Use the following procedure to get the extremely powerful weapon, Fanelia, beneath the Bonus Chapter. When starting a new file, look at the bookshelf in the Magic Guild. You will get the Divine Scripture. It tells you where to get Fanelia. Defeat all the Accursed, then dig in the sand near Undine Spring five times. Only Ein can use Fanelia, and the move he performs is called Fanelia Beam. It is a very powerful attack with every hit fixed at 999 damage.
In Heaven's Gate, after jumping to the boulder and defeating the Red Dragon, successfully jump to find a green chest. Inside is the Album. It unlocks the CG Collection.
Chapter 1: Obtaining the Dragon Killer
During Chapter 1 "Angelic Advent" in Area 1-5, pull the sword out of the ground before jumping off of the cliff. This sword works especially well against any type of dragon/wyrm creatures.
Chapter 2 and onwards: Getting stronger
At about halfway of Chapter 2, Fia will tell you that you will now be able to do practice battles. When she says that, press Select and choose "Practice". You will be able to choose an enemy to face then start the battle as normal. Choose items and weapons which your characters still need to get experience for, and max it out to get stronger. Also, the items and weapons you use in a practice battle will not get expired. It is just like a free battle. Unfortunately you will not get any TP points, but will still get new items afterwards.
Chapter 2: Obtaining the Item Manual
In Chapter 2 "Pursing the Truth", in the prison second screen, go into Look mode. There should be an inscription on the side of one of the pillars. Read it and there should be writing that gives you a code. When you complete Chapter 2 and go back to Elendia, talk to Claude the Dryad in the first room of the magic guild. He will ask you to input the code (Left, Down, A, Up, B). Afterwards, he will thank you by giving you the Item Manual, which can be checked out in the "Extra Content" section of the main menu screen. The Item Manual tells you about all of the items that you have collected thus far, as well as allow you to see what skills each has to offer to every character.
Chapter 3: Getting Happy's Plume
Immediately after obtaining Serene's Pendant, go further into the tree. You will meet an injured Harpuia. You can choose to either kill or spare it. Spare it, and you will get her undying gratitude as well as "Happy's Plume". This item when used by Ein will do close to 200 damage to the enemy with the highest HP. Happy's Plume can be used ten times before it shatters.
Chapter 3: Getting Serene's Pendant
After Cierra joins your team, go back to the branch you fell off of to reach the Pelga nests. In Look mode, check the shining object in the tree. Help Ein regain his balance and you will receive Serene's Pendant. You can give it to any of the girls to make them happy.
Make your party the 2-1 (Attack) Formation. Place characters as 1. Ein, 2. Cierra, and 3. Serene. Once the fight begins, keep flinging Einherjar at him until he changes to be weak against fire. He should be yellow or a similar color. Check his stats (press Start and select "Stats") to find out. Then, build your Overdrive bar to the maximum and use Cierra's level 3 Overskill to do damage him severely. Repeat this until Hector is defeated.
When she is brownish, she is weak against Holy. When she uses Metamorphosis and changes to become bluish, she is weak against everything else, but absorbs Holy. To combat this, set your party to Ein, Serene, and Lina. Have your items as Einherjar, Leyte Claw, Infinite Arc, and Diana's Bow. The Leyte Claw can be used by Serene and Lina when she is blue. The Infinite Arc and Diana's Bow should be used as level 3 Overskills. Einherjar should only be used by Ein when Seth-Rah is brown. Finish Seth-Rah off with Disaresta when she is down to about 2,000 to 4,000 HP to get a better score.
You must kill Seth-Rah before she transforms (reversing resistances). The first form of Seth-Rah is only weak to Holy and neutral to Physical, and has very high resistance to other elements. Your main weapon here is Rosier. Do not waste it before the final battle. For Ein, though your powerful diviner is Holy, Rosier will still deal more damage since you are only fighting one enemy. Rosier deals three hits. Use ExL only when Seth-Rah falls below 4500 HP. Disaresta will be this powerful against the primary Seth-Rah. Fanelia is not really necessary unless you are in a hurry. Fia is almost a must in this battle. Use her Level 3 Overskill using Rosier for great damage. Also, stack up some books for a full-party heal. Seth-Rah's skills hurt the whole party For Lina, Spiral Arch skills are Holy and Lina's Overskills are very strong against single opponents. Keep Diana's Bow (Lightning property) in your inventory in case Seth-Rah changes form. Bows can be used effectively by anyone except Serene. Serene is very useful in this battle. Have her use Rosier. She deals three hits becayse she has the highest strength in the party. Keep an Infinite Arc in case Seth-Rah changes form. Cierra is a witch, but have her use a rapier instead of a wand. Cierra using Rosier will deal three hits dealing magic damage. Cierra has powerful magic. Keep a Southern Cross to decimate Seth-Rah if she makes the mistake of transformation. The battle will not take long and it easy to get an "S" rank. When you get an "S" rank at this battle, you will get the powerful Longinus early on your next adventure.
To get the Excalibur, get an "S" rank on Isher. You will get the Excalbur. Only Fia and Ein can use it. Fia will use Astral Glitter, a piercing Holy move, and Ein wil use Xandu, a powerful one-hit Holy move.
If you are in a tough battle and have a Rosary, get Fia to learn the move Banishment. When she uses it, many enemies may disappear. If it is not a practice battle, the Rosary will disappear. Also, Banishment does not work against Bosses.
To get a higher rank in a battle, make sure that the final move you use in that battle is Ledah's Over Skill called "Lost Seraph". If done correctly, Ledah will say "Pay for your sins with death" and you should get a higher rank. For example, assume that there are three enemies. Kill two of them and have one remaining. Lower the final enemy's HP down enough for Ledah to finish him off with Lost Seraph. The battle will end and Ledah should say "Pay for your sins with death". You should now have a higher score and a rank.
To get a higher score in a battle, finish the battle with an Overdrive skill. If you finish an enemy off with an Overdrive skill that has a higher level you will get more points in the end. This will only work if the last move in that battle was an overdrive skill. A good way to do this is leave one enemy remaining. Then, lower the enemy's HP down and finish him off with an Overdrive skill. Remember that an Overdrive skill with a higher level results in more points.
In Lacrima Castle, open the ornate chest at the end of Skywalk to release some invulnerable demons. You will be transported to the dungeon. On the first or second screen examine the shadows of the room to find an inscription that has five icons: (Right) (Down) (A) (Up) (B). After defeating Isher and returning to Elendia, tell this to Claude to get the Item Manual.
To get the Longinus, defeat Seth-Rah and get an "S" rank. The Longinus is not as powerful as the Fanelia, but is still good. Only Ein can use it. When he does, he does the Powerful Skill Null Lance. Nobody else can wield it. The Longinus takes place of where the Rosier is if you start a new file.
Do not get the mushroom book from Claude, but gather all three mushrooms in the Weise Forest of Nelde (select "Take") and give them to Reiche in the Grove of Repose after the Nelde chapter. This unlocks Voice Collection (Spiral Shell).
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