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Sonic Adventure Battle 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sonic Adventure Battle 2 on GameCube

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Sonic Adventure Battle 2 Cheats

On level three of City Escape it should say "find the lost chao". Get to the part where you are running down the wall when you hit the spring. Do not go on the swing bar go to the left. There is a ruin there, play mistic melody and jump on it there is a thing that pulls you up. Grab on and jump on the spring robot. It will take you to another pull up thing. Repeat untill you see a swing bar. Grab on to it and swing on it. You should get to a hole in the wall and the chao will be in there. | Submitted by tedreidy

You can get the classic Green Hill stage as seen on Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis, earn all 180 emblems. The new stage will appear on the map as a black box with a orange question mark inside it! But only Sonic can do the level. | Submitted by AaronCrowie

Go to city escape with sonic an you must have the multi bounce, use it on the robot chao and he will be on fire. | Submitted by ShadowMaster

If you've got a ghost chao heres a addition that'll make your chao look dead (Litterally) spooky. If you dig in the dark garden sometimes you will find a skull which you can give to your chao! | Submitted by Xtermin8or

Finish Sonic's levels with an 'A' rank.

Go to two player and select a character and get both characters their 2nd attack and press B at the same time with both controlers and and you will see a big chao head. | Submitted by amy

Finish Eggman's levels with an 'A' rank.

There are several places in SA2 that you can see Big the Cat from the original Sonic Adventure Dreamcast game. Here are a few of them:

1. City Escape: About 3/4 of the way down when you're running away from the truck look on the right sidewalk to see him running away.

2. Radical Highway: After going in one of the rockets look at the blimp to the left and he will be sitting on it.

3. Pumpkin Hill: Go to the area where the train is stuck (it's going back and forth) and he is behind one of the gates waving to you.

4. Cannon's Core: With Rouge, go to the top of the highest pillar in the main room and look up. He's jumping up and down.

5. When you're battling against Shadow with Sonic in the Green Forest area there is a grate. Look down in the grate and you can see Big fishing.

To get a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone stage, from Sonic The Hedgehog, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart, Timed Boss, and the emblems for all "A" rating. Once you have them all, which should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest stage will have the face of Sonic on it.

Get color chao drives then go to the black market get a 3 hundred ring heart fruit then give to chao when flowers apear around the chao stand at the front of the flowers and let go of chao drive the drive will shoot back and you can keep using it until you max out your stats. | Submitted by Jordan

Finish Tails' levels with an 'A' rank.

Go to a Chao Garden and get a coconut. Then with a sleeping Chao, pick up the coconut and put it by the its head. The coconut will act as a pillow.

When your chao becomes a hero or dark chao, the type of chao it is level up that chao and the choa is the master of that type now. | Submitted by Mike

Finish Rogue's levels with an 'A' rank.

To make a super sonic on any level you have to press L + R + Y + X and when your're starting the level you will be super sonic. | Submitted by Julio13

Raise a Dark Chao with one of the three Dark characters. Continually feed and train the Dark Chao and it should evolve (creates a tear-shaped "cocoon"). Once it evolves, descending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Dark Garden.

There are different types of chao you can get from a Neutral Fly chao

Ram Chao=Speed Chaos Drives
NiGHTS Chao=Fly Chaos Drives
Scorpian Chao=Power Chaos Drives
Armor Chao=Swim Chaos Drives
Advanced Fly Chao=No Chaos Drives | Submitted by KenFougere

There are many types of chao you can get from a neutral power chao.

Volcano Chao=Add Fly Chaos Drives
Can Opener Chao=Speed Chaos Drives
Full Red Chao=Power Chaos Drives
Hydralisk Chao=Swim Chaos Drives
Advanced Power Chao=Don't give it any Chaos Drives | Submitted by KenFougere

There are different types of chao you can get from a neutral speed chao.

Sonic Chao=Speed Chaos Drives
Elf Chao=Fly Chaos Drives
Boxing Chao=Power Chaos Drives
Light Sonic Chao=Swim Chaos Drives
Classic Sonic Chao=No Chaos Drives | Submitted by KenFougere

There are different types of chao you can get from a neutral swim chao.

