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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul on GBA

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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul Cheats

This rarely happens but when it does it is sweet!

There are actually 2 ways. the harder way is to go first and draw exodia in your hand but obviously the chances are like finding a needle in a haystack.the easier way is to go second,let him play magic,trap,monster,whatever he wants,it won't do him any good.when it is your turn draw heavy storm,raigeki,cyber stein and megamorph,plus have a blue eyes ultimate dragon in your fusion pile.

(can get in blue eys ultimate dragon pack)use the heavy storm to get rid of the magic/trap cards,use raigeki to get rid of the monster(s),then play cyber stein and activate the effect then choose blue eyes ultimate and use megamorph so b.e.u.d. has 9000 attack!!!attack his lifepoints directly and you win! | Submitted by JakeCanning

To easily beat kaiba just have a dragon capture jar or 2 in your deck.kaiba's deck is 55% dragon,just use dragon capture jar and all you have to worry about is vorse raider.

Note:dragon capture jar really comes in handy against Blue eyes ultimate dragon. | Submitted by JakeCanning

Card Password

7 Colored Fish 23771716
7 Completed 86198326
Acid Crawler 77568553
Acid Trap Hole 41356845
Air Eater 08353769
Air Marmot of Nefariousness 75889523
Akakieisu 38035986
Akihiron 36904469
Alligator's Sword 64428736
Alligator's Sword Dragon 03366982
Alpha The Magnet Warrior 99785935
Amazon of the Seas 17968114
Ameba 95174353
Amphibious Bugroth 40173854
Ancient Brain 42431843
Ancient Elf 93221206
Ancient Jar 81492226
Ancient Lizard Warrior 43230671
Ancient One of the Deep Forest 14015067
Ancient Telescope 17092736
Ancient Tool 49587396
Ansatsu 48365709
Anthrosaurus 89904598
Anti Raigeki 42364257
Anti-Magic Fragrance 58921041
Appropriate 48539234
Aqua Chorus 95132338
Aqua Dragon 86164529
Aqua Madoor 85639257
Arlownay 14708569
Arma Knight 36151751
Armaill 53153481
Armed Ninja 09076207
Armored Glass 36868108
Armored Lizard 15480588
Armored Rat 16246527
Armored Starfish 17535588
Armored Zombie 20277860
Axe of Despair 40619825
Axe Raider 48305365
Baby Dragon 88819587
Backup Soldier 36280194
Banisher of the Light 61528025
Barox 06840573
Barrel Dragon 81480460
Barrel Lily 67841515
Barrel Rock 10476868
Basic Insect 89091579
Battle Ox 05053103
Battle Steer 18246479
Battle Warrior 55550921
Bean Soldier 84990171
Beast Fangs 46009906
Beastking of the Swamps 99426834
Beastly Mirror Ritual Unknown
Beautiful Headhuntress 16899564
Beaver Warrior 32452818
Behegon 94022093
Bell of Destruction 83555666
Beta The Magnet Warrior 39256679
Bickuribox 25655502
Big Eye 16768387
Big Insect 53606874
Big Shield Gardna 65240384
Binding Chain 08058240
Bio Plant 07670542
Black Dragon Jungle King 89832901
Black Illusion Ritual 41426869
Black Luster Ritual Unknown
Black Luster Soldier Unknown
Black Pendant 65169794
Black Skull Dragon Unknown
Blackland Fire Dragon 87564352
Bladefly 28470714
Blast Juggler 70138455
