Achievement | How to unlock
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- Creator of Diversity (5 points)
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- Creator of Life (10 points)
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- Creator of Humanity (20 points)
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- Creator of Civilization (30 points)
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- Creator of Technology (40 points)
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- Creator of Modernity (50 points)
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- Creator of Magic (60 points)
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- Brilliant Inventor (50 points)
| - Complete Episode One without hints.
- Deity of Darkness (30 points)
| - Create all the bad things.
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- Half the Kingdom (30 points)
| - Complete the 'Save the Princess' quest.
- Practice Makes perfect (5 points)
| - Create an element three times.
- Similar to Similar (5 points)
| - React similar elements together.
- Master of the Worlds (100 points)
| - Complete all episodes without using any hints.
| - Write a review on the game.
- Honorable Santa (30 points)
| - Complete the 'Run, Santa, Run' quest.
- Heavenly Virtues (30 points)
| - Complete the 'Sins Vs. Virtues' quest.