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1.Invite a friend over to your house. 2.Make sure you call that friend maybe at 6:30. 3.At some time when your friend is here,she or he will go relax at a 1-bed or a 2-bed. 4. If your friend relaxes on a 2-bed,then go relax with her or him at the same bed. 5.Then look up on "relashionships",and you will see that your relashionship with the fiend you're relaxing with,will grow up to 50! P.S.This trick can be used on ANY system! | Submitted by Melissa
2.Make sure to ivite your friend at 6:30. 3.At some time when your friend is there,it will problebly go to relax on a 1-bed or 2-bed. 4.If it relaxes on a 2_bed,go relax with him or her at the same bed! 5.Then look up on "relashionships",and you will see that your friend and you,are growing your friend's and your relashionship ,all the way to 50! P.S.This trick works on ANY system!!! | Submitted by Melissa
Result Code Collars Black Dot Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQ1IQ9QHA64 Black Dot Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZZ1IQ9QHA64 Black Smiley Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9Z1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZ1RQ9QHA64 Black Smiley Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQARQ9QHA64 Blue Bones Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZZARQ9QHA64 Blue Bones Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZZ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Camouflage Cats ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQ1IQ9QHA64 Blue Camouflage Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZZ1RQ9QHA64 Blue Star Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Star Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1IQ9QHA64 Green Flower Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZAIQ9QHA64 Green Flower Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHZ1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZZ1RQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZ1IQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZ1IQ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZAIQ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZ1IZ9QHA64 Pink Vertical Strip Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9QAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQQARQ9QHA6 Pink Vertical Strip Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZZAIQ9QHA64 White Paws Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9Q1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQQ1RQ9QHA64 White Paws Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQ1IZ9QHA64 White Zebra Stripe Cats ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQ1IZ9QHA6 White Zebra Stripe Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZZ1IQ9QHA64 Fur colors Blue Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZZAIQ9QHA64 Blue Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9Q11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQQ1IZ9QHA64 Deep Red Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9QA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQQAIQ9QHA64 ° Deep Red Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHQ1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1RQ9QHA64 Goofy Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1IZ9QHA64 Goofy Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHZAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZZARQ9QHA64 Green Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQAIZ9QHA64 Green Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQAIQ9QHA64 Light Green Cats ZZZ11ZZZHQ1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQ1RQ9QHA64 Light Green Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9Q1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQ1RQ9QHA64 Neon Green Cats ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQAIQ9QHA64 Neon Green Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQQAIQ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Cats ZZZ11ZZZHQAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQARQ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9QA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQQAIZ9QHA64 Pink Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZZ1IZ9QHA64 Pink Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9Z1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZ1RQ9QHA64 Purple Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9ZAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZARQ9QHA64 Purple Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQQZAIZ9QHA64 Fur patterns Bandit Mask Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Z91ZB1A, TB6IPB1IAFDMRIQT6DG, or EEGJ2YRQZZAIZ9QHA64 Bandit Mask Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQARQ9QHA64 Panda Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQAIZ9QHA6 Star Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9ZAAQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZARQ9QHA6 Star Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZQZAIZ9QHA64 Zebra Stripes Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Z91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRZZQAIZ9QHA64
1. First go to the "create a family" optionat the "real estate office" 2. Next choose to creae a cat 3. Choose the species "Bombay"(black cat) as the type of cat to start with 4. Then go to "body" and choose to customize fur markings 5. Choose the colar of the middle marking to be white 6. Then choose to change middle marking 7. Next go to the one bellow the circle and cross and then over three. 8. Choose it and then go back to "customize fur" 9. Then select "extra hair" and change it to two 10. Next go back to the main and choose head 11. Then change the ear type to the third one. 12. Then go to personality and make it "doofus,hyper,indipendant,aggresive,and pigpen" or any personality you want. 13. Final step is to name it and enjoy your new pet skunk! | Submitted by Halie
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