Blast Sphere 26302522
Block Attack 25880422
Blue Medicine 20871001
Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie 35282433
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon 53183600
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Unknown
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 89631139
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 80906030
Blue-Winged Crown 41396436
Boar Soldier 21340051
Bolt Escargot 12146024
Book of Secret Arts 91595718
Bottom Dweller 81386177
Bracchio-raidus 16507828
Breath of Light 20101223
Bright Castle 82878489
Burglar 06297941
Burning Spear 18937875
Buster Blader 78193831
Call of the Dark 78637313
Call of the Grave 16970158
Call Of The Haunted 97077563
Candle of Fate 47695416
Cannon Soldier 11384280
Castle of Dark Illusions 00062121
Castle Walls 44209392
Catapult Turtle 95727991
Ceasefire 36468556
Celtic Guardian 91152256
Celtic Guardian 90101050
Ceremonial Bell 20228463
Chain Destruction 01248895
Chain Energy 79323590
Chakra Unknown
Change of Heart 04031928
Charubin the Fire Knight 37421579
Chorus of Sanctuary 81380218
Claw Reacher 41218256
Clown Zombie 92667214
Cockroach Knight 33413638
Cocoon of Evolution Unknown
Commencement Dance Unknown
Confiscation 17375316
Cosmo Queen Unknown
Crab Turtle Unknown
Crass Clown 93889755
Crawling Dragon 67494157
Crawling Dragon #2 38289717
Crazy Fish 53713014
Crimson Sunbird 46696593
Crow Goblin 77998771
Crush Card 57728570
Curse of Dragon 28279543
Curse of Fiend 12470447
Curtain of the Dark Ones 22026707
Cyber Commander 06400512
Cyber Falcon 30655537
Cyber Jar 34124316
Cyber Saurus 89112729
Cyber Shield 63224564
Cyber Soldier 44865098
Cyber-Stein 69015963
Cyber-Tech Alligator 48766543
Dancing Elf 59983499
Dark Artist 72520073
Dark Assailant 41949033
Dark Chimera 32344688
Dark Elf 21417692
Dark Energy 04614116
Dark Gray 09159938
Dark Hole 53129443
Dark Human 81057959
Dark King of the Abyss 53375573
Dark Magic Ritual Unknown
Dark Magician 46986414
Dark Magician 40609080
Dark Magician Girl Unknown
Dark Rabbit 99261403
Dark Sage 92377303
Dark Shade 40196604
Dark Witch 35565537
Dark Zebra 59784896
Dark-Eyes Illusionist 38247752
Darkfire Dragon 17881964
Darkfire Soldier #1 05388481
Darkfire Soldier #2 78861134
Darkness Approaches 80168720
Dark-Piercing Light 45895206
Darkworld Thorns 43500484
Deepsea Shark 28593363
Delinquent Duo 44763025
De-Spell 19159413
Destroyer Golem 73481154
Dian Keto the Cure Master Unknown
Dice Armadillo 69893315
Dimensional Warrior 37043180
Disk Magician 76446915
Dissolverock 40826495
DNA Surgery 74701381
Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper 25882881
Dokurorider Unknown
Doma The Angel of Silence 16972957
Doron 00756652
Dorover 24194033
Dragon Capture Jar 50045299
Dragon Piper 55763552
Dragon Seeker 28563545
Dragon Treasure 01435851
Dragon Zombie 66672569
Dragoness the Wicked Knight 70681994
Dream Clown 13215230
Driving Snow 00473469
Drooling Lizard 16353197
Dryad 84916669
Dunames Dark Witch 12493482
Dungeon Worm 51228280
Dust Tornado 60082869
Earthshaker 60866277
Eatgaboon 42578427
Eldeen 06367785
Electric Lizard 55875323
Electric Snake 11324436
Electro-Whip 37820550
Elegant Egotist 90219263
Elf's Light 39897277
Empress Judge 15237615
Enchanted Javelin 96355986
Enchanting Mermaid 75376965
Eradicating Aerosol 94716515
Eternal Draught 56606928
Eternal Rest 95051344
Exchange 05556668
Exile of the Wicked 26725158
Exodia the Forbidden One 33396948
Eyearmor 64511793
Fairy Dragon 20315854
Fairy's Hand Mirror 17653779
Fairywitch 37160778
Faith Bird 75582395
Fake Trap 03027001
Feral Imp 41392891
Fiend Kraken 77456781
Fiend Reflection #1 68870276
Fiend Reflection #2 02863439
Fiend Sword 22855882
Fiend's Hand 52800428
Fiend's Mirror Unknown
Final Destiny Unknown
Final Flame 73134081
Fire Kraken 46534755
Fire Reaper 53581214
Firegrass 53293545
Firewing Pegasus Unknown
Fireyarou 71407486
Fissure 66788016
Flame Cerebrus 60862676
Flame Champion 42599677
Flame Ghost 58528964
Flame Manipulator 34460851
Flame Swordsman 45231177
Flame Swordsman 40502030
Flame Viper 02830619
Flash Assailant 96890582
Flower Wolf 95952802
Flying Kamakiri #1 84834865
Flying Kamakiri #2 03134241
Follow Wind 98252586
Forced Requisition 74923978
Forest 87430998
Fortress Whale Unknown
Fortress Whale's Oath Unknown
Frenzied Panda 98818516
Fusion Sage 26902560
Fusionist 01641882
Gaia Power 56594520
Gaia the Dragon Champion 66889139
Gaia The Fierce Knight 06368038
Gaia The Fierce Knight 00603060
Gale Dogra 16229315
Gamma The Magnet Warrior 11549357
Ganigumo 34536276
Garma Sword 90844184
Garma Sword Oath 78577570
Garnecia Elefantis 49888191
Garoozis 14977074
Garvas 69780745
Gate Guardian Unknown
Gatekeeper 19737320
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts 05818798
Gemini Elf 69140098
Genin 49370026
Germ Infection 24668830
Ghoul with an Appetite 95265975
Giant Flea 41762634
Giant Germ 95178994
Giant Mech-Soldier 72299832
Giant Rat 97017120
Giant Red Seasnake 58831685
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra 41403766
Giant Soldier of Stone 13039848
Giant Trunade 42703248
Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames 96981563
Gift of The Mystical Elf 98299011
Giganto 33621868
Giga-tech Wolf 08471389
Giltia the D. Knight 51828629
Glory of the King's Hand Unknown
Goblin Fan 04149689
Goblin's Secret Remedy 11868825
Goddess of Whim 67959180
Goddess with the Third Eye 53493204
Gokibore 15367030
Graceful Charity 79571449
Graceful Dice 74137509
Grappler 02906250
Gravedigger Ghoul 82542267
Gravekeeper's Servant 16762927
Graverobber 61705417
Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation 27094595
Great Bill 55691901
Great Mammoth of Goldfine 54622031
Great Moth Unknown
Great White 13429800
Green Phantom King 22910685
Greenkappa 61831093
Griffore 53829412
Griggle 95744531
Ground Attacker Bugroth 58314394
Gruesome Goo 65623423
Gryphon Wing 55608151
Guardian of the Labyrinth 89272878
Guardian of the Sea 85448931
Guardian of the Throne Room 47879985
Gust 73079365
Gust Fan 55321970
Gyakutenno Megami 31122090
Hamburger Recipe Unknown
Hane-Hane 07089711
Haniwa 84285623
Happy Lover 99030164
Hard Armor 20060230
Harpie Lady 76812113
Harpie Lady Sisters 12206212
Harpie's Brother 30532390
