You have the option to equip your characters with abilities. You usually have to create these abilities and hone them by using orbs. There are five categories of abilities, giving you a large number of options. Concentrate on getting the materials only for your favorite ones. Then, hone them to improve their performance.
Each scene has a boss battle during the final round. Save a few special abilities and a special attack or skill for that battle.
When you obtain new party members, you can level them up easier by replaying old scenes repeatedly. You will also gain resources by doing this.
Complete the daily dungeons tp get Mythril boosts as a reward. You can also get a lot of experience points during weekend events.
After a scene begins, you will no longer have access to all the features. Make sure all upgrades and party changes are completed before starting a scene. You can change your party's formation by entering the "Party" menu, then tapping the "Formation" button. Place party members with high health in the front, and low health at the back.
Besides the attack and defend options, your party members have special attacks or skills they can use. They can only be used a limited number of times, which is indicated above the skill. Those numbers will reset after leveling up. Make sure that all those skills are used before that time. Some skills are better against certain types of enemies. Use them appropriately to gain an advantage in battle.
When bringing a character or some equipment from a specific scene into play into that same scene, you will get stat and experience point boost. This is indicated by a glowing sign on the characters in your party or the indicator of which Final Fantasy game they are from.
When doing poorly in a round, exit the game then kill the app process. Open the app again and you will be prompted to restart where you left off. Accept that choice to resume from the start of the round.
You can upgrade your existing equipment using items that you no longer need. Once maxed out, you can combine them with the same type of equipment to improve their stats and max level.
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