Aqua Chao=Speed Drives
Duck Chao=Fly Drives
Sumo Chao=Power Drives
Sclicing Chao=Swim Drives
Advance Swim Chao=No Drives | Submitted by KenFougere

There are different types of normal neutral chao you can get.

Small Tip Chao=Speed Drives
Elvis Chao=Fly Drives
Tough Curl Chao=Power Drives
Slick Tip Chao=Swim Drives
Advanced Normal Nutral Chao=No Drives | Submitted by KenFougere

Go to Pumpkin Hill with Knuckles and go to where you got his Shovel Claws (on the first platform when you jump across). Jump while you're standing in the circle, then push B when it appears in the top of your screen and you will get a life. Then push Start and push A on Exit. Go back to the level and repeat. After a while, you should end up with a lot of lives. | Submitted by Fairytale

When you sell an item at the black market, press the reset when you hear the cash register go BING! When you go back into the game you will still have that item plus the rings you earned from the item. (this might not work the first time so save before you restart the game and try it out using an egg shell at first so you don't loose a good item.) | Submitted by Momo

In any 2P Battle, when someone uses Time Stop on you, push every button except START and wiggle the control stick as much as you can to make the time go faster.

Have you ever wonderd what every chao looks like? I thought the same thing and I found it! Go to! This will help you a lot! | Submitted by KenFougere

Go to the themes menu and turn the analog stick clockwise quickly until you hear a sound.

To find these updrades with these characters:

treasure scope: sectirty hall
iron boots: mad space

sunglasses: metor herd
hammer gloves: death chamber
shovel claw: pumpkien hill

lasor cannon: weapons bed
jet packs: lost colony

ancient light: green forest. | Submitted by trialblazesonic

To get a full egg chao first get into chao garden. Then get an egg.(spotty(the normal egg),shiny black,shiny white or lime green eggs are best eggs for this). Then using ever: sonic,shadow or knuckles pick up the egg and shake it for about 12 minutes or longer (this maybe boring but it worth it). Then place it in the water for 2 minutes. Then pick it up and do not do anything for 1 minute. Then place it some of the flowers around the garden. Then instead of hatching just eye holes & legs will apear. This is called a full egg chao. If this does not work try again but it should if you did it right. This must be done in the 1st chao gargen note: you must have 50 emblems for this to work | Submitted by jakeemoBob

To get a full egg chao you must first get in to chao garden (using chao key or stage select) and get an egg. This works best with a normal spotty egg shiny brown egg shiny grey egg or shiny black egg but you can do it with any egg. Then using sonic or shadow shake the egg for about 12 minutes or more. (this maybe boring but its worth it). Then place it in the water for about 2 minutes or more. then pick it up and place it in some of the flowers around the edge of the garden. It should start to shake normally but instead of hatching just legs and eye holes will apear.(if this has worked as it should, you cannot attack or throw this chao for its egg will hatch). This must be done in chao garden not hero or dark garden. | Submitted by JakeWard

Pause game play then hold Y + X.

In CITY ECSAPE, go to the Omochao by the pipe. Grab him and throw him in the dich. He will come back later, never or no time at all. Also, in Chao Races the third Chalenge Race is against fast Omochaos! | Submitted by Shadow278

Get all 180 emblems and the stage appears on the world map.

To get a chao that resembles Spyro the dragon you first need a purple egg. Hatch the egg and give your chao only dragons. Dragons can be found on Knuckles first stage but it is easier with the shovel claw because you can find one in the mystic melody area of it. | Submitted by MegaMaster2

Finish either Hero or Dark story modes 1 time. This allows you to fight bosses.

Use one of the 3 dark characters and raise a dark chao. Feed and train your chao till it evolves and you should see stairs in the main lobby that go to the dark garden.