Harpie's Feather Duster 18144506
Harpie's Pet Dragon 52040216
Heavy Storm 19613556
Hercules Beetle 52584282
Hero of the East 89987208
Hibikime 64501875
High Tide Gyojin 54579801
Hinotama 46130346
Hinotama Soul 96851799
Hiro's Shadow Scout 81863068
Hitodenchak 46718686
Hitotsu-Me Giant 76184692
Holograh 10859908
Horn Imp 69669405
Horn of Heaven 98069388
Horn of Light 38552107
Horn of the Unicorn 64047146
Hoshiningen 67629977
Hourglass of Courage 43530283
Hourglass of Life 08783685
House of Adhesive Tape 15083728
Hungry Burger Unknown
Hunter Spider 80141480
Hyo 38982356
Hyosube 02118022
Hyozanryu 62397231
Ice Water 20848593
Ill Witch 81686058
Illusionist Faceless Mage 28546905
Imperial Order 61740673
Insect Armor with Laser Cannon 03492538
Insect Monster Token Unknown
Insect Queen 91512835
Insect Soldiers of the Sky 07019529
Inspection 16227556
Invader from Another Dimension 28450915
Invader of the Throne 03056267
Invigoration 98374133
Javelin Beetle Unknown
Javelin Beetle Pact Unknown
Jellyfish 14851496
Jigen Bakudan 90020065
Jinzo 77585513
Jinzo #7 32809211
Jirai Gumo 94773007
Judge Man 30113682
Just Desserts 24068492
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 15401633
Kageningen 80600490
Kairyu-Shin 76634149
Kaiser Dragon 94566432
Kamakiriman 68928540
Kaminari Attack 09653271
Kaminarikozou 15510988
Kamionwizard 41544074
Kanan the Swordmistress Unknown
Kanikabuto 84103702
Karate Man 23289281
Karbonala Warrior 54541900
Kattapillar 81179446
Kazejin Unknown
Key Mace #2 20541432
Killer Needle 88979991
King Fog 84686841
King of Yamimakai 69455834
Kiseitai 04266839
Kojikocy 01184620
Kotodama 19406822
Koumori Dragon 67724379
Krokodilus 76512652
Kumootoko 56283725
Kunai with Chain 37390589
Kurama 85705804
Kuriboh 40640057
Kuwagata a 60802233
Kwagar Hercules 95144193
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 97590747
Labyrinth Tank 99551425
Labyrinth Wall Unknown
Lady of Faith 17358176
LaLa Li-oon 09430387
Larvae Moth Unknown
Larvas 94675535
Laser Cannon Armor 77007920
Last Day of Witch 90330453
Last Will 85602018
Laughing Flower 42591472
Launcher Spider 87322377
Launcher Spider 80703020
Lava Battleguard 20394040
Left Arm of the Forbidden One 07902349
Left Leg of the Forbidden One 44519536
Legendary Sword 61854111
Leghul 12472242
Leogun 10538007
Lesser Dragon 55444629
Light of Intervention 62867251
Lightforce Sword 49587034
Liquid Beast 93108297
Little Chimera 68658728
Little D 42625254
Lord of D 17985575
Lord of the Lamp 99510761
Lord of Zemia 81618817
Luminous Spark 81777047
Lunar Queen Elzaim 62210247
Mabarrel 98795934
Machine Conversion Factory 25769732
Machine King 46700124
Magic Jammer 77414722
Magic Thorn 53119267
Magical Ghost 46474915
Magical Hats 81210420
Magical Labyrinth 64389297
Magic-Arm Shield 96008713
Magician of Black Chaos Unknown
Magician of Faith 31560081
Maha Vailo 93013676
Maiden of the Moonlight 79629370
Major Riot 09074847
Malevolent Nuzzler 99597615
Mammoth Graveyard 40374923
Man Eater 93553943
Man-Eater Bug 54652250
Man-eating Black Shark 80727036
Man-Eating Plant 49127943
Man-Eating Treasure Chest 13723605
