Choose Hampton as your goalie. |
Submitted by SyndishDrain Goal-Keeper's Energy
Choose Fifi for your team. Use her special, when the ball hits the goal-keeper, he will lost all his energy, and you can hit the ball easily. |
Submitted by SyndishPick Hampton on your team. Use his super and hold down A or B. Then run into the goalie. The goalie is most likely to get knocked out and you will get an easy goal. |
Submitted by SyndishTo do a "special" bowling move, just move the speed all the way up, then press both A annd C at the exact same time. |
Submitted by SyndishThis works for all of the characters. When a computer team member comes closer to you, quickly press A button and your character will hit him/her. |
Submitted by SyndishGo for the gold with this complete set of passwords.
Level Password Sport
2 Plucky, Montana Max, Elmyra, Buster Basketball
3 Elmyra, Babs, Hampton, Plucky Montana Hitting
4 Babs, Buster, Montana Max, Elmyra Soccer
5 Buster, Hampton, Plucky, Montana Max Basketball
6 Elmyra, Plucky, Babs, Hampton Obstacle Course
7 Plucky, Elmyra, Hampton, Babs Soccer
8 Montana Max, Plucky, Elmyra, Buster Bowling
9 Hampton, Babs, Buster, Montana Max Basketball |
Submitted by SyndishFor a practice run on the obstacle course, bowling or Montana Hitting, press Right or Left at the title screen. |
Submitted by SyndishThis works only for Calamity Coyote, use his special, then press the A button ten times. He will selfdestruct. WARNING : when you do this, you will lose all of the power for Calamity Coyote. |
Submitted by SyndishEnter the following password to view the credits for the game. Montana Max, Montana Max, Elmyra, Elmyra. |
Submitted by SyndishMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements