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Sonic the Hedgehog Super Sonic (picture of chaos emeralds). Sonic pulls out the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic, then does a supersonic boost down the track that flips any character he gets close to. Miles "Tails" Prower Tails Tornado (picture of a tornado). Tails presses a button and his plane performs a vertical barrel roll, making a huge tornado that pulls him forward while sucking up opponents and items in its path. Knuckles the Echidna Emerald Power (picture of master emerald). Powered up by the Master Emerald, Knuckles glides above the track and, by punching the ground, can unleash an earthquake that stuns and flips all opponents. Doctor Eggman Missile Madness (picture of eggpod). The Eggpod transforms and takes off down the track, launching destructive rockets that wipe out rivals and leave Eggman-shaped clouds. Shadow the Hedgehog Super Shadow (picture of chaos emeralds). Shadow whips out the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Shadow and can launch Chaos Spears while flying down the track at high speed. Aiai Super Monkey Roll (picture of banana). AiAi gets in his marble along with other characters from Super Monkey Ball following him in their marbles. They then speed up and run over the other racers. Amigo Samba de Party (picture of maracas). Amigo speeds up and hypnotizes the other racers with his rhythm. Then once he passes by an opponent, they follow him in a conga line and start dancing. Billy Hatcher Egg Rodeo (picture of giant egg). After letting out a "cock-a-doodle-doo", Billy hops onto a giant egg like a circus ball and runs on it to squash his opponents. Beat Tag Jamming (picture of spray can). Starts skating, and can also spray paint on nearby racers to obstruct their view. Ryo Hazuki Working Man (picture of key). Gets in his signature forklift and can toss opponents. BD Joe Crazy Boost (picture of cash). A passenger gets in his taxi causing BD Joe to get a boost of speed. Chuih Cat-Walker (picture of Kapu-Kapu). ChuChus circle the other racers as a giant Kapu-Kapu appears and stomps down the track, with the blue ChuChu riding on its head.
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