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Urbz: Sims in the City, The

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Urbz: Sims in the City, The on GBA

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Urbz: Sims in the City, The Cheats

To collect the Artsie trophy, first go to the bayou. In the jungle area with the plants that eat you, go across the bridges all the way to the left, until you reach an area with two man-eating plants. Disable both (press B when you are caught in the vines) and keep going. You will go under the trees and the arrow will appear. Press A for the Artsie trophy.


p.s. Giving the trophy to Roxanna Moxie will give you a free rep point.

Get the tenth Artsies rep point.

It help to have cooking skill over 3. That way it won't say Ugh, this isn't edible! | Submitted by Dominator

You can change the color of some things in your house by going up to it and pressing the R button.

This is how to change Rep Groups without restarting. Pretend your Urb is an Artsie. If you talk to the Richies and earn a +10 relationship with them, your personality and skill point screen will say you're a Richie. You can do this with any Rep Group. It takes time, but it works. Try it out! | Submitted by NathanJ

The password for Club Xizzle is 'Bucket'.

Ever wonder how the infamous rich Sim Daddy Bigbucks got his name from? It's actually probably from the name 'Daddy Warbucks' who is a character in the musical, 'Annie'. | Submitted by NathanJ

When you visit the graveyard, at first an area will be off-limits. Sometimes you will see a ghost on the forbidden side of the bushes. His name is Erpham Earl, a character who is extremely hard to catch on the other side to talk to. However, if you enter the password to get in Club Xizzle, he will almost always be there! Sometimes Kris Thistle is there too. | Submitted by NathanJ

Get 100% relationship with Phoebe Twiddle to unlock the Garbage can (near entrance to Club Xizzle in Glasstown)

Ephram Earl, the weirdo ghost guy, is found either in the graveyard, the bayou, or Club Xizzle. Getting a 100 relationship with him is easy; basically all you have to do is find an option on the talk menu that says 'talk about...'. It will always be a + reaction, while anything else will result in a serious negative reaction. (However, his face looks really funny when this happens sometimes). | Submitted by NathanJ

In Mission 3 on the Night Club goal where you take tickets, Cannonball Coleman will tell you not to let in one specific rep group. If you do not let in any people in the rep group Cannonball Coleman told you not to let in, he will give you a golden fiddle. | Submitted by NathanJ

Heidi Shadows is a cheat ninja where you can buy Smoothies to get skill points and Simoleons. Heidi Shadows sells cheats in the form of Smoothies. To find her, you must first link up to someone else to unlock the weird planet location. At the telephone booth in SimQuarter next to the Flea Market, go to the planet place. Directly up at the top of the map on this planet are some stairs. Use them the to go up to the door. You will have a quick glance of a person (resembling like a ninja holding a flag). This is Heidi Shadows. To buy cheats, you must go here starting at 10:00 a.m. Heidi Shadows will disappear, then reappear.

Buff Smoothie: Adds 1 Body Point
Clock Smoothie: Adds 1 Mechanical point
DaVinci Smoothie: Adds 1 Creative point
Gourmet Smoothie: Adds 1 Cooking point
Mind Smoothie: Adds 1 Logic point
Rosebud Smoothie: Adds 2,000 Simoleons
Silver Tongue Smoothie: Adds 1 Charisma Point

Heidi's Stock is replenished before every appearance. Heidi Shadows' Shop is open from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

1. Stay in king's tower as long as possible and get as much money as possible
2. Don't buy a house until you have at least between 5,000-20,000 simeolins.
3. Make friends with everyone you meet at least 75 relationship points.
4. When you go into the bayou and meet Crawdad Clem, he calls you a vampire be prepared you don't get too smartalliky other-wise you won't be able to talk to him for a while, or at least until you talk to the croc-dude, and then the red fiddler.
5. Get all the Xizzle beads you can(they'll come in handy).
6. Work on all the mini-games in the gameplay, play until you have around 30,000-50,000 because you'll have much better things to spend it on. | Submitted by D.J.