Use one of the 3 light characters and raise a light chao. Feed and train your chao till it evolves and you should see stairs in the main lobby that go to the Hero garden. | Submitted by SaiyanFlame

Get an egg and crack it while being Knuckles. Then feed it heeps of red chao drives, once again being knuckles. Keep doing this until it goes into a cho-head shaped shell. When it comes out it will be a Knuckles chao. | Submitted by Megapup

Crack an egg with rouge and feed it heaps of purple chao drives. Wait till it evolves. | Submitted by Megapup

Go to a chao garden while playing as Shadow and hatch a chao. Give him nothing but green chaos drives and wait for him to evolve. Give him even more green chaos drives and he will transform into a Shadow chao! | Submitted by Hypnodroid

Play as Sonic in a chao garden and hatch an egg. feed him nothing but green chaos drives and wait until he evolves. After he does, feed him even more green chaos drives and he will become a Sonic chao! | Submitted by Hypnodroid

Crack an egg with tails and keep feeding it purple chao drives. Wait till it evolves. | Submitted by Megapup

Play as a dark character in a chao garden and evolve your chao twice. If you treated him good, he will go back to his egg stage. Re-hatch him and evolve him twice. If he goes back to his egg, hatch him and feed him ALL 21 types of different animals.Once he evolves, feed him a Dark Fruit. He'll instantly evolve into an Ultimate Devil chao. This is the best chao because he will never die and he is super strong and super fast. | Submitted by Hypnodroid

Have you always wanted a chao like Magic,(the NORMAL Angel Chao in Super Chao Karate)well I only have a tip, dont just pet it, give it all kinds of stuff, ONLY GIVE HIM CHAO AND HERO FRUITS. Other than that give it Tigers, the wierd green fish, Unicorns, Dragons, Parrots and Tweeties. All kinds of Chaos Drives. When you see a spike coming in between the 2 other things on its head, than youre A OK! | Submitted by KenFougere

Supplies: Knuckles, Pumpkin Hill, ghost dogs. First of all, go to Pumpkin Hill with Knuckles. Ride the rocket up to Church Mountain and get the ghost dog. Then, get the Chao Key and finish the level. When you're in Chao Garden, crack open an egg and give the chao inside the ghost dog. When the ghost dog and chao touch, the chao's legs should dissapear. If not, keep trying. Then, keep petting it with any good guy(Sonic, Knuckles, Tails). When it evolves, it will look just like a ghost! | Submitted by jordan

Get a good Chao and a bad Chao to unlock the good and evil Chao races.

To unlock a 3D version of the classic Green Hill stage (from Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis), earn all 180 emblems. The new stage will appear on the world map.

Raise a Hero Chao with one of the three Hero characters. Continually feed and train the Hero Chao and it should evolve (creates a tear-shaped "cocoon"). Once it evolves, ascending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Hero Garden.

To make a Chao a Hero, simply use a Hero character and keep petting them. If done long enough, it will go white and be a Hero. To make it Dark, just use a Dark character and do the same thing.

This cheat you need a game boy a gmaeboy gamcube link cabel and sonic advance gameboy game now trade the chao to gamecube then on game boy buy a new egg (coulord)then trade it to game boy now hatch it by throwing it then you will have a metallick chao ps. hope i help! | Submitted by yo-yo

Go straight get the ballon go to the left youll see a rocket ride it your at pumkin crurch find a rocket on pumkin church ride it right when you get off fly with nuckles to the high platforms jump to the last one and you fond the lost chao. | Submitted by michaelbibler

Successfully complete Tails' driving quest in the Hero side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Hero side story. Successfully complete Rouge's chase mission in the Dark side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Dark side story.

When you complete with all A rank (hard work) you get new 2 player costumes for sonic. shadow, jnux, rouge, tails and eggman they will have orbs above there heads and you have to press up to select there costumes sonics is a red gear on like sam speed from sonic x with his name on it shadow gets a black one, knuckles gets black and white striped knuckles and
a black costume, rouge gets a belly top and hot pants with a belt, tails just gets the ordinary tornado but in its old colour which is red and eggman has a rap like clothes with a hat shades black jacket and a black and grey army coloured eggwalker. | Submitted by AaronCrowie

These are all the power ups I know how to get.

Sonic: Light shoes-Metal Harbor
Bounce Bracelet-Pyramid Cave
Flame Ring-Crazy Gadget
Magic Gloves-City Escape(Need Bounce Braclet+Flame Ring)
Mystic Melody- Final Rush

Knuckles:Shovel Claw-Pumpkin Hill
Air Necklace-Aquatic Mine
Hammer Gloves-Death Chamber
Mystic Melody-Wild Canyon(Need Shovel Claw)

Tails:Booster-Mission Street
Bazooka-Eternal Engine
Mystic Melody-Hidden Base(Need Bazooka)

Shadow:Air Shoes-White Jungle
Flame Ring-Radical Highway(Need Air Shoes) | Submitted by Poke'maniac


-Upgrade: Magic Gloves
-Location: City Escape
-Upgrades Needed: Bounce Bracelet/Flame Ring
-Description: Picks up enemies to throw at others.

After the loop and wall run in City Escape, you should end up in an area with a staircase, and two poles that you swing on (one in hard). If you look on the ground, you will notice 4 metal containers. Simply do the bounce attack on these containers to bust them open. The Magic Gloves will be inside.

-Upgrade: Light Shoes
-Location: Metal Harbor
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to dash through lines of rings.

Find the area near the beginning in which you must do the homing attack on the robots floating in the air. Once you land on the platform past them, you should notice there is nowhere to go, and all that is there, is a ring trail. You should notice a tower with a pulley in it. Jump on this pulley to go up the tower. Once up there, you should find the Light Shoes. Use these to get across the ring trails!

-Upgrade: Ancient Light
-Location: Green Forest
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to attack enemies in a row quickly.

After you come off the second loop (half loop), you should hit springs and bounce onto the platform. When you land, run to the right, and you should find a 10 Ring capsule. If you get close enough to the edge here, you should see one of the flying enemies. Simply do a homing attack on him, the item capsule behind him, and the item capsule behind that. This should land you on another platform where you will see the Ancient Light.

-Upgrade: Bounce Bracelet
-Location: Pyramid Cave
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to bounce after jumping so you can reach higher platforms.

This one is very simple to get. Simply stay on the correct path through out the stage. If you do so, you should run right into it.

-Upgrade: Flame Ring
-Location: Crazy Gadget
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to break metal containers.

After the second hyper-warp tube, you should end up on the ceiling of a room. Simply run to the other end (beware of the blue enemies awaiting you), and press the switch to drop to the ground. You should notice 3 metal containers in your way. Turn around and run to the back wall, then go right. There should be a spring waiting for you. Bounce up onto the above platform. There should be a set of metal containers in a "U" shape. The Flame Ring will be in the center. Use it to bust the
metal containers.

-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Final Rush
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

This upgrade is kind of challenging. Mainly due to the difficulty of explaining where it is. When you read the area with a lot of grinds, stay straight and keep going until you reach an area where you take the speed boosts up a grind, then hit a spring. You should land on a platform with two grinds. A purple/yellow grind, and a orange/yellow grind. Take the orange/yellow grind. Make sure you crouch while going down it. You should go down it, then fly off at one point, and land on a platform with a rocket on it. This rocket takes you to a 1-Up. From
there, jump to the platform below that. You should see a spring, and a animal on it. Go up the spring. Follow the platform, grind up the railing. Then land on another platform. You should see a ancient shrine, and past that the Mystic Melody.


-Upgrade: Flame Ring
-Location: Radical Highway
-Upgrades Needed: Air Shoes
-Description: Used to bust metal containers open.

Simply run through the board until you come to an area with a stack of wooden containers. You should also see a "Road Closed Ahead" sign on the right side, along with a pulley. Simply jump up these wooden containers, or take the pulley up, and continue on the platform. You should bounce up onto another highway. Rather than run forward, turn back and you should see a spinning object, do the somersault underneath it. Then there is a chao, waiting to talk to you. Simply use the Air Shoes to go down the line of rings, and you should run into a spring and bounce up, landing right in front of the Flame Ring.

-Upgrade: Air Shoes
-Location: White Jungle
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to dash through a line of rings.

After reaching the area where there are 4 crates in your way, bust through them, and follow the path. You should come out and swing on a vine. When you come off the vine, you'll end up on a platform. In normal mode, there are 2 enemies here, and a chao. Note the crate on the right side. Bust the crate open and drop down. You should find the Air Shoes here.

-Upgrade: Ancient Light
-Location: Sky Rail
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to attack enemies in a row quickly.