Manga Ryu-Ran 38369349
Marine Beast 29929832
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman 44287299
Mask of Darkness 28933734
Masked Sorcerer 10189126
Master & Expert 75499502
Mavelus 59036972
Mechanical Snail 34442949
Mechanical Spider 45688586
Mechanicalchaser 07359741
Meda Bat 76211194
Mega Thunderball 21817254
Megamorph 22046459
Megazowler 75390004
Meotoko 53832650
Mesmeric Control 48642904
Messenger of Peace 44656491
Metal Detector 75646520
Metal Dragon 09293977
Metal Fish 55998462
Metal Guardian 68339286
Metalmorph 68540058
Metalzoa 50705071
Meteor Black Dragon Unknown
Meteor Dragon Unknown
Mikazukinoyaiba Unknown
Millennium Golem 47986555
Millennium Shield 32012841
Milus Radiant 07489323
Minar 32539892
Minomushi Warrior 46864967
Mirror Force 44095762
Mirror Wall 22359980
Misairuzame 33178416
Molten Destruction 19384334
Monster Egg 36121917
Monster Eye 84133008
Monster Reborn 83764718
Monster Tamer 97612389
Monstrous Bird 35712107
Moon Envoy 45909477
Mooyan Curry 58074572
Morinphen 55784832
Morphing Jar 33508719
Morphing Jar #2 79106360
Mother Grizzly 57839750
Mountain 50913601
Mountain Warrior 04931562
Mr. Volcano 31477025
Muka Muka 46657337
Mushroom Man 14181608
Mushroom Man #2 93900406
Musician King 56907389
M-Warrior #1 56342351
M-Warrior #2 92731455
Mysterious Puppeteer 54098121
Mystic Horseman 68516705
Mystic Lamp 98049915
Mystic Plasma Zone 18161786
Mystic Probe 49251811
Mystic Tomato 83011277
Mystical Capture Chain 63515678
Mystical Elf 15025844
Mystical Moon 36607978
Mystical Sand 32751480
Mystical Sheep #1 30451366
Mystical Sheep #2 83464209
Mystical Space Typhoon 05318639
Needle Ball 94230224
Needle Worm 81843628
Negate Attack 14315573
Nekogal #1 01761063
Nekogal #2 43352213
Nemuriko 90963488
Neo the Magic Swordsman 50930991
Nimble Momonga 22567609
Niwatori 07805359
Nobleman of Crossout 71044499
Nobleman of Extermination 17449108
Novox's Prayer Unknown
Numinous Healer 02130625
Obelisk the Tormentor Unknown
Octoberser 74637266
Ocubeam 86088138
Ogre of the Black Shadow 45121025
One-Eyed Shield Dragon 33064647
Ooguchi 58861941
Ookazi 19523799
Orion the Battle King 02971090
Oscillo Hero 82065276
Oscillo Hero #2 27324313
Painful Choice 74191942
Pale Beast 21263083
Panther Warrior 42035044
Paralyzing Potion 50152549
Parasite Paracide 27911549
Parrot Dragon 62762898
Patrol Robo 76775123
Peacock 20624263
Pendulum Machine 24433920
Pendulum Machine 20404030
Penguin Knight 36039163
Penguin Soldier 93920745
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Unknown
Performance of Sword Unknown
Petit Angel 38142739
Petit Dragon 75356564
Petit Moth 58192742
Polymerization 24094653
Polymerization 27847700
Pot of Greed 55144522
Power of Kaishin 77027445
Pragtical 33691040
Premature Burial 70828912
Prevent Rat 00549481
Princess of Tsurugi 51371017
Prisman 80234301
Prohibition 43711255
Protector of the Throne 10071456
Psychic Kappa 07892180
Pumpking the King of Ghosts 29155212
Punished Eagle 74703140
Queen Bird 73081602
Queen of Autumn Leaves 04179849
Queen's Double 05901497
Rabid Horseman Unknown
Raigeki 12580477
Raimei 56260110
Rainbow Flower 21347810
