Find all 40 Spritelings before beating the final boss to get the best castle (and best ending).
When fighting DinoMighty, grab her tail and wait until she raises it above her head. Perfom a Ground Pound (A + R Button). She'll drop a lot of coins. This stuns, but does not damage her. Repeat as often as you like to get an inifinite number of coins.
Rescue the following amount of Spritelings to get different castles in the ending.
Ending | How to unlock
| |
| |
| - Rescue 11-20 Spritelings.
| - Rescue 21-30 Spritelings.
| - Rescue 31-39 Spritelings.
| |
Unlock Selected 1: Dodge Balls
At Greenhorn Ruins get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 2: UFO Assist
At Wonky Circus get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 3: Jumpin Rope
At Beanstalk Way get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 4: Munch A Bunch
At Pecan Sands get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 1: Wario Whirled
At Greenhorn Forrest get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 2: Heads Up
At Horror Manor get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 3: Gold Digger
At Shivering Mountains get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 4: Lickety Split
At Mirror Mansion get all 8 treasures.
On the pause screen, Wario will constantly repeat, "Nyah nyah nyah-nyah nyah" to the beat of the music. However, if you let this screen idle for around 50 minutes, Wario will say, "Sorry" as a way of apologizing for the taunting.
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