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iPhone iPod - Tiny Dice Dungeon screenshot


Tiny Dice Dungeon

Easy money for Tiny Dice Dungeon - iPhone iPod

Re-enter previously completed dungeons to farm money, dice shards, and experience. This will also give you another opportunity to capture monsters that may have been previously missed. You will earn extra money if an attack overkills a monster's hit points past zero. The harder the hit, the more money you will get. You will also regain health on an overkill. A good way to do this is with poison damage. For example, when a monster has extremely low health, the poison dice will not cause instant damage, but will cause the monster to be overkilled after your turn is over. Your dice will turn into coins at the end of your turn. The more dice you throw, the more coins you receive. Level up monsters before releasing them to get better rewards.

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