Raise Body Heat 51267887
Rare Fish 80516007
Ray & Temperature 85309439
Reaper of the Cards 33066139
Red Archery Girl 65570596
Red Medicine 38199696
Red-Eyes Black Dragon 74677422
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 64335804
Reinforcements 17814387
Relinquished 64631466
Remove Trap 51482758
Respect Play 08951260
Restructer Revolution 99518961
Resurrection of Chakra Unknown
Reverse Trap 77622396
Revival of Dokurorider Unknown
Rhaimundos of the Red Sword 62403074
Right Arm of the Forbidden One 70903634
Right Leg of the Forbidden One 08124921
Ring of Magnetism 20436034
Riryoku 34016756
Rising Air Current 45778932
Roaring Ocean Snake 19066538
Robbin' Goblin 88279736
Rock Ogre Grotto #1 68846917
Rogue Doll 91939608
Root Water 39004808
Rose Spectre of Dunn 32485271
Royal Decree 51452091
Royal Guard 39239728
Rude Kaiser 26378150
Rush Recklessly 70046172
Ryu-Kishin 15303296
Ryu-Kishin Powered 24611934
Ryu-Ran 02964201
Saber Slasher 73911410
Saggi the Dark Clown 66602787
Salamandra 32268901
Sand Stone 73051941
Sanga of the Thunder Unknown
Sangan 26202165
Sea Kamen 71746462
Sea King Dragon 23659124
Seal of the Ancients 97809599
Sebek's Blessing 22537443
Sectarian of Secrets 15507080
Seiyaryu Unknown
Sengenjin Unknown
Senju of the Thousand Hands 23401839
Serpent Night Dragon Unknown
Set Sail for the Kingdom Unknown
Seven Tools of the Bandit 03819470
Shadow Ghoul Unknown
Shadow Specter 40575313
Share the Pain 56830749
Shield & Sword 52097679
Shining Fairy 95956346
Shovel Crusher 71950093
Silver Bow and Arrow 01557499
Silver Fang 90357090
Sinister Serpent 08131171
Skelengel 60694662
Skelgon 32355828
Skull Dice 00126218
Skull Guardian Unknown
Skull Knight Unknown
Skull Red Bird 10202894
Skull Servant 32274490
Skull Stalker 54844990
Skullbird 08327462
Sleeping Lion 40200834
Slifer the Sky Dragon Unknown
Slot Machine 03797883
Snake Fang 00596051
Snakeyashi 29802344
Snatch Steal 45986603
Sogen 86318356
Solemn Judgment 41420027
Solitude 84794011
Solomon's Lawbook 23471572
Sonic Bird 57617178
Sonic Maid 38942059
Soul Hunter 72869010
Soul of the Pure 47852924
Soul Release 05758500
Sparks 76103675
Spear Cretin 58551308
Spellbinding Circle 18807108
Spike Seadra 85326399
Spirit of the Books 14037717
Spirit of the Harp 80770678
Stain Storm 21323861
Star Boy 08201910
Steel Ogre Grotto #1 29172562
Steel Ogre Grotto #2 90908427
Steel Scorpion 13599884
Steel Shell 02370081
Stim-Pack 83225447
Stone Armadiller 63432835
Stone Ogre Grotto 15023985
Stop Defense 63102017
Stuffed Animal 71068263
Succubus Knight 55291359
Suijin Unknown
Summoned Skull 70781052
Super War-Lion Unknown
Supporter in the Shadows 41422426
Swamp Battleguard 40453765
Sword Arm of Dragon 13069066
Sword of Dark Destruction 37120512
Sword of Deep-Seated 98495314
Sword of Dragon's Soul 61405855
Swords of Revealing Light 72302403
Swordsman from a Foreign Land 85255550
Swordstalker 50005633
Tailor of the Fickle 43641473
Tainted Wisdom 28725004
Takriminos 44073668
Takuhee 03170832
Tao the Chanter 46247516
Temple of Skulls 00732302
Tenderness 57935140
Terra the Terrible 63308047
The 13th Grave 00032864
