Win the game in quest mode with the Subzero team.
Press R, Right(2), Down, Y, X at the title screen.
Press R, L, Up(2), Y(2) at the title screen.
Press L, R, Up(2), X, Y at the title screen.
Press R, Left(2), Down, X(2) at the title screen.
Press X, Y, X, Y, X, Y, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right at the title screen.
Press R, Left, Down, Right, Y, X at the title screen.
Press R, Right, Down, Up, X(2) at the title screen.
Press R, Right(2), Left, X(2) at the title screen.
Win the game in quest mode with the El Fuego team.
Press R, Left, Right(2), Y(2) at the title screen.
Press R, Right, Up, Down, X, Y at the title screen.
Press L, R, Left, Right, Y(2) at the title screen.
Press Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left at the title screen.
Press R, Right, Left(2), Y, X at the title screen.
Win the game in quest mode with the Tsunami team.
Win the game in quest mode with the Toxic team.
Win the game in quest mode with the Volta team.
Press R, Left, Up(2), Y(2) at the title screen.
Win the game in quest mode with the Spirit team.
Press L, R, Down, Right, Y, X at the title screen.
Press L, R, Right, Up, X(2) at the title screen.
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