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Well, they will have a double battle with you and the Pokemon they use are as follows: 1.Pikachu of Lv.85 and Nidoking of Lv.91 2.Charizard and Blastoise of Lv.95 both. and finally the main guns 3.Lugia and Ho-oh of Lv.100. Well, to beat them, use a Groudon of Lv.100 which should know Earthquake, Solarbeam, Thunder+1 more attack. A kyogre of Lv.100 which should know Surf,Thunder and maybe Calm mind and Sheer Cold. A latios of Lv.100 who should know Psychic,Thunderbolt,Surf and Shadow ball. This team is perfect against them. | Submitted by TowsifTNZ
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