them in it over and over until they're status us back to happy/elated or whatever Hunger You don't have to prepare a meal to feed your people. Either make them look for snacks or buy food from the flea market. Not feeling Fresh Instead of letting them take a long shower, put them on the shower and wait until status is happY/elated or whatever. Then pull them away. Also, (this isn't really faster trick, but it gets you money so ya) take 2+ people and put them on something outside near a collectables. Then, plug them on as fast as you can. You will get lots of money.
CURING ILLNESSES AND MEDICINES NEEDED Sore throat, throat doesn't feel right, groaning noise - Throat Lozenges Stomachache, stomach hurting, moaning - Peptic Syrup Sneezing, Allergys - Antihistamine (you'll frequently need this when the allergy season comes) Itchy, rash - Cortisone cream Whooping cough, coughing, can't stop coughing - Antitussive syrup **Do NOT waste your money on the doctors appointments unless they're illness is persistant or they got sick again straight after taking medicine. If the doctors tell you that you have to give them one of the antibiotics (Penicillin or Vancomycin) it's good to have some sleeping pills to help them relax. Give them the sleeping pills straight after they take the illness and let them sleep until their energy bars are up. ***One illness can spread like wildfire in this game. A useful tip is to make sure there are no more than 2 beds in each bedroom. If two people share a bed (usually adults) this is even better. If they are kept separate from each other in terms of bedrooms, the illness shouldn't spread as much. KEEPING THEM FED 1000 units of food isn't really needed unless you know your going to be away from the gave for more than 12 hours. 400 units of food is ideal. Another thing...ORGANIC FOODS DO NOT MAKE YOU HEALTHIER! A variety does, but the effect is so minimal it isn't worth it either. So just buy the 20 coin bag of grains. Also, do not let them make meals unless their status is "Hungry" or "Starving". Lastly, don't let them look for snacks or heat up food, ESPECIALLY at night. Scold them or try using trick candies to prevent them from doing this ;) MAKING CHILDREN BEHAVE: Buying the appropriate toys can distract the children from doing anything naughty. Things like throwing rocks, tearing books, snacking, playing in the toilet, heating up food, banging dishes, drawing on the wall, etc. should be scolded. However, if they are doing things like playing quietly, drawing, etc. praise them. This can also prevent their energy bars going down. When your child turns 14, they will start doing things like projects for school and homework. You should DEFINITELY praise these things or use candy. Another thing, SENDING THE KIDS TO BOARDING SCHOOL REALLY ISN'T WORTH IT!!! You'll start to miss your child. If your planning on sending the kid, do it when they're about 3 or 4 years old. Mind, you won't get to see them grow up :( DEPRESSION The difficulty in curing depression can vary. However, using the Psychotherapy should DEFINITELY be your last option, especially for the children. Buying things like new furniture, candies and toys wouldn't add up to the price of Psychotherapy. For children, let them play as much as possible (NOT things like throwing rocks, of course) letting them play quietly helps a lot and can bring up their energy bars. Things like tickling, stories and DVDs also help them. Both the adults and the children should be well fed. Don't let the adults work unless it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. They're career progress goes up when your not playing the game. WHAT NOT TO BUY: The carousel - Yes, it looks fantastic. But it doesn't do anything! Towels - You can't use them. Soap - Yes there pretty. No, you can't use them. Plants- They are just decorations. They don't do anything. Coffee or Dining room tables - You can't use them. Paintings - They are VERY expensive and very pretty. Not only that, you can achieve a goal if you put one up. However, one of the game events that will more than likely occur is that you receive a package that is addressed to your neighbor. If you open the package, it's almost always a painting, which you can keep. I once got a painting worth 13,150 coins addressed to my neighbor. I earned a goal and didn't even have to spend anything. So never, NEVER, buy the paintings. OTHER: Don't bother too much with the furniture in your first generation. I know that sounds boring, but the first generation is when you should save up for your second. The furniture looks better and you can actually USE it. On your first generation, the only things you'll need to buy are a used couch and a bed. Don't buy these from the store, wait for them to go on sale. By your 3rd generation, you'll have bought better quality furniture and you can sell your old ones. Just drag it to the gate and let it go. You shouldn't pay much attention to the bank statements. If your a person that sells collectibles online a lot, you should be making around 150-300 extra coins a day anyway. Selling collectibles REALLY helps. If you drag two people on top of each other at the same time (it can be difficult) then both of them will have the item and you can get double the money! :D If you've got a maid, don't bother picking up the wrappers unless your SURE she won't show up. Lastly, DON'T KILL THEM!!! Using the antibiotics to kill them really doesn't work. It just makes them weak and can get very annoying. Look after your little people, and if you know you can't, PAUSE THE GAME!
2. Ok, some people put up cheats that they just randomly come up with for money, or making babies. One way to make some extra money is to take the furniture or art that you don't want, take it to the front gate, and it will tell you how much it is if you sell it. If you like the price they give you, release the furniture or art, and then it will give you a little extra money. Another way to make money is to go to the menu, tap the pause button and let it sit like that over night, so in the morning you will have a boat load of money.
Have one of the adults start making the bed. Drag the other into the bedroom. Drag the one who was making the bed onto the other one. If they say, "it's too soon to make a baby" you'll have to wait a while. If it says, "they can't agree it's time to have a baby", its a lie. Keep dragging them onto each other until they finally agree. The entire time they are trying to make a baby, praise both of them over and over again. They won't say, "stop nagging". Now you should soon have a baby. It usually won't matter their age. But I tried with them over the age of 48 and they usually stop at that point.
HOW TO GET TRIPLETS: Ok I know lots of people want triplets, here are some ways how: 1. Both of your people have to think at least would be nice on babies. They also have to only have one like and no dislikes. 2. Some people say you can praise your people once or twice, I don't know if that's true or not, but a lot of people seem to think so. HOW TO GET TWINS: A lot of people are also seeking twins, here's how: 1. Your people have to have one like and one dislike each. 2. Some people have rumored that you praise your people three times while their action is triying to make a baby, then try again. HOW TO TRY AGAIN WHEN YOU'VE ALREADY TRIED: So, you know when you try to get a baby and it dosen't work? This is how to try again. 1. When one of your people goes to do sometihing else while previously making a baby, grab them and shake them everywhere not just in one place, then shake their partener. 2. You can also set the time forward. I do not recommend this, it sets off gliches. DO NOT SET THE TIME FORWARD FO GETTING THE BABY OUT OF MOM'S ARMS: These are the reasons why to not set the time forward. 1. You might not get any proposals, ever. 2. Your people could age, then die. 3. You could lose things, like: children, people, rooms, progress... 4. It's just not natural.
Steps: Have a married couple- make sure the women has no baby in her arms at the time (you can do this with one person, but two gets you more money) Get a person to do there career. Praise the first person three times, the person will tell you to stop nagging. Drag the same person back to there career and do the Same thing again. Do this another ten times. Drag the same person back to there career one last time. Praise them only TWO times. Let keep doing there career. Repeat with second person. Tips: WAIT. Just like real life money takes time, and time makes money but this will work over time. I have over 55 000 in the bank and now am on second generation. Buy renovations along the way. Repeat this progress every ten years in game time. Use the kids for other tasks- older kids make meals, little ones get collectables. Again- give it time! Everytime you get on the game- if they are not already doing so, make them work on there career. Don't spend money along the Buy all organic grain in your grocies during the time you are saving up- that is what I do sence organics give you more food and when you do the math you are getting a dicount if what you would be paying to get the same amount out of regular grains.
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