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So what you want to do is to get rid of the Everstone. There's a little-known way to do that. Go to the pond where you feed your Magikarp at. Tap on your Magikarp over and over and over. You're going to need to do a lot of tapping in order to pull this off. Keep tapping and eventually, at random, the Everstone will break. Once it does that, your Magikarp will then be able to evolve. You have to be at trainer rank 10 though in order to make it happen. Once you are at rank 10, your Magikarp will then have a maximum level of 20. Once you evolve it all the way up to level 20, it will automatically evolve into a Gyarados. There is a downside to this, though. Currently, you cannot play with a Gyarados. Once it evolves, the mayor will take it away. Then you will be forced to start over again with a brand new Magikarp. Eventually, the developers might add an event to the game though that gives you the ability to compete with Gyarados, or even simply change the game around, but not right now. To get a Red Gyarados, do all of the above steps, but fish out a Shiny Gold Magikarp first. These things are rare, and with the old rod, they are EXTREMELY rare; however, there are some tricks and cheats that you can do in order to get an easy one.
At the feeding screen, scroll up leading, past the water, for a variety of additional functions that are not easily marketed. Pikachu will be slumbering on the shore, and if you tap him, you'll earn an entire lot of additional jump points. Later on, he'll falling asleep once again about a half and an hour later on approximately.
If you see one sweat but you want two or three, then all that you have to do is close the app when you see it. Open it back up and then try again. If you want a shiny, then close the app whenever you see less than three sweats, and open it back up, and keep trying to catch that shiny one. If that cheat gets patched later on, then you can functionally do the same thing without doing the cheat, it will just take longer. Once you catch your Magikarp, go to your pond, scroll up, and then tap the Magikarp to make it jump out of the water. Keep doing this and eventually, it will get murdered by a Pidgeotto. When this happens you'll be sent back to the pond. Repeat as needed. This can only be done one time, so after that, do all of the training and leagues that you can, and then take the risk every time until you lose your Magikarp. Once you lose it, then you'll be sent right back to the pond to fish. This can be used to grind for experience levels and diamonds as well. The more levels that you gain, the better your chance of finding a better fishing rod besides the old rod. You'll have to pay a little bit for it, but if you use it, you'll have a better shot at catching a rare or shiny Magikarp.
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