Achievement | How to unlock
| - Use Pandora Booster Fuel 10 times
| - You have been destroyed by a Missile in the Pandora Cluster
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| - All Initial Tech to Lv.90
| - Clear Elemental Dimension reaches Level 100
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| - Get at least 100k Tech Points in one Pandora Cluster event.
| - Extra Dimensional Engine reaches Level 100
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- Credits as a Primary Force
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| - Basic Protection at Lv.30
| - Enhanced Energy Output at Lv.60
| - Basic Energy Output at Lv.30
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| - Extra Dimensional Shield reaches Level 100
| - Finish Greenland District
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| - Advanced Protection at Lv.90
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| - Recruit 3 commander and 3 elite commander.
| - Extra Dimensional AP reaches Level 100
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| - Recruit 4 Heroes of Conquer the Cosmos
| - Enhanced Protection at Lv.60
| - Use Pandora Booster Fuel 1 time
| - Successfully plunder other players one time
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| - Enhanced Firepower at Lv.60
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| - Extra Dimensional Armor reaches Level 100
| - Extra Dimensional SPE reaches Level 100
| - Recruit 9 S-rank commanders
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| - You have successfully plundered other players 1000 times
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| - Get 5 R-5 Galactonite on Lv10
| - Rule over other players 100 times
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| - Deal most damage in Primus Battle
| - All Advanced Tech to Lv.90
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| - Successfully resisted being plundered 1 time
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| - Advanced Firepower at Lv.90
| - Basic Primary Gun at Lv.30
| - You got Executive title in Pandora Cluster.
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| - Get 5x Lv.10 R-6 Galactonite
| - Advanced Primary Gun at Lv.90
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| - You have successfully plundered other players 100 times
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| - High Dimension Technology reaches Level 100
| - Extra Dimensional Cannon reaches Level 100
| - Extra Dimensional Output reaches Level 100
| - Get 5x Lv.5 R-4 Galactonite
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| - Get 25x Lv.5 R-3 Galactonite
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| - Deal final strike to Primus
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| - Use Pandora Booster Fuel 100 times
| - Finish Spiral arm District
| - Successfully take part in Primus Battle
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| - Advanced Energy Output at Lv.90
| - Prank a colonizer one time
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| - Extra Dimensional Hull reaches Level 100
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| - Failed to resist Colonization
| - Enhanced Primary Gun at Lv.60
| - Use Pandora Booster Fuel 1000 times