Number | Answer
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| - You might find one in a mall: KIOSK
| - Disgraced 90's cartoon mascot: CAMEL
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| - Obstruct breathing: CHOKE
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| - Roman means of execution: LIONS
| - Caesar and Lincoln, these days: BUSTS
| - It may feed a stream: BROOK
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| - What happens to a sick plant: WILTS
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| - Chewed on by Bugs: CARROT
| - The swampy marshes of Louisiana: BAYOUS
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| - Lascivious, licentious, dissolute: WANTON
| - Worthy of veneration: SACRED
| - Monetary incentive to exit: BUYOUT
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| - End of day occurrence, typically: SUNSET
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| - "I am the ____, goo goo g'joob": WALRUS
| - Ms. Fields / military charge: SALLY
| - Songbirds / pranks: LARKS
| - Workout targets / apple innards: CORES
| - Units in prison / organic life: CELLS
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| - Creeps / reads message boards: LURKS
| - Dials / bird sounds: CALLS
| - Ciphers / programs: CODES
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| - Rids of ailments / preserves meats: CURES
| - Stooge / hair quality: CURLY
| - Energy market / planetary system: SOLAR
| - Oddly, they're often filled with pines: BARRENS
| - Famed Dutch ones are Pearl and Golden: EARRING
| - They ride with friends and Kens: BARBIES
| - A bold stance that often collapses: BRAVADO
| - How an amoeba eats: ENGULFS
| - You can be sworn to it: SECRECY
| - Nuts, berries, and other items: EDIBLES
| - Message result in game of telephone: GARBLED
| - The hottest days and roughest critiques: SEARING
| - Some are black, others straw: BERRIES
| - Transgressive photographer Andres: SERRANO