First enter in the password 1408, this will enable Cheat Mode which is accessed by controller 2. After turning on the cheat, you can use on of the following passwords to start on the level of choice. During gameplay, the Start button on controller 2 will pause without bring up the pause menu. The C button on controller 2 will restore Batman's health, the A button on controller 2 will skip to the next stage. And finally, the B button on controller 2 will show the end game credits.
To get to the level select screen, pause the game and press B, A, Down, B, A, Down, Left, Up, C. |
Submitted by SyndishStage 1-1 1100 Stage 4-2 4200
Stage 1-2 1200 Stage 4 Boss 4300
Stage 1 Boss 1300 Stage 5-1 5100
Stage 2-1 2100 Stage 5-2 5200
Stage 2-2 2200 Stage 6-1 6100
Stage 3-1 3100 Stage 6-2 6200
Stage 3-2 3200 Stage 6 Boss 6300
Stage 3 Boss 3300 Stage 7-1 7100
Stage 4-1 4100 Final Fight 7200 |
Submitted by SyndishMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements