Catching Bubbles and Gregory
Do not try to walk up to them, as they will run away. You can fly faster than you can walk. Fly very close to them and press A after landing on the floor to catch/hit them. When you are done, you get the Kamahamaha Wave. |
Submitted by NetoSuccessfully complete the game (including all the quests and sidequests). Start a new game to begin with unlimited energy. After completing the game, you should have one of two things: unlimited energy or the ability to carry four Senzu Beans. |
Submitted by NetoUse the following trick to defeat any Boss without you hardly getting hurt. First, run away from him. Then, when he is charging up for a Ki-blast, go to the side of him and hit him with your own energy blast. This takes longer, but is more effective.
To defeat Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta. fly up to a higher place than the normal ground (such as a small mountain). Then, keep hitting them with Ki burst until you kill them.
When fighting Vegeta and Nappa, you can defeat them by running up to them and making them chase you. When they get close, stop so that they will be to your left side, facing you and slightly upwards. You will be able to stay in that position, and they will not hit you at all. You can even reload the Ki blast to do major damage.
When Raditz, Nappa or Frieza is powering up a Ki blast, go to the place that it will hit you and start flying. Do not move at all. It will hit you and you will fall. You will be walking, but the game will still consider you as flying. Punch the Boss until he is defeated.
Note: Solar Flare and Kamehameha Wave are needed for this trick. Stun the Boss long enough, charge the Kamehameha Wave, then hit and run. |
Submitted by NetoWhen you encounter the first dinosaur (the brown one, and not the pterodactyl), grab the orb then lead him across the river. Then, blast him until he walks out of range. Fly back across, grab the orb, and repeat until you kill it. |
Submitted by NetoTo kill Freiza in any form, charge up your Ki for the Solar Flare attack. Use it close to him, then punch him a few times and repeat. Note: You should be at least level 20 when fighting him.
When you are fighting Freiza's last form, use all your energy with Solar Flare. Hit Freiza ten times. While he is frozen, run away so you do not get hurt. Keep repeating the Solar Flare. Note: You have to be at level 25 to do this. You have to hit him 62 or 72 times.
First, fire an 1/8 of Ki powered blast when you are one step away from being able to hit him with a Kame Hame Ha wave, then move forward one step and start charging the wave. When he gets close, fire and run. This process will have to be repeated.
The easiest way to defeat Freiza in any form is to get as far away from him as possible, face him, then hold B. Then, when he is directly in front of you, release B and start punching him. This process will have to be repeated five to ten times.
When you are about to fight Freiza, go to where Krillin is located. Talk to him and he will give you a Senzu Bean. |
Submitted by NetoDefeating Freiza's henchmen
When you are at level 23, you can kill Freiza's henchmen with one punch. However, it might be best to use energy blasts. |
Submitted by NetoDefeating the Ginyu Force
To do this easily, use the invincibility trick by litting someone with a Ki blast hit you while you are flying. The more difficult way is to defeat them one by one. After you fight the first member of the Ginyu, save the game and repeat until you get through them all. For example, save the game after you fight each of the Ginyu Force members, then turn off the game after each member you fight. Note: Fly scale will be on when you are not flying. To stop flying press Fly twice. Your fly scale will turn off.