This is located at the beginning of the stage. Simply follow along until you reach the area in which you find the first rocket. Don't take the rocket, rather jump across and do a homing attack on the nearby enemy. Now land and run to the chao box. Get near the edge, or just jump high up in the air and go over the edge. A line of enemies should appear, do the homing attack on them, you should finally hit a spring to bounce you up to the top where you will find the Ancient Light.

-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Final Chase
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

Follow this stage until you reach the area with the 3 holes you can jump in. After jumping into the center hole and coming out, you should end up near the huge area of vertical gravity tubes. Simply work your way from each tube to the next. You should end up near a tube that has an electric field around it. Jump to that tube and go to the top. From there, you should see the Mystic Melody.


-Upgrade: Laser Blaster
-Location: Prison Lane
-Upgrades Needed: Bazooka
-Description: This increases the radius of your attack.

When you reach the very end of the stage, you should notice a door behind the Goal, on the left side. So rather than rush into the Goal, simply destroy all the enemies in the room, making sure to get the ones high up. The door should open up, go in and work your way down the hallway until you reach the end. Take out the rest of the enemies and the door should open, leaving the Laser Blaster in your hands.

-Upgrade: Booster
-Location: Mission Street
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to hover after jumping.

After exiting the first tunnel, you should come out onto the highway. The road in front of you should drop due to an earthquake. Drop down onto it and run to the cross section. You should see a purple sign pointing to the right. Go left and the Booster should be waiting for you.

-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Hidden Base
-Upgrades Needed: Bazooka
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

Near the beginning of the stage, there should be an area where you enter a building and go down a small hallway before coming outside. When you go through here, and come to the outside, you should continue forward a bit before turning left. When you do, there should be a checkpoint near there. After that, continue forward, and you should end up in an area
full of blocks in the sand. Follow these along the left side until you reach a building you destroy, then use a pulley to get on top of. Continue on until you reach an area where there are bomb-throwing monkeys. Kill the monkeys and continue on. You should now be at a area with a lower platform below you. Go onto this lower platform and go to the end. There should be 4 metal containers blocking your way. Simply blow them away and enter. The Mystic Melody should be inside.

-Upgrade: Bazooka
-Location: Eternal Engine
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to break metal containers.

Go through the board until you reach an area with a long bridge and a blue blob type enemy at the end of it. The best method here is to kill the enemy and destroy the bridge. This will drop you to a platform below. Here you should find a platform with a switch on it. Hit the switch and find one of the springs to launch you up. Land on the platform with a capsule on it and it should ascend to the top, allowing you to enter a doorway. Inside should be the Bazooka.


-Upgrade: Laser Blaster
-Location: Iron Gate
-Upgrades Needed: Large Cannon
-Description: This increases the radius of your attack.

After coming down the elevator shaft, and going through the second checkpoint, you should see two big canisters. Blow them up, then behind them are metal containers. Destroy them and proceed down the hallway to pick up the Laster Blaster.

-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Sand Ocean
-Upgrades Needed: Jet Engine
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

This is very simple to get. Right at the beginning, on the first spinning platform, go to the left. You must jump and use your Jet Engine to glide your way to the platform. From there, the Mystic Melody is right in front of you.

-Upgrade: Jet Engine
-Location: Lost Colony
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to hover after jumping.

Continue through the stage until you get to a room that is a big circle with no exit. When you enter this room, go to the left and follow the path until you turn again. You should find some metal containers in here that allow you to go up. There is only one set goes all the way up. Follow it up and you should find the Jet Engine.

-Upgrade: Large Cannon
-Location: Weapons Bed
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to break metal containers.

Right at the beginning of the stage, move past the hordes of lifeless enemies and you should run across 3 garages. 2 with sets of dynamite on them. The middle, smaller garage houses the Large Cannon.

-Upgrade: Protective Armor
-Location: Cosmic Wall
-Upgrades Needed: Jet Engine
-Description: Upgrades your armor, allowing you to take more damage.

When you get past the second checkpoint, there should be an area where you go up from platform to platform. You should then go over a wall and start free falling. On your way down, go to the left side, and you should see a platform with a rocket on it on your way down. Land on this platform and shoot off the rocket. It will bust some cages, allowing you to reach the Protective Armor. After the cages are busted, hover over to the platform and collect your armor. Your life guage should now be bigger, and when full, will be a dark blue rather than a
light blue.