The Bewitching Phantom Thief 24348204
The Bistro Butcher 71107816
The Cheerful Coffin 41142615
The Drdek 08944575
The Eye of Truth 34694160
The Flute of Summoning Dragon 43973174
The Forceful Sentry 42829885
The Furious Sea King 18710707
The Immortal of Thunder 84926738
The Inexperienced Spy 81820689
The Little Swordsman of Aile 25109950
The Monarchy Unknown
The Regulation of Tribe 00296499
The Reliable Guardian 16430187
The Shallow Grave 43434803
The Snake Hair 29491031
The Stern Mystic 87557188
The Thing That Hides in the Mud 18180762
The Unhappy Maiden 51275027
The Wandering Doomed 93788854
The Wicked Worm Beast 06285791
The Winged Dragon of Ra Unknown
Thousand Dragon Unknown
Thousand Dragon Unknown
Three-Headed Geedo 78423643
Three-Legged Zombies 33734439
Thunder Dragon 31786629
Tiger Axe 49791927
Tiger Axe 40907090
Time Machine 80987696
Time Seal 35316708
Time Wizard 71625222
Toad Master 62671448
Togex 33878931
Toll 82003859
Tomozaurus 46457856
Tongyo 69572024
Toon Alligator 59383041
Toon Mermaid 65458948
Toon Summoned Skull 91842653
Toon World 15259703
Torike 80813021
Total Defense Shogun 75372290
Trakadon 42348802
Trap Hole 04206964
Trap Master 46461247
Tremendous Fire Unknown
Trent 78780140
Trial of Nightmare 77827521
Tribute to The Doomed 79759861
Tri-Horned Dragon Unknown
Tripwire Beast 45042329
Turtle Oath Unknown
Turtle Tiger 37313348
Twin Long Rods #2 29692206
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon 78984772
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon 54752875
Two-Headed King Rex 94119974
Two-Mouth Darkruler 57305373
Two-Pronged Attack 83887306
Tyhone 72842870
Tyhone #2 56789759
UFO Turtle 60806437
Ultimate Offering 80604091
Umi 22702055
Umiiruka 82999629
Unknown Warrior of Fiend 97360116
Upstart Goblin 70368879
Uraby 01784619
Ushi Oni 48649353
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior 75347539
Vermillion Sparrow 35752363
Versago the Destroyer 50259460
Vile Germs 39774685
Violent Rain 94042337
Violet Crystal 15052462
Vishwar Randi 78556320
Vorse Raider 14898066
Waboku 12607053
Wall of Illusion 13945283
Wall Shadow Unknown
War-Lion Ritual Unknown
Warrior Elimination 90873992
Warrior of Tradition 56413937
Wasteland 23424603
Water Element 03732747
Water Girl 55014050
Water Magician 93343894
Water Omotics 02483611
Waterdragon Fairy 66836598
Weather Control 37243151
Weather Report 72053645
Whiptail Crow 91996584
White Hole 43487744
White Magical Hat 15150365
Wicked Mirror 15150371
Widespread Ruin 77754944
Windstorm of Etaqua 59744639
Wing Egg Elf 98582704
Winged Cleaver 39175982
Winged Dragon,Guardian of the Fortress #1 87796900
Wings of Wicked Flame 92944626
Witch of the Black Forest 78010363
Witch's Apprentice 80741828
Witty Phantom 36304921
Wodan the Resident of the Forest 42883273
Wood Remains 17733394
World Suppression 12253117
Wow Warrior 69750536
Wretched Ghost of the Attic 17238333
Yado Karu 29380133
Yaiba Robo 10315429
Yamatano Dragon Scroll 76704943
Yami 59197169
Yaranzo 71280811
Zanki 30090452
Zera Ritual Unknown
Zera The Mant Unknown
Zoa 24311372
Zombie Warrior 31339260
Zone Eater 86100785