Fly to the island east of Gohan and Krillin after starting to fight. When they are in range, start hitting them with Ki Blasts. If they go out of range, fly over, get their attention, fly back to the island, and repeat. Note: This works best on Jeice. |
Submitted by NetoSince Vegeta never remains still, you may run out of life. However, there are herbs everywhere. if you use up all the herbs and he has already said "You're stronger I than thought", you can leave and return. All the herbs will be there again. Note: Do not save outside or you will have to start again. |
Submitted by NetoWhen you see a wolf, run from it, then quickly turn and punch it. If done correctly, it should die in one hit. |
Submitted by NetoEasy Boss Killing Secret 2
Fly away from the boss until he's about 1.5 - 2 screens away from Goku. You can keep shooting the boss with Ki Blasts from there and the boss won't move. You can find a place to shoot by firing Ki Blasts in the boss's direction and moving side to side until it makes the sound that it makes when u hit an enemy with a ki blast. Once you find the place where u hit the boss stay there and keep firing Ki Blasts. It works because bosses don't move when you are a certain distance away from them. For some bosses, after you fire ki blasts for a long time u might need to go up to the boss and punch him/her because there are some bosses where u need to be on the same screen as the boss.(ex. Raditz because Goku has to jump on Raditz so Piccolo can do his special beam cannon.) |
Submitted by NetoTo beat a boss easily or henchman of Frieza, just walk back and forth and let them follow you back and forth, then when they try to blast you step to their side while their cahrging and charge , then blast them with a brutal Kamehameha Wave! |
Submitted by StealthWolfTo successfully get a critical hit on an enemy, just walk behind the enemy and punch or shoot a Ki blast. This acts as a backstab, but it is very effective, especially against Freeza's guards. |
Submitted by NetoThis trick will work if you are near or above level 14. Outside of the Ancient Ruins Area (not the actual Ruins) is a soldier standing by. Once your Ki charges up, stand aside the north wall that holds the Ancient Ruins entrance and line up with the soldier. Charge up your Kame Hame Ha and blast him. He should die. Then, enter the Ruins, leave, and the soldier should be back. Let your Ki charge again, then blast the soldier again from the same place. Keep repeating this and you will level up very rapidly.
Go to any dinosaur. Get far enough away so that it does not chase you, but make sure you can see it. Start firing Ki Blast at him. It will approach you. When he is right next to you, start punching him until it is killed. If done correctly, it will not attack back. Leave the screen, return, and repeat. Some good places to do this is include the forest by the stream and outside the city with robbers.
When you are in Heak, save the game and turn the game off. Turn the game back on and enable the "Invincibility" code. Every time you run into a moving white ghost, blind it with Solar Flare, then start punching it.
Enable the "Invincibility" code at the beginning of the game. The very first dinosaur (brown) that you encounter can be killed with your punch attack. Leave the map area and return to do it again. You can also use the punch attack on the random forest creatures (squirrels and snakes) to get 5 experience points each. |
Submitted by NetoFinding the lost dino egg
When you are looking for the egg, you must go to an area with grass and one bluish dog. Defeat the dog and go up the steps. You will find three more dogs. Defeat them and go up another pair of steps. There will be one last dog. Keep going until you find two bushes blocking your way. Destroy those with Ki blasts and advance. Go to the right and you will find Tien and his clown friend. They will each give you 500 experience points. Keep going until you find an area with a waterfall. Fly onto the ledge and a dino will be there. Defeat it and then you will find the egg on the top, where the dino was located. Return the egg to the mother dino at the beginning of the area and she will give you 350 experience points. |
Submitted by NetoThe first magazine is on the right side of the island. It is white. The next one is on the back side of the island. It is also white. The last one is inside the Kame House. To get inside, you must go to the left side of the house and go up the stairs. Give the magazines to the Master Roshi and he will give you two Zenzu Beans, some Herbs and 350 experience points. Raditz will then appear, followed by Piccolo. You will be transported to the forest where Raditz took Gohan. |
Submitted by NetoGlitch: Stand on water
Get a person who can fire a Ki attack (for example, Frieza's henchman). Get the person to fire a Ki blast at you while you are flying over the water. When he blasts you, your character will stand in the water, but cannot move.
Glitch: Stand on air
Fly above a hole and have one of Friezas henchmen fire a Ki blast at you. You will fall and stand. Note: You cannot move and can only get off by flying.
Glitch: Flying sound when walking
Become invincible the press R and fly. After you run out of time, you will get a flying sound while walking. |
Submitted by NetoTo find the green artifact you must first go to the temple.Then go straight to the white teleport pad, when you enter the next room go south then east all the way to the wall (beware you will encounter two of freizas henchmen) then go north until you see a statue of a hand, then simply follow the fingers direction and you will enter a hidden room, keep walking and you will find the green artifact. |
Submitted by tonyWhen you are in Hell, go south a little way to find a "mountain" on your right with two destructible rocks. If you destroy the rocks, you can walk on top of this "mountain" and not have to fly to get to the fruit. |
Submitted by NetoThe more that you fight things the more your power level will go up. Then it will be easyer to fight masters like Frieza. |
Submitted by Gold374Press A + B + R + L + Start + Select during game play to return to the title screen. Note: This does not erase your saved game(s). |
Submitted by NetoAfter you are into the game a ways were enemys shoot energy balls at you, (Raditz is the first) start flying while in the line of fire of one of the blasts. Stay still and when it hits you you will not be able to get hurt. Start to fly again or exit a level to be normal again. |
Submitted by jagdlailoiWhen the theme song and movie come on press: up, down, left, right, B, and A.
Find an enemy that fires Kai beams. Get the enemy to fire a beam at you while you are flying. You should land with your fly meter still on. You will now have unlimited health. To deactivate it, press R(2). It will also wear off when you go to another area. |
Submitted by wawaDefeat Raditz and find King Kai's planet. Catch Bubbles and hit Gregory. After you do this, King Kai will teach you the KameHameHa Wave. |
Submitted by NetoNamek Temple: Secret passage
When there is a Namek statue in front of you, turn left. There is a jewel down in front of you. Take it, go down more, then turn left again. There should be a secret passage there. |
Submitted by NetoNamek Temple: Stone hands
The stone hands in Namek Temple point to gaps in the wall to secret areas where you can find extra Herbs and/or Senzu Beans. To find the path, follow to where the hand is pointing to, then follow it to the wall points to. Walk into the wall to go through it to reach the secret area. |
Submitted by NetoRoshi's Magazines
Saved Lost Girl
Found Dino Egg
Saved Old Man
Recovered Toy Boat
Flowers for Sue
Returned Kitty
Defeated Raditz
Defeated Snake Queen
Gathered Spirits
Ate Yemma's Fruit
Caught Bubbles
Konked Gregory
Saved Lost Boy
Found Capsules
Stopped Robbers
Defeated Nappa
Defeated Vegeta
Saved Saplings
Namekian Artifacts
Defeated Recoome
Defeated Burter
Defeated Jeice
Defeated Captain Ginyu
Defeated Frieza |
Submitted by NetoSave the game, then turn off the power. When you turn the power on again, you will have a full energy and Ki bar. Note: When this is done, you will be sent back to the beginning of the area or level you where currently on. |
Submitted by NetoIn order to save the man on the island, you must collect three stones. The first two are in the dirt area near the dino mother. The first one is in the trees. You will have to squeeze through some of them, but you will find it there. The second one is next to the dino nest. You have to go around the rocks, then you will get to it. The third one is on your way to the dino that stole the egg. Each time Goku will say that he thinks that the rocks will be useful, and they will. To find the man, you have to defeat the first dog. You will then go downward instead of upward. There will be a river and you will have to fly over it. When you get there, Goku will say that he senses a powerful being there. You have to defeat the dinosaur to make it easier. Once it is defeated, fly over the rocky ledge there. You will find an area with a lake. In the middle of the lake will be a square island with a fossil and a man. Fly to the man and talk to him. Lay down the rocks and talk to him again. He will give you 350 experience points. |
Submitted by NetoWhen you are on Namek and at about level 21, you can kill henchmen in one hit. You do not have to charge up -- just shoot. |
Submitted by NetoTurning into a Super Saiyan
The only way you can become a Super Saiyan is when you have the very last fight with Freeza's last form. You cannot become a Super Saiyan anywhere else. |
Submitted by NetoUnlimited Herbs and Senzu Beans
First you find a Herb or Senzu Bean, pick it up then leave the current map. Return and it will reappear, and can be picked up again. Note: You can hold up to six Herbs and three Senzu Beans. |
Submitted by NetoUse this cheat when the movie clip is going put in up, down, left, right, a, b. |
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