-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Wild Canyon
-Upgrades Needed: Shovel Claw
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

From the start of the stage, jump on to the air lift. Once to the outside, go to the Lonely Statue. From there, jump onto the wall and climb up a bit. You should see one of the pictures that Knuckles can dig through. Dig through the picture (the oval image) and you should find the Mystic Melody on the other side.

-Upgrade: Shovel Claw
-Location: Pumpkin Hill
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to dig through the ground or walls.

Very, very simple. From the start, go straight ahead and you should run right into it. Or if you fear running across the small beam, glide over there.

-Upgrade: Air Necklace
-Location: Aquatic Mine
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows for infinite air under water.

Right at the beginning go forward and up the structure in front of you. Then get to the very top floor by taking a pulley up. Hit the switch to lower the water to level 3. Now go down to where you started and find the shafts with the "Caution" signs on them. There are two of them. Find the one with the spring in it. Go down this one, there should be a hole in the wall. Go through and get ready to move quick. Go under water and follow the path. You should go through a tunnel and come out near some wooden planks under the water. Quickly work your way through them and find another tunnel. Go through this tunnel, then start going up through another small tunnel. Work quickly as you may be running out of air. When you reach the end of this tunnel you should recieve the Air Necklace.

-Upgrade: Hammer Gloves
-Location: Death Chamber
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to break metal containers.

At the beginning of the stage, go forward, hit the hourglass, and go through the door. Once in the hallway, you will notice a wall of wooden containers on the right side. Smash these and enter to find the Hammer Gloves.

-Upgrade: Sunglasses
-Location: Meteor Herd
-Upgrades Needed: Hammer Gloves
-Description: Allows you to see hidden items.

From your starting location, go to the center structure. Then go around to the opposite side so you are directly across the stage from your original location. You should see a meteor on a platform. Get on the other side of this. Now, get near the very edge, run to the meteor and hit the B Button to punch it towards the center structure. If you do it right, it should hit the gray door with a red light on it. It will bust open and there will be a switch. Hit this switch and the top area will open up, allowing you inside. On the very bottom platform you will find
the Sunglasses.


-Upgrade: Mystic Melody
-Location: Dry Lagoon
-Upgrades Needed: Pick Nails
-Description: Allows you to open up new paths or shortcuts when played at the ancient shrines.

Right from the beginning, turn towards the right and look at the right side of the stage. You should see the type of picture in which you can crawl through. Glide over there and crawl through it. You should find the Mystic Melody inside.

-Upgrade: Pick Nails
-Location: Egg Quarters
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to dig through the ground or walls.

Simply go straight forward from your starting position, but beware of the beetle that shoots you. Continue forward until you reach the blue room, the Egg Fish Chamber. You will notice a rocket on a platform, trigger it and it will bust the cages blocking the passage. Go through the passage and you should find the Pick Nails at the back of the room.

-Upgrade: Treasure Scope
-Location: Security Hall
-Upgrades Needed: Iron Boots/Mystic Melody
-Description: Allows you to see hidden items.

From the starting point, turn towards the right and jump into the fan area that keeps you afloat. From there, go to the back wall and climb up it and get off on the first platform to your right. There should be a canister there. Now walk down the platform a little ways, and you should see a ancient shrine. Use the Mystic Melody on it, and you'll see four floating platforms appear. Go up them and you will see two metal containers. Bust them open, then bust the 2 behind it open. Inside the room should be the Treasure Scope.

-Upgrade: Iron Boots
-Location: Mad Space
-Upgrades Needed: None
-Description: Allows you to break metal containers.

Okay, this is rather difficult. You must get onto the gray planet that is full. There are two gray planets. One is fully intact, the other is missing about 1/4. Get on the fully intact one. This can be a bit difficult. Now, while on there, you will see a small blue structure, like a building. One side will be open, go inside and you should find the Iron Boots. | Submitted by Fairytale

Finish Shadow's levels with an 'A' rank.

Sonic: Go to Final Rush. At the 6th check point, you will land on a platform with two rails, both leading forward. (If you were fast, it will take about 3 minutes to get here.) One is purple, the other, orange. Take the ORANGE one and hold the [B] button for the entirety of the grind. Done correctly, this should toss you onto a platform with a rocket on it. Take the rocket, and you will receive your new toy!

