While playing a game, press Y, B, A, X(2), A, B, Y.
Enter "VADKRAM" as a name to unlock all bonuses.
While playing a game, press Up, A, Down, Y, Left, X, Right, B.
While playing a game, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Z, Left, Right, Left.
While playing a game, press Up(2), Down(2), A, X, Y, B.
While playing a game, press Up(2), Left(2), R, Z, L, Z.
While playing a game, press L(2), Left, Right, Z(4).
While playing a game, press L, Z, R, Z, Left(2), Up(2).
Press Y, B, A, X(2), A, B, Y during game play.
Pause the game, then press Up(2), Right(2), R, Z, L, Z. Note: You cannot collect any badges when this code is enabled.
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