Code of honor(enables blood)
Enter this code a,b,a,c,a,b,b at the code of honor screen if done right you will hear get over here. |
Submitted by FlyboyOn the options menu, press Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down. This will cause an extra menu to appear. |
Submitted by llama87Enable the Cheat Menu. Now go to the cheat menu and set FIRST BACKGROUND to "The Pit," FLAG 1 to ON, and FLAG 2 to ON. When you start, you're at the pit screen, and the moon shadows will always be there (you'll see Santa Claus, the witch, etc.) To guarantee a fight with Reptile, never block, get a double flawless, and do the fatality. Good luck! |
Submitted by SyndishTo fight Smoke, select Vs. Mode. At the Vs. screen, press A, A, C, C, C on both controllers. After the first round the winner will fight Smoke. |
Submitted by kevinMckinneyGoro And Shang-Tsung Code
At the "Cheat Enabled" screen, press A, B, C, A, B, B, A, C, A. |
Submitted by SyndishThere is a glitch in the game that allows you to play against another character not meant to be there. It is not like Reptile, who was programmed in. Instead, it looks similar to the old boss code for the Super Nintendo version of Street Fighter II. To get to this character, you must first put in the Blood Code and the Cheat Code, then turn on flags 0 and 2. Now, when you get to the endurance matches one of them must be in the pit. Beat the character without using block, get a double flawless victory, and perform the fatality. Reptile will once again appear. Beat him, and the hidden character will jump down. |
Submitted by SyndishTurn on the game. Wait for the MK3 logo to appear. When you hear the bell, press A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A, Down, Up, Up. |
Submitted by KevinMckinneyWhen you are fighting Reptile, press Start on Controller Two. When the player select screen appears, Sub-Zero and Scorpion will turn green. |
Submitted by SyndishMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements