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Starter pokemon: My favorite is Mudkip: it's only weakness is grass, but Torchic is also good, because it's evolvd forms are good against gym leaders and the elite 4. Then your other pokemon: catch a Ralts. it'll take some time searching but eventually you'll find one. the best way is just to run around in the first patch of grass by the small pond to route 102 and run for every pokemon exept Ralts. you can also run in to a surskit. those are very rare, so catch that one too. your first ralts should have sychronize as it's ability. if you don't do anything with the ralts and keep searching the same way. you should find another ralts quickly, and it's ability will almost always be trace. you know when it has because it says: Wild Ralts appeared! Go! MUDKIP! (for example) Wild Ralts TRACED Mudkip's TORRENT! That way. Trace will copy special ability. Then, deposit the ralts with sycronize in the pc. the rest is easy:catch a zigzagoon. his ability is pickup and you will get great items from it. catch a poochyena. train them all to lv 10 before battling trainers. catch a taillow catch a shroomish when you get in dewford, catch a sableye in granite cave: it's only weakness is bug. replace it for poochyena you have to get a water type if you choose treecko or torchic as a starter for SURFing later in the game. | Submitted by Laurens
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