Have your gladiators perform in the theater to earn Aureus and fame.
Target one enemy at a time with all three of your gladiators. Start by choosing the enemy that will inflict the greatest damage against you. Let your gladiators remain so they can help one another deal massive amount of damage towards that single enemy, as well as help one another in taking damage. Also use your special moves as often as possible to maximize your damage potential.
Form a balanced gladiator team. Sword and shield gladiators are balanced between offense and defense and frequently learn skills that increase their survivability, such as Focused and Taunt. Dual sword gladiators are strong offensively, but lack in defense and do not have good endurance. They learn skills such as Bladestorm. Spear gladiators can attack from a safe distance, doing damage while avoiding incoming attacks. They can learn high damage single target skills, such as Mighty Toss. Because you are limited to three gladiators in a battle, try selecting on e of each type. Position your sword and shield gladiator absorb the hits in the front line, while the dual sword and spear gladiators take out other enemies.
To counter attacks by other players, set up your Combat Ground with your three best gladiators. They will protect your city without using energy or any of their other resources.
In the way of improving gladiators, you need to upgrade the Pub as much as possible. If you have actually greater updated level, you will certainly have more upgrades that you can do to it. You have to use your free refreshes as frequently as possible so that you can optimize your prospective list of gladiators that you can hire. Battles are quite simple throughout the game as you will merely direct your gladiators to whoever you desire them to assault in field.
To do the battle, attempt to target one enemy at a time with all 3 of them in order to start nullifying enemy attacks as quick as you can. At the very same time, you can likewise use your special move as typically as possible for optimum efficiency. So, test to train players prior to going to battle. Battles right here are normally arranged by popularity, then if you can surpass a particular level which is around 17-20, the pairings get altered. You can either level yourself up to around 30-40, or start playing with a popularity avoidance technique.
Gems are the game's premium currency. Complete achievements to earn them.
Research new technology upgrades to get passive bonuses to your gladiators and your city. This can result in increased capacities, higher Aureus earnings, new gladiator types, and more bonuses. You must upgrade your mansion in order to unlock the higher level buildings because they cannot exceed your mansion's current level.
Players are matched based on fame. After reaching level 17 to 20, the pairings will become difficult. Avoid gaining fame in order to be matched with easier opponents. Do this by not participating in the theater and avoid collecting from your treasury. Also do not collect from quests that increase your fame. Once you are at the point that you can compete with other players, begin collecting that fame to advace.
Upgrade your tavern in order to get better gladiators. The higher its level, the more upgrades it will unlock. Use your free refreshes as often as possible to maximize the potential list of gladiators that can be recruited.
Look for the gladiators with the most potential in the tavern. They are ranked from E (the worst) to LEG (legendary, which is the best). Choose the highest rank or wait for the next refresh. The better their stats, the more Aureus they will produce and the faster they will level.
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