You can unlock more xizzles by playing in multiplayer mode. | Submitted by Dominator

To unlock secret places to live do the following:

to live in:
-the garbage can: get 100 rel. points with Phoebe Twiddle(can located in the glasstown enterance to club xizzle)
-the lost cave: get 100 rel. points with Ewan whattamee (cave located next to yar hey!bombard! minigame post)
-the projection booth: get 100 rel.points with Theresa Bullhorn(room located in cinema interior, door next to left entrance)
-Schoolbus: get 100 rel.points with Guiseppi Mezzoalato (bus located in urbania, opposite Phoebe's shop) | Submitted by SeanL

All you do is get the highest on basketball and if your really good you can get up to 3,000$ in one session. | Submitted by lilman

Birthday Cupcake Mix: 1 flour, 1 vanilla, 1 sugar
Chocalate Biscotti: 1 chocolate, 1 nuts, 1 flour
Fudge Brownies: 2 chocolate, 1 nuts
Pecan Pie: 1 flour, 1 nuts, 1 sugar
Sugar Cookies: 2 sugar, 1 flour
Apple Pie: 1 apple, 1 sugar, 1 flour
Vanilla Swirl Tart: 1 vanilla, 1 chocalate, 1 sugar
Apple Strudel: 1 apple, 1 nuts, 1 sugar
Caramel Apple: 1 apple, 1 vanilla, 1 sugar
Low-Carb Chocolate Cake: 2 chocolate, 1 sugar

Mixing may not always work, it may say Ugh! This isn't edible. It helps to have lots of cooking skill points, there is also a risk of that happening in the oven when you go to bake it in the oven. You can find ingredients all over Minopolis. You can also buy chocolate, vanilla, flour, and sugar from one of the guys in the place that is at first blocked off when you are just getting out of jail.

To earn more time in the Comic Explosion mini game, when the time is up and there is a flower grab the the flower when the time is up if you do this right you should have 23H 59M on then timer.

Do you know that getting a 75+ relationship with anybody will get you Xizzle Beads? | Submitted by NathanJ

Get the tenth Nerdies rep point.

First, get 100 relationship wit the cop. He will say something about a guy that escaped jail. Then go to the poloce station. There should be a hole in the wall now. If you go in there at 6:00am then the ninja chick should be there without havein' to even connect GBA!! Also go to the circus between 2:00am-3:30am and she will be there to! | Submitted by GameMater

These recyclables are almost impossible to find. But if you look in the graveyard you will find them both! The rods are near the statue of Daddy Bigbucks, and the frog is in between the two graves on either side of the cemetery. | Submitted by NathanJ

To create a giant chocolate bunny mix, mix 3 chocolate in the mixer. | Submitted by NathanJ

Richie King: Luthor L. Bigbucks
Streetie King: Darius
Nerdie Queen: Polly Nomial
Artsie Queen: Roxanna Moxie | Submitted by NathanJ

Rep group rewards/penalties:

Level: What happens:

+10 talk to king, collect clubhouse key
+9 urb does signature walk
+8 talking to king unlocks rep xizzle. buy it
from xizzle door.
+7 gold plaque and members react +2 to all
+6 talking to king gets rep object
+5 special boat for yar hey!bombard! minigame.
+4 members greet urb specially
+3 get rep group mission
+2 get group magazine
+1 silver plaque and members react to
interactions +1
-2 members react to interactions -1
-5 members react to interactions -2
-8 only king will speak to you
-10 all rel. points with members drops to -100

Note: this is only for your own rep group. | Submitted by SeanL

Go to the second floor of the Glasstown Mega Mall, when you have unlocked that part. Go over to the televisions and to the one that is closet to the next clerk. The arrow should come up and press A, and you will have found it.

Get the tenth Richies rep point.

Get a 100% relationship with Darius to get a Streeties Mission.

Get the tenth Streeties rep point.

Strawberry Tiramisu is probably the best baking item to create, the recipe for it is 1 strawberry, 1 vanilla, and 1 sugar. This recipe is mentioned twice in the game:

1) If you talk about cooking with Giuseppi Mezzoalto
2) Purchasing the slip of paper from Heidi Shadows (the slip of paper has the recipe for the tiramisu as well as the Club Xizzle password) Sell the strawberry tiramisu to the grocery man in Sim Quarter and you will get over 1,000 simoleons! | Submitted by NathanJ

Talk to Mambo Loa and say anything that begins with 'talk to...'. she will say something about it that is related to the game and will sometimes help you with your missions. | Submitted by NathanJ

After returning from the bayou, you will go to jail and find out that Daddy Bigbucks has passed a law that running is not allowed. Walking is too slow for most things to do. What you should do is use the motorcycle that Dusty Hogg gives you after you beat him in the motorcycle race. | Submitted by NathanJ

If you have body skill 6+, exercise with a weight set (If you don't have one, try the jail to the right of the cell) and your Urb will be lift the weight with one hand! | Submitted by NathanJ

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