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GBA - Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones screenshot


Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Action Replay Item Codes for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - GBA

Here are some action replay codes...note: you can only use one at a time. they should be in your supply. Note: dummy weapons will mess up your game, do not use them (stone shard is a dummy item)

F8EC9110 E835CC21 1 - Iron Sword
CEA5D176 BF10B397 2 - Slim Sword
2A050639 D7CEF6FD 3 - Steel Sword
D1D6CB43 60D2747B 4 - Silver Sword
68037F39 99075846 5 - Iron Blade
A059DBDA CB287878 6 - Steel Blade
7E500B93 3F870C2E 7 - Silver Blade
1B7C96DA 6D34175A 8 - Poison Sword
5CE4FDFE 7B9DD200 9 - Rapier
B6940E14 FBE9E01E A - Dummy (sword)
18AC6F00 44A58CA3 B - Brave Sword
18A81B3D E926A5D2 C - Shamshir
DC02CD39 C4636544 D - Killing Edge
03C115A5 62B7818E E - Armorslayer
7098B195 531C4FB7 F - Wyrmslayer
E4F57210 BCE9FE87 10 - Light Brand
AA24C529 BC84A166 11 - Runesword
88DDE615 D512716A 12 - Lancereaver
276FCA44 5946A9DB 13 - Zanbato
076E83CF 1DDDE9AF 14 - Iron Lance
E765B8EC 7F3EBA9A 15 - Slim Lance
38A734ED 45E1D17D 16 - Steel Lance
0795CCE4 3386E112 17 - Silver Lance
D77745E4 B8C1AA84 18 - Toxin Lance
3A0B5E3D 6B35FD2C 19 - Brave Lance
27C22CCF E0830E38 1A - Killer Lance
555EE62B 9ABB9CC5 1B - Horseslayer
9D807C5B C49A6BF5 1C - Javelin
0277200D F757E4FB 1D - Spear
1255E696 6D1147EC 1E - Axereaver
EC55ED6C 3B60F90D 1F - Iron Axe
6922315A 0BAF6D4C 20 - Steel Axe
A1108F20 E0BEB23C 21 - Silver Axe
B9FABF45 DCE68CA2 22 - Poison Axe
523D04C2 C5038D31 23 - Brave Axe
416A42B3 BC7C3D14 24 - Killer Axe
5A418603 3015D2BD 25 - Halberd
DF1B8F54 9E846BDB 26 - Hammer
7000598A 6455E250 27 - Devil Axe
666F95B6 116F6CB8 28 - Hand Axe
9BE06610 DA5A135F 29 - Tomahawk
E8D50340 A3F34054 2A - Swordreaver
18B296B0 9A673C2A 2B - Swordslayer
4CA0E652 46CB0A01 2C - Hatchet
8D4238DD 1F0014A5 2D - Iron Bow
02CC09AD F88E93EC 2E - Steel Bow
410F180A 0EFC5F27 2F - Silver Bow
26200A98 94C7EE9A 30 - Poison Bow
91D3B8FE B1328711 31 - Killer Bow
F069DC8F D8973058 32 - Bravebow
3255730E 48743723 33 - Shortbow
1D2732F4 66B3803A 34 - Longbow
24F6841B D869B88F 35 - Ballista
11BB44A9 370DC5D8 36 - Iron Ballista
87182779 679CAF08 37 - Killer Ballista
4DDB11FE C95278C7 38 - Fire
2D4445A8 F4D3025B 39 - Thunder
6CA2A0A4 721F94D9 3A - Elfire
AC283C3F 2CBE04AC 3B - Bolting
085CF5F5 0705091C 3C - Fimbulvetr
1C7F5775 A91190F3 3D - Dummy (Anima Magic)
0F27E7CE 93AB46EA 3E - Excalibur
1F566EAA 018C29C0 3F - Lightning
27B1F133 C5D21AE2 40 - Shine
0691D6AC 63366A77 41 - Divine
A6DED8DE 03A7E30E 42 - Purge
849FE9EC 7262D5C4 43 - Aura
07B9A176 071DFCA9 44 - Dummy (Light Magic)
6ADC6713 6AF0F068 45 - Flux
34DAFB54 0FD1576B 46 - Luna
A34222BE A3B73A4D 47 - Nosferatu
A52711C8 EC2B878C 48 - Eclipse
DD8FE8E1 F0DB3974 49 - Fenrir
EB52AFBA BDF98560 4A - Gleipnir
003B18AA 4FEB9B2D 4B - Heal
A025A41B 1002DCFE 4C - Mend
4A10A7D1 D0C67827 4D - Recover
07D737CD 8B2A39A7 4E - Physic
B7277539 4512B58E 4F - Fortify
4F4BEE96 C0577799 50 - Restore
6B465BDA D8387141 51 - Silence
A94FC1A2 80BDC86B 52 - Sleep
87EC89EC 3252214E 53 - Berserk