Tails: it's in Hidden Base, below the SECOND point marker. When it's in sight, instead of jumping towards it, turn around and go backwards about 50 or 100 'feet', then walk left until you come across a mural. Drop down from here (hover, if you prefer.) You will find yourself on a walkway with iron crates blocking a door. You should know what to do there.

Knuckles: get the Shovel Claws from Pumpkin Hill, then go back to Wild Canyon. Glide into the wind, and turn left, towards the Lonely Statue Area. Climb above the Lonely Statue and dig into the center of the painting. Knuckles will find a secret passage into a hidden room with the powerup.

Shadow: it's in Final Chase. Run to the top of every vertical drum. At the top of one, you will see another verical drum with an electric net around the center. Shadow must jump to that drum ABOVE the electric net to net his prize.

Dr. Eggman: His melody can be learned by hovering LEFT of the first rotating platform in Sand Ocean. Obviously, he'll need to have the Jet Engine to be able to reach it!

Rouge: She needs the Pick Nails to get her Mystic Melody. Take them to Dry Lagoon. Find a painting on the wall nearest the turtle being bullied by GUN Hunters. Dig in! | Submitted by inter_a

Hatch a Shiny/Sky Blue Chao. Then turn it into a Shadow Chao. It will look like Nazo the Hedgehog as seen in Sonic X. | Submitted by KenFougere

When getting all A rank you can switch between new cars/people. Sonic, Knuckles, Eggman and Shadow stay in the race but with new cars but as for tails you can be him or a little chao in a small car any rouge can be switched between on of the old eggbots with no vehicle. | Submitted by AaronCrowie

Successfully complete all of Sonic's stages and missions with an "A" ranking to unlock Amy Rose in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Eggman's stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate Eggwalker in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Knuckles' stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate form in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Shadow's stages and missions with an "A" ranking to unlock Metal Sonic in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Rouge's stages and missions to unlock her in an alternate costume in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Shadow's stages and missions to unlock him in an alternate costume in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Sonic's stages and missions to unlock him in the PSO suit in Kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Tails' stages and missions to unlock him in the Tornado 1 in kart mode.

Successfully complete all of Knuckles' stages and missions with an "A" ranking to unlock Tikal The Echinda in kart mode.

Find one of the Skeleton Dogs; the easiest place to do so is the Pumpkin Hill stage with Knuckles, and combine it with your Chao. With either Knuckles or Rouge, start digging around in the Chao Garden. Eventually a pumpkin will appear. If you give it to the Chao mixed with the Skeleton Dog it will put it on its head. If you want to take it off, either throw or hit your Chao.

This only works if you have a GBA or GBA SP and a lead that goes to it and your Game Cube. On sonic advance in the chao garden it is easier to raise a chao , if you keep feeding it the blue pear shaped on its stamina and flying will go up , try all the different types of fruit on them then when they all the powers reach lvl 99.9 (like mine) trade it to Sonic Adventure 2 battle or Sonic DX directors cut and they can master all the races and chao karate round in under 3 mins a peice.Or if you make them hero or dark they will become the master of their best power...which would be all of them.Like my chao they should easily beat the ultimate hero , devil and chaos zero chao in the races. | Submitted by AaronCrowie

Sorry, but this isn't a cheat. OK, I have this web site called I don't get any visitors on my site. I have really cool pictures of Sonic and other people like Knuckles or Shadow. So if you want to see cool pictures of
Sonic and other Sonic based characters, go to I put it on this game becouse it's very popular so more people might see it so I can have more visitors. Thanx. I hope you see this. | Submitted by kenfougere


To get a Sonic Chao is much more harder to get than a Shadow Chao.

Hatch your chao first. To get your chao into a Sonic Chao it has to evolve into a Neutral chao if it evolves and your like "Its hardly changed", it has don't panic. To keep it Neutral, make a cycle, First care for it with Sonic, then with SHadow, Sonic, Shadow, Sonic, Shadow. That will keep it going Hero or Dark.

You need to give it green chaos drives and green color coded animals, to raise its speed. I recomend going to City escape and Radical Highway, you can get plenty of green type power ups.

