Buy the telescope and use it for too long. Your Sim will be abducted and disappear. It will reappear some hours later, with different stats.
Hit L and R together on the main menu to bring up the cheat menu. Then type in FREEALL.
All two player games,locked items, and skins
Hit L and R together on the main menu to bring up the cheat menu. Then type in MIDAS.
Insult a neighbor or your roommate until their name is down to -100. Then, go outside and display the action options (where you can choose to kiss, hug, insult, slap). You should now be able to attack the person. Do this about three times. Your roommate will have had enough and pack up and leave for good.
Bonuses in Get A Life mode
You can unlock objects by doing the following things:
Artists Block: Get a promotion to career level 7 in Chapter 4.
Aromaster Whifferpuffer Gold: Cook a successful dinner in Chapter 1.
Beach Simulater: Raise your first baby to a kid in Chapter 5.
Bearskin Rug: Get through the house in eight days or less in Chapter 5.
Beejaphone Electric Guitar: Get through the house in 24 hours or less in Chapter 1.
Chairmaster Vanity Table: Fix the television after Mom breaks it in Chapter 1.
Club Abhi and Taylor’s Place in two-player mode: Throw a raging party in Chapter 4.
Coat Of Arms: Get through the house in 4 days or less in Chapter 2.
Electronic Insect Control System: Upgrade house value in Chapter 2.
Frat House in two-player mode: Complete all goals and move out in Chapter 2.
Handyman: Fix everything in the house in Chapter 2.
Head In Curio Jar: Get through the house in 8 days or less in Chapter 3.
Heart Vibrating Bed: Upgrade your home in Chapter 4.
Maid: Clean up the house in Chapter 2.
Maid's House in two-player mode: Get a promotion to career level 8 in Chapter 5.
Master Suite Tub: Get a promotion to career level 5 in Chapter 3.
Meet Major Dormo (Monkey Butler): Send both kids to Prep school in Chapter 6.
Motel in two-player mode: Throw a raging party in Chapter 3.
Museum in two-player mode: Borrow 800 Simoleons from Mom in Chapter 1.
Park in two-player mode: Greet and feed Bobo (the bum) in Chapter 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Perspiraction Executive Treadmill: Get a job in Chapter 1.
Rhino Head: Get through the house in eight days or less in Chapter 6.
Slurp 'n' Burp Beverage Cooler: Get a promotion to career level 2 in Chapter 2.
Sonic Shower: Get a promotion to career level 6 in Chapter 4.
Sprinkler: Raise your second baby to a kid in Chapter 5.
Strip Poker Table: Get a promotion to career level 4 in Chapter 3.
Teppan'Yaki Table: Get a promotion to career level 3 in Chapter 2.
Tree Swing: Upgrade house value in Chapter 3.
Twp swimming pools: Get a promotion to career level 9 in Chapter 5.
Vanity Mirror: Fix the television after Mom breaks it in Chapter 1.
Wurl 'N Hurl Jukebox: Get through the house in eight days or less in Chapter 4.
Borrow $800 from Mom in Get A Life Chapter 1
Go to buy mode and sell anything that is not a necessity, until you are over $800.
When a Sim puts up the curtain to change, press L to pause the game. They will change, but time will freeze.
All you have to do is when you see a robber call the police immedietly and when you catch him the officer will say you have caught the robber sim and they will keep the stuff he took and gave you money and it will say congratulations you can now choose the criminal career check newspaper. |
Submitted by albertoEvict a family. When this happens, their moods go up immediately after you move into another house. Once you get in a house, study, work out, etc. Also, if your energy or any other stats get low, evict yourself from the house. Reenter the house and all your stats will be renewed.
Getting money after missing work
If you miss work one day, do not answer the phone. Instead, wait until the next caller, who should call in later. They will give you some money.
Keep child home from school
If you do not want your child to go to school and do not want to keep hearing the bus honk every few seconds, just let your child stand in the middle of the road where the bus waits everyday. Then the bus will not appear, and your child will not go to school.
Keep guests from leaving and improve your social status
Throw a party. When your guests arrive, have them go inside your house. Pause game play and enter build mode. Wherever there is a door going outside, replace it with a wall. Resume the game. Since they cannot leave, they will stay and have a raging party. You can now talk all you want with your guests and they will not leave, eventually even marrying someone. You may also want to buy some beds in case they get tired.
Call Major Dormo, then put a fence around his tree house after he leaves it. He will remain with you much longer, but will still eventually disappear.
When you are on the menu, bring up the cheats then type MOON, it will make the menu darker, to undo this type NoRMAL. |
Submitted by BrittanyPlace wallpaper or carpets faster
Hold L1 or R1, then press Square.
Skip work every other day, to the point where they call you but you will not get fired to regain your fun and social levels. While you are home, call over some friend(s) and play pool or a cooperative game. Additionally, you can use the Wiffer Puffer Gold to recover a certain part of your needs, such as comfort, fun, etc. according to the one you use. This is especially useful near where you read or work out. Also, make a Sim touch the Bug Zapper. It gives them extra energy.
To get a First-Person View
Press L + R on the Title Screen and then type ''FISH EYES''.
Unlock 'Party Motel' two-player game
Hold L + R at the main menu to bring up the cheat menu, then type PARTY M.
Unlock 'Play the Sims' mode at any time
Hold L + R at the main menu to bring up the cheat menu, then type SIMS.
Kill a Sim and wait for the Grim Reaper to appear. Plead for his or her life. The Grim Reaper will either ignore your plea, turn your Sim into a Zombie, or revive your Sim. If your Sim was revived, kill him or her again, then try again. The outcome is random. Note: Do not save the game if the Grim Reaper kills your Sim. Reload the game and try again. Zombie Sims do not have any features different from normal Sims other than a green color.
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