Remember to return each day for your daily bonus of free loot which could be Skulls, an Armor Bonus, Damage Bonus, Critical Bonus or if you are lucky free Diamonds.
You can get the following amount of free diamonds by doing the correspondig real world objective.
Become a fan of Death Dome on Facebook: 2 Diamonds
Sign up for Netflix: 340 Diamonds
Sign up for AARP: 163 Diamonds
Subscribe to Disney Movie Club: 408 Diamonds
Use revives wisely as they top off your health, shield and keeps your accumulated Skulls safe until you die again.
5 Revives:
25 Diamonds
10 Revives:
45 Diamonds
25 Revives:
100 Diamonds
50 Revives:
175 Diamonds
150 Revives:
375 Diamonds
Before each battle begins, you get a chance to loot the hidden items by randomly tapping the battle grounds.
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