D5790DC1 43395747 54 - Warp
358AD4CF E1EDB91D 55 - Rescue
6F8EA4E4 853DE5B1 56 - Torch (staff)
9271B216 C1CEDE5E 57 - Hammerne
D032C08F C104AFB7 58 - Unlock
C38F2D93 12E85D9E 59 - Barrier
CA50AC17 19451630 5A - Dragon Axe
7DF693AD F69486D5 5B - Angelic Robe
AAD4FAC9 F619163E 5C - Energy Ring
138D91A3 47FA7977 5D - Secret Book
FF60D7DE 3869BF9B 5E - Speedwing
22AEE0DA 42FA14C7 5F - Goddess Icon
6088C08F 9CAD3AD7 60 - Dragonshield
72905F5A 1C5D6B23 61 - Talisman
6D750A28 D403A2DA 62 - Swiftsole
E6E519BF F24BAA12 63 - Body Ring
91041C4E 20826C88 64 - Hero Crest
89AF4335 5E99F387 65 - Knight Crest
193EF56E 45F579D5 66 - Orion's Bolt
FB6C7B0B 3D8361D1 67 - Elysian Whip
D07E28D3 1AC1951B 68 - Guiding Ring
03B25CF0 D3CAFF5C 69 - Chest Key
A582157A 913E8D4B 6A - Doorkey
CDCED23E B98987B5 6B - Lockpick
E2F180C7 0634A9D4 6C - Vulnerary (3 uses)
8807A84D D8FBA712 6D - Elixir
C034A066 FF23BBC1 6E - Pure Water
20018597 84C956E6 6F - Antitoxin
EE3A9678 33E87CA2 70 - Torch
914D1BF9 C324D136 71 - Fili Shield
20B692F4 7978B557 72 - Member Card
284D5CBE A46438DD 73 - Silver Card
7279CA78 D9426332 74 - White Gem
1D7FDBB0 E218AAD0 75 - Blue Gem
B8320841 DEA32B39 76 - Red Gem
CFBFBBC1 C52FCD7A 78 - Reginleif
2D3FC86A 3E5735D8 79 - Chest Key (5 uses)
75057E45 3ED16C85 7A - Dummy (Mine)
F26BFDD7 2C36DEA9 7B - Dummy (Light Rune)
88FA1980 B84A6513 7C - Hoplon Guard
9AB7C5FC AE874C30 7D - Dummy (Song/Dance?)
D46DFC10 DA02978F 7E - Dummy (Song/Dance?)
B51E833D DF076683 7F - Dummy (Song/Dance?)
839FFD96 F89E7995 80 - Dummy (Song/Dance?)
56CE5CBD 8998F22E 81 - Shadow Killer
20490C4F CC438D87 82 - Bright Lance
B43FA6CA 8B09DEE6 83 - Fiendcleaver
BA7C7847 6F6A78F0 84 - Beacon Bow
5C176358 D3F434C5 85 - Sieglinde
57F66440 4AC9E779 86 - Battle Axe
5A333D5D 425B35A8 87 - Ivaldi
FB97579B 0AC0CF06 88 - Master Seal
2DCBB025 A0EA8BB6 89 - Metis's Tome
95860DF3 89D96A67 8A - Dummy
D0188B93 3958AA33 8B - Sharp Claw
4F8F4C02 4D7CC905 8C - Latona
52962104 F8DCA54D 8D - Dragonspear
C010C2C7 3698FC39 8E - Vidofnir
026D5475 8CDE3529 8F - Naglfar
6228ED56 5D1D889E 90 - Wretched Air
7A7E6A65 3FF072F9 91 - Audhulma
22D52B5C 8D68FB2B 92 - Siegmund
8201F0D0 2E4EBDEF 93 - Garm
B80E94AA D5B52C9A 94 - Nidhogg
01828D5B 44A1E501 95 - Heavy Spear
54E94F96 D961AD9F 96 - Short Spear
3F081154 3FEBE1AF 97 - Ocean Seal
78F1AF2B 1CCC135A 98 - Lunar Brace
A0B90F06 31DF2462 99 - Solar Brace
7D94B0B9 E9FA707E A1 - Wind Sword
65FBF00E 567A69E9 A2 - Vulnerary (60 uses)
69C8091E 045CA132 A7 - Stone Shard
822B9733 9A456C2A A8 - Demon Light
C41F6FE3 1F45300B A9 - Ravager
716FEAD2 3789F23B AA - Dragonstone
DA830643 ECC35BF8 AB - Demon Surge
7955B131 3A033586 AC - Shadow Shot
145E4373 CA825936 AD - Rotten Claw
DF81A12D B2BC9C01 AE - Fetid Claw
80521E6B E9E6CA16 AF - Poison Claw
3A2CC4E3 774D6425 B0 - Lethal Talon
4FF05886 EB2B1F41 B1 - Fiery Fang
3B7A180E F2C101C8 B2 - Hell Fang
F06ECD7D 72442852 B3 - Evil Eye
405D2B94 C7E1A8C4 B4 - Crimson Eye
F1908B6F 437CCA6C B5 - Stone
30DFFB85 B5A41666 B6 - Alacalibur
36564192 46A139CD B7 - Juna Fruit
314C5CC8 5E7D2279 BA - Black Gem
A5B82400 D0FAA07D BB - Gold Gem | Submitted by PointCataclsym

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