You can activate this cheat if you have witch of black forest, monster reborn, sangan, magician of faith, and mystic tomato in your hand. First, you need to play witch of the black forest, let it die and choose a part of exodia. Second, play monster reborn to restore witch of the black forest and let it die to get another part. Then, play magician of faith to get monster reborn, then to get witch of black forest, let it die to get another piece. finally play with sangan and mystical tomato, let them die to get exodia and blast 'em all! | Submitted by kodo

Here is an easy way to beat Kaiba: Kaiba must go first, and he cannot play any facedown cards. There is a slight chance that he may just play Cyber-Stein and use its effect to summon his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. This effect will reduce his lifepoints by 5000. Now, you will have to have the Change of Heart card in your hand. Play it and take control of his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and attack his Cyber-Stein. This will do 3800 damage to his lifepoints and you will win. | Submitted by asdfghjkl;34

The Winged Dragon of Ra can be found in Yu-Gi-Oh! Magazine (check the calendar). Obelisk the Tormentor can be found in the green Millenium-puzzel booster pack. You can get that booster pack by beating stage 4 10 times. If you are using an emulator, save before choosing a booster pack. If there isn't a useful card in it, load again. (for the VisualBoy Advance use the F keys) | Submitted by Laurens

Slifer the Sky Dragon can be found in the golden Millenium Puzzle booster pack. | Submitted by Laurens

When you start a duel, hold down B. Every thing wil move three times faster. | Submitted by ColedWizard

Beat Simon 1 time in the 5th group of duelists,but you must unlock him by doing the Grampa tournoment and beat Trusdale. | Submitted by Patrick

1.Tristan, Tea, Yugi, Joey, Bakura
2.Espa Roba, Mako Tsunami, Rex Raptor, Weevil Underwood, Mai Valentine
3.Umbra & Lumos, Arkana, Rare Hunter, Strings, Marik Isczar
4.Yami Bakura, Ischizu Isczar, Seto Kaiba, Yami Yugi, Shardi

Panther Warrior and Sinister Serpent. If you have these cards on the field, you can attack with Panther Warrior and offer Sinister Serpent as a Tribute and it keeps coming back to your hand so you can keep on Tribute it. NOTE: You will not be able to summon other monsters. | Submitted by Laurens

When you beat a stage 10 times, you will get a new booster pack. | Submitted by Laurens

If you defeat everyone untill Kaiba 20 times you get Gemini elf booster pack, Blue-Eyes White Dragon booster pack, Exodia booster pack, Launcher Spider booster pack, Battle Ox booster pack, Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon booster pack and Millenium Eye (sort of) booster pack.

PS: The Tribute to the Doomed trick will only work if you have the card in your hand, not on the field. | Submitted by Laurens

When you play penguin soilder on the feild you can use it over and over again.Play it facedown in defense mode.When your opponent attacks send the opponents monster to back to his or her hand.Then send your monster to your hand.Last play a monster and attack your opponents life points.If he does not have another card on the feild. | Submitted by bigmac

If you would like to play your duel at a faster pace than normal than, hold the L and R buttons down and keep them held down during the paper, rock, scissors game and while decided who will play first. Once the duel starts you can let go. The game will now be twice as fast as normal. | Submitted by Neto

When card effects such as those of Man-Eater Bug (destroy 1 monster) and Hane-Hane (return up to 2 of your opponents monsters to his/her hand) your opponent will always target the monster with the highest defense, so attack with that monster. | Submitted by Laurens

If you don't have any cards in your hand to discard, Tribute to the Doomed will still work. A good combo is Monster Reborn+Tribute to the Doomed. Discard 1 strong monster card from yor hand, destroy 1 monster and return the discarded monster (or the destroyed monster, if you don't have strong monster cards in your hand) with Monster Reborn. | Submitted by Laurens

Ultimate offering is a fantastic card when you have a deck full of level 5-6 monsters. You can use it to inflict a great amount of damage to your opponent. This is how it works: have 1 to 3 monsters on the field. If you duel right, your opponent should have 1 or 2 monsters in face-down defense position on the field. first, during your battle phase, destroy the opponents monsters as far as possible. Watch out for Effect monster cards and trap/magic cards. Always attack with the monster with the highest defense so that effect monster cards will target that monster. If you can't attack anymore, don't end your battle phase but use Ultimate Offering (you do have to have enough LP left, never use thi when you are around 2000) it doesn't matter that the monsters on the field are stronger than the monsters in your hand, but do summon weaker monsters when you're planning this. Summon as many monsters as possible and attack the opponents LP. if there are more monsters in your hand, keep going. That way you can keep summoning monsters for a low price (that's my opinion) and get the opponents LP way down. | Submitted by Laurens

-To unlock stage 2, beat stage 1 characters 2 times each
-To unlock stage 3, beat stage 2 characters 3 times each
-To unlock stage 4, beat stage 3 characters 4 times each
-To unlock stage 5, beat stage 4 characters 5 times each
-To unlock Grandpa beat Simon once
-To get Maxamillion P. just get toon world (the card) | Submitted by Neto

After you battle and beat Yu-Gi, Joey, Tea, Tristen and Backura twice you unlock Mai, Weevil, Rex, Mako and Espa. They are harder.

To unlock Simon, win the annual tournament in November. | Submitted by Neto

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