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GBA - Pokemon Sapphire screenshot


Pokemon Sapphire

Move Combos for Pokemon Sapphire - GBA

Here are some move combos for your pokemon.

(Encore+Mirror coat/counter)
Use encore to make your opponent repeat its last move for 3-6 turns.Then use mirror coat if it used a special attack,or counter if it used a phyical attack.

(perish song+a strong move+destiny bond)
Use perish song so both pokemon faint after 3 turns,then use a strong move to make it faint. Then use destiny bond when it's the third turn.

(Focus band equipped+endeavor+attack that always goes first)
Before you do this combo,make sure you have focus band equipped.Use a pokemon with a bad speed score,so the opponent goes first.After your opponent attacks,if you are still alive(because focus band MIGHT leave you with 1 HP,you could also use endure)use endeavor to make your opponent's HP the same as your's.Then use a move that always attacks first,such as swift. | Submitted by Drew

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