There are a total of 8 Letters that you need to find to spell out FORTNITE for the "Search F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E Letters" challenge in Season 4 Week 1. The letters can be picked up in any order, if you pick up an F for example, the next one you get, regardless of where it is, will be an O. You can get as many as you like in each game, but do note, that you need to either win/lose the game in order for it to count. You can't just quit.
Letter: F - Tilted Towers - On the clock tower.
Letter: O - Anarchy Acres - On the barn.
Letter: R - Risky Reels - On the screen.
Letter: T - Haunted Hills - On the stone with an eagle ontop.
Letter: N - Dusty Divot - On the pylon to the right of the crater.
Letter: I - Pleasant Park - On the wooden shelter in the middle.
Letter: T - Traingle of Trees - Next to the race track area, on the shed by the triangle of trees.
Letter: E - Moisty Mire - By the green screen, where the helicopter is.
Just like with all of the other battle arena games, at the outset your goal should be to survive and avoid so that you don't get killed by other players right out of the gate. Let some players off each other and themselves first, and then when the player count is whittled down, start engaging in the action. The exception is if you end up with a good sniper or assault rifle, then you can pick some players off from afar while they attack each other or search around for equipment. You can play the game in regular mode or in blitz mode. In blitz mode, the game goes a lot faster because there is more epic and legendary equipment hanging around, all of the action is faster, and games usually last a far shorter time than they do in the regular mode. So if you don't have a whole lot of time, go to blitz mode. You can use your pickaxe to mine just about anything for materials, and everything is breakable in this game. You want to get rid of a house, an electrical A-frame, or an entire forest? You can do so, and you'll earn materials for it. You can use said materials to build your fortifications and walls so that you can protect yourself. Make smart use of your walls and fortresses. Be aware that while they may protect you, they also give other players an indication of a place that you've been in that area, so they can even be used as a lure to try to draw other players to a specific location. Or if you make an area where you can't be seen very well, you can hide and fire at other players at will as you see them. Purchase the Battle Pass to unlock all of the challenges in this game. The challenges can earn yo uexperience points, coins, and all sorts of other loot and clothing. If you don't want to, and you just care about the shooting, then instead play a number of matches for a free pass, and then keep playing more of them to keep upgrading your tier.
Go to the game's The Forest - Stonewood tab to Fight The Storm, then select Play With Others, then finetune it to where you're searching for games with power level 1 to 3. This should get you in a Storm Shield defense game. If it's something else, just back out of the game and try again. Tip: Before you load, look at the players actual power levels. You want to look for a power level 3 or 5. These are the average powers people are at when they do ssd 1 and 2, which gets you in a Storm Shield defense game. If there are 2 or more people with power level 3 it's probably the first Atlas. Multiple power level 4's or 5's and it's probably Ride The Lighting. After the match is done and you've helped a new player out in their first Storm Shield defense game, you'll receive 2 Mini Reward Llama's. Claim your Mini Reward Llama's to gain 60 up to 100 or 200 Seasonal Gold per match! Note: On top of all that Gold you get lots of Hero XP for completing each Storm Shield defense match.
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