Keep doing that and your chao should grow spines which will grow longer eventually.

When your Sonic chao evolves, the orb on his head wont change, but the spines on his head will grow longer, and he will be green, that is a Semi-Sonic chao.

Keep doing that and when he hits age three, by then he should be blue, congrats! You got a Sonic Chao.


A Shadow Chao is a lot easier to grow. You only need to use Shadow for this so its easier.

Give it green chaos drives and green color coded animals, and yes they're will be spines, but the spines will be a tiny messed at the tips. When it evolves, it should be a Dark Chao and his spines should be like Shadow's, but green.

Again. This is a Semi-Shadow Chao.

Keep doing this and when he hits three, his spines will change red. You got a Shadow Chao! | Submitted by RegiShadow

With Sonic, use a summersalt and then jump the way you want to go. Note this might use some practice. | Submitted by Shadow278

After you kill the Biolizard after some time sonic and shadow will turn into Super Sonic and Hypher Shadow. P.s the Biolizard is still ALIVE! | Submitted by DavidWhitaker

Go to Pumpkin Hill as Knuckles(duh) and fly to where you got the Shovel Claws. Dig inside the circle and you will get a life. Take the left rocket up to Church Mountain and fly to the top. Get the skeleton dog that is going around in a circle and restart. Get the life and the dog again. Repeat this 10 times. In Chao Garden give the dogs to a chao. It will raise all stats except for stamina and erase animal atributes. Give a chao too much dogs and you will be able to see the chao's ribs *Note*:Watch out for the ghosts on Church Mountain! | Submitted by phayne_payne

Upon finding and picking up an extra life, push [Start] then [Exit] then re-enter the level you were just playing to begin at the beginning of the level again, but with 1 more extra life than what you previously had. Do this as many times as you want, to build up as many extra lives as you want. | Submitted by Ryan

Complete hero side and dark side to unlock the last stage. | Submitted by DavidWhitaker

To unlock Jewel Races, Dark Race, Hero Race and Challenge Race, Win all the Beginner Races. | Submitted by DirtySanchez

To unlock the following read the method:

Ball (2): Win the second Hero Race
Rocking Horse: Win the final Hero Race
Ball (3): Win the second Dark Race
Radio: Win the final Dark Race

Note: You cant be a dark chao in Hero Race and Visa Versa. | Submitted by DirtySanchez

Win all these toys according to the method given:

Broom: Win all Topaz Races
Picture book: win all Peridot Races
Pogo Stick: Win all Garnet Races
Crayons: Win all the Onyx Races
Bubbles: Win all Diamond Races

Ball (1): Win all races in the 1st row
Jack-In-The-Box: Win all of the races in row 2
TV: Win all of the Races in row 3

Cheers! | Submitted by DirtySanchez

To wake a sleeping Chao, stand next to it and whistle. You do not have to anger them by picking them up during a nap.

To get weird choas get either a white or a black egg or both. Then get some coloured eggs. then think what colours you would get if you mixed that colour paint together. e.g if you mixed red paint with blue paint you would get purple. It is the same as chaos. for e.g. i bread a shiney brown chao (gold) with a shiney grey chao (silver) it came out with a gold choa with a sliver belly and green wings. i also bread a red egg with a shiny black egg. it cam out as a shiny , dark, blood red choa with a jet black tail and orange wings. final i wen adventurous i bread both of bread chaos together. It came out with a shiney, see through bright blue chao with green eyes like chaos. It was like an ultimate chaos chao with out the exelent attributes.

To breed a chao buy a heart fruit and feed it to the rarest of the two chaos you want to breed (the more a chao costs, the rarer it is) Flowers should start to bloom around it. Then place the other chao in the flowers with it. they should start to mate. hubba hubba lol.

if you have any questions about chao colour or anything about chaos just email me at or add me on msn messenger or my bebo is jakebobward666. | Submitted by Jakeward

Go to beginner races.

Shovel: Win all 3 Crab pool Races
Watering Can: Win all 3 Stump Valley Races
NOTE: with these two items, your Chao can plant seeds.
Toy Car: Win all 3 Mushroom Forest Races
Rattle: Win all 3 block canyon races | Submitted by DirtySanchez

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