While playing game hit pause and press right, up, b, a, down, up, b, down, up, b. |
Submitted by Eric RangelChange shape (Fireant, and Shield bug.)
Start a game and hit pause then press c, a, l, l, d, a, d until you hear an orb weapon. It isn't done yet so don't un-pause. Keep entering the same code until the sound stops. Un-pause and you will be a fireant. Pause and proceed with c, a, l, l, d, a, d you will be a shield bug. When the shield wears off you will be invincible. |
Submitted by Eric RangelWhile playing the game hit pause and press c, a, left, left, down, a, down. |
Submitted by Eric RangelWhile playing the game hit pause and press b, a, b, a, left, up. |
Submitted by Eric RangelWhile playing the game hit pause and press up, right, a, b, a, down, left, a, down. |
Submitted by Eric RangelMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements