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L-Disk: In the Deep, you find the Golden Teeth. Go back to the Under, and give the teeth to the old man near the Under Colloseum. Use: Getting the Amulet Coin. R-Disk: After giving the Machine part to Nett, go to the elevator you used to first get in. You'll see a sequence. Go down when you get to the area where they captured Sylvia. Go Right again, and press A. Use: Getting to Venus's Hideout. U-Disk: After getting off the Subway, you usually would go up, but go left through the maze of boxes. Use: Getting another Time Flute.
Better against Pokémon on the ocean floor --- --- Great Ball Catches Pokémon better than a Poké Ball Outskirt Stan, Pyrite Bldg. 600 Luxury Ball* Makes Pokémon friendlier after it's caught --- --- Master Ball Always catches a Pokémon Agate Village --- Nest Ball Better against lower-level Pokémon Outskirt Stand 1000 Net Ball Better against Bug-type and Water-type Pokémon Outskirt Stand 1000 Poké Ball The basic ball used to catch Pokémon Outskirt Stand 200 Premier Ball Same as the Poké Ball except for its design Outskirt Stand --- Repeat Ball* Better against kinds of Pokémon already caught --- --- Timer Ball Improves catching success as the battle grows longer Outskirt Stand, The Under 1000 Ultra Ball Catches Pokémon better than Great Ball Outskirt Stand, Pyrite Cave, Agate Village, The Under, Snagem Hideout 1200 | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Restores 10 HP when HP is half or lower; confuses Pokémon that dislike Bitter flavor Bitter --- Apicot Berry Raises Special Defense when HP is low Dry, Sour 15000 Aspear Berry Eliminates Freeze condition Sour --- Belue Berry* --- Spicy, Sour --- Bluk Berry* --- Dry, Sweet --- Cheri Berry Eliminates Paralyze condition Spicy --- Chesto Berry Eliminates Sleep condition Dry --- Cornn Berry* --- Dry, Sweet --- Durin Berry* --- Sour, Bitter --- Figy Berry Restores 10 HP when HP is half or lower; confuses Pokémon that dislike Spicy flavor Spicy --- Ganlon Berry Raises Defense when HP is low Dry, Bitter 15000 Grepa Berry* --- Dry, Sweet, Sour --- Hondew Berry* --- Dry, Spicy, Bitter --- Iapapa Berry Restores 10 HP when HP is half or lower; confuses Pokémon that dislike Sour flavor Sour --- Kelpsy Berry* --- Dry, Sour, Bitter --- Leppa Berry Restores al PP when PP is zero Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter --- Liechi Berry* Raises power of attacks when HP is low Sweet, Spicy, Sour --- Lum Berry Cures any status condition Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter --- Mago Berry Restores 10 HP when HP is half or lower; confuses Pokémon that dislike Sweet flavor Sweet --- Magost Berry* --- Sweet, Bitter --- Nanab Berry* --- Sweet, Bitter --- Nomel Berry* --- Spicy, Sour --- Oran Berry Restores 10 HP when HP is half or lower Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter --- Pamtre Berry* --- Dry, Sweet --- Pecha Berry Eliminates Poison condition Sweet --- Persim Berry Eliminates Confuse condition Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter --- Petaya Berry Raises Special Attack when HP is low Spicy, Bitter 15000 Pinap Berry* --- Spicy, Sour --- Pomeg Berry* --- Sweet, Spicy, Bitter --- Qualot Berry* --- Sweet, Spicy, Sour --- Rabuta Berry* --- Sour, Bitter --- Rawst Berry Eliminates Burn condition Bitter --- Razz Berry* --- Dry, Spicy --- Salac Berry Raises Speed when HP is low Sweet, Sour 15000 Sitrus Berry Restores 30 HP when HP is half or lower Dry, Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter --- Spelon Berry* --- Dry, Spicy --- Tamato Berry* --- Dry, Spicy --- Watmel Berry* --- Sweet, Bitter --- Wepear Berry* --- Sour, Bitter --- Wiki Berry Restores HP when HP is half or lower; confuses Pokémon that dislike Dry flavor Dry --- | Submitted by AndrewBernish
1. Snag and fully purify all 48 Shadow Pokemon in story mode. 2. Beat all 100 trainers on Mt. Battle. This can be done in either Single Battle or Double Battle mode. However, you can only use a team from story mode, not from your Ruby or Sapphire game pack. If you want to get around this rule, simply use the trade center in Phenac City to import your Pokemon into your story mode team. After beating the 100th trainer on Mt. Battle, Ho-oh will show up and will automactically be transported to your PC. Note: If your PC is full, you will not get Ho-oh and must retry the Mt. Battle challange.
Bayleef –LV.32-Meganium Quilava-LV.36-Typhlosion Croconaw- LV.30-Feraligatr Noctowl-? Flaaffy- LV.30-Ampharos Skiploom-LV.27-Jumpluff Quagsire-? Misdreavus-? Slugma-LV.38-Magcargo Furret-? Yanma-? Mantine-? Remoraid-LV.25-Octillery Qwilfish-? Meditite-LV.37-Medicham Swablu-LV.35-Altaria Dunsparce-? Sudowoodo-? Entei-? Ledian-? Suicune-? Gligar-? Stanler-? Piloswine-? Sneasel_? Aipom-? Murkrow-? Forretress-? Vibrava-LV.45-Flygon Ariados-? Granbull-? Raikou-? Sunflora-? Delibird-? Heracross-? Skarmory-? Miltank-? Abso-? Houndoom-? Tropius-? Metagross-? Tyranitar-? Smeargle-? Ursaring-? Shuckle-? Togetic-? | Submitted by SaqibI
Bayleef LV.32-Meganium Quilava-LV.36-Typhlosion Croconaw- LV.30-Feraligatr Noctowl-? Flaaffy- LV.30-Ampharos Skiploom-LV.27-Jumpluff Quagsire-? Misdreavus-? Slugma-LV.38-Magcargo Furret-? Yanma-? Mantine-? Remoraid-LV.25-Octillery Qwilfish-? Meditite-LV.37-Medicham Swablu-LV.35-Altaria Dunsparce-? Sudowoodo-? Entei-? Ledian-? Suicune-? Gligar-? Stanler-? Piloswine-? Sneasel_? Aipom-? Murkrow-? Forretress-? Vibrava-LV.45-Flygon Ariados-? Granbull-? Raikou-? Sunflora-? Delibird-? Heracross-? Skarmory-? Miltank-? Abso-?l Houndoom-? Tropius-? Metagross-? Tyranitar-? Smeargle-? Ursaring-? Shuckle-? Togetic-? | Submitted by Rocket
Cures poison condition Pokémon Marts 100 Awakening Wakes a sleeping pokémon Pokémon Marts 250 Blue Flute* Wakes a sleeping pokémon --- --- Burn Heal Cures burn condition Pokémon Marts 250 Elixir Restores 10 PP to all moves Laboratory, Snagem Hideout --- Energy Root Restores 200 HP, but makes pokémon unfriendly The Under 800 Energypowder Restores 50 HP, but makes pokémon unfriendly The Under 500 Ether Restores 10 PP to one move Pyrite Cave --- Fresh Water Restores 50 HP The Under 200 Full Heal Heals all status conditions Pokémon Marts, Pyrite Cave, Laboratory 600 Full Restore Heals all status conditions, and restores all HP Pokémon Mart (The Under), Laboratory 3000 Heal Powder Heals all status conditions, but makes pokémon less friendly The Under 450 Hyper Potion Restores 200 HP Pokémon Marts, Pyrite Building, Pyrite Cave, Snagem Hideout 1200 Ice Heal Heals freeze in a pokémon Pokémon Marts 250 Lava Cookie* Cures all status conditions --- --- Lemonade Restores 80 HP The Under 350 Max Elixir Restores all PP to all moves Snagem Hideout --- Max Ether Restores all PP to one move Snagem Hideout --- Max Potion Restores all HP Pokémon Mart (The Under), The Under, Pyrite Building, Snagem Hideout 2500 Max Revive Revives fainted pokémon and restores all HP Snagem Hideout --- Paralyze Heal Heals paralyze condition Pokémon Marts 200 Potion Restores 20 HP Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 300 Red Flute* Disrupts a pokémon's attraction --- --- Revival Herb Revives a fainted pokémon, but makes it less friendly The Under 2800 Revive Revives fainted pokémon with half of its HP Pokémon Marts, Pyrite Bldg., Laboratory 1500 Soda Pop Restores 60 HP The Under 300 Super Potion Restores 50 HP Pokémon Marts 700 Yellow Flute* Heals confuse condition --- --- | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Doubles earnings if Pokémon battles The Under --- Black Belt Increases power of Fighting-type attacks Hitmontop (Shadow Pokémon) --- Blackglasses Increases power of Dark-type attacks The Under --- Brightpowder Lowers opponent's Accuracy with all moves for one battle Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Charcoal Increases power of Fire-type attacks Quilava (Shadow Pokémon) --- Choice Band Multiples power of move used first by 1.5; can't use other moves Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Deepseascale* Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense --- --- Deepseatooth* Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack --- --- Dragon Fang Increases power of Dragon-type attacks Vibrava (Shadow Pokémon) --- Everstone* Prevents a Pokémon from evolving --- --- Exp. Share Gives a Pokémon an extra share of battle experience Agate Village --- Focus Band Occasionally prevents a Pokémon from fainting Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Hard Stone Increases power of Rock-type attacks Sudowoodo (Shadow Pokémon) --- King's Rock May cause flinching when opponent is hit Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Lax Incense* Lowers opponent's Accuracy with all moves for one battle --- --- Leftovers* Restores HP gradually during battle Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Light Ball* Doubles Pikachu's Special Attack --- --- Macho Brace Grows stats better but halves speed Pyrite Cave --- Magnet* Increases power of Electric-type attacks --- --- Mental Herb Disrupts a Pokémon's attraction during battle Poké Coupon Exchange 8000 Metal Coat Increases power of Steel-type attacks Metagross (Shadow Pokémon) --- Miracle Seed Increases power of Grass-type attacks Bayleef (Shadow Pokémon) --- Mystic Water Increases power of Water-type attacks Croconaw (Shadow Pokémon) --- Nevermeltice Increases power of Ice-type attacks Delibird (Shadow Pokémon) --- Poison Barb Increases power of Poison-type attacks Quilfish (Shadow Pokémon) --- Quick Claw Increases chance of attacking first Agate Village, Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Scope Lens Increases chance of scoring a critical hit Poké Coupon Exchange 10000 Sea Incense* Increases power of Water-type attacks --- --- Sharp Beak Increases power of Flying-type attacks Skarmory (Shadow Pokémon) --- Shell Bell* Restores HP by 1/8 of damage to opponent --- --- Silk Scarf Increases power of Normal-type attacks Agate Village --- Silver Powder Increases power of Bug-type attacks Ariados (Shadow Pokémon) --- Soft Sand Increases power of Ground-type attacks Piloswine (Shadow Pokémon) --- Soothe Bell* Speeds development of a Pokémon's friendship --- --- Soul Dew* Raises Special Attack and Special Defense for Latios or Latias --- --- Spell Tag Increases power of Ghost-type attacks Misdreavus (Shadow Pokémon) --- Twistedspoon Increases powers of Psychic-type attacks Meditite (Shadow Pokémon) --- White Herb Restores stats to normal levels Phenac City, Poké Coupon Exchange 8000 | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Purifies a Pokémon a little more Agate Village 800 Joy Scent Purifies a Pokémon a little Agate Village 600 Time Flute Calls Celebi to purify a Pokémon completely Mt. Battle, The Under --- Vivid Scent Purifies a Pokémon a lot Agate Village 1200 | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Unlocks the blue lock in Realgam Tower Realgam Tower Card Key Used to enter the right side of the lab Laboratory Cologne Case Holds Cologne Massage scents used for purification Agate Village D-Disk Moves The Under's UFO transport downward Snagem Hideout Data ROM A computer ROM that holds secret data Laboratory DNA Sample (Bayleef) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Croconaw) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Entei) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Mightyena) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Misdreavus) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Quilava) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Raikou) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Sudowoodo) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory DNA Sample (Suicune) Might be one of the three DNA samples you find in the lab Laboratory Down St. Key Unlocks the door to the lab's lower level Laboratory Ein File C Contains details about Celebi Agate Village Ein File F Contains final details about purification The Under Ein File H Contains details about Hyper mode Pyrite Bldg. Ein File P Contains details about Shadow Pokémon Pyrite Cave Ein File S Used to enter the elevator to go to The Under Pyrite Bldg. Elevator Key Used to enter the elevator to go to The Under Pyrite Town F-Disk Moves The Under's UFO transport forward Mt. Battle Gear A part of the Pyrite Town windmill Construction Site Green ID Badge Unlocks the green lock in Realgum Tower Realgam Tower Jail Key Unlocks the jail in Pyrite Town's police department Pyrite Town L-Disk Moves The Under's UFO transport to the right The Under Maingate Key Unlocks the gate to the lab complex Laboratory basement (via The Under subway) Powerup Part Used to upgrade the Kids Grid network The Under R-Disk Moves The Under's UFO transport to the right The Under Red ID Badge Unlocks the red lock in Realgam Tower Realgam Tower Small Tablet Reveals Relic Stone secrets Agate Village Steel Teeth A set of steel teeth The Under Subway Key Used to turn on the subway controls The Under U-Disk Moves the Under's UFO transport upward Laboratory basement (via The Under subway) Yellow ID Badge Unlocks the yellow lock in Realgam Tower Realgam Tower | Submitted by AndrewBernish
2. Make it battle. 3. "CALL" the Pokémon during a battle when it's in "HYPER MODE" and make it "COME TO". 4. Leave it in the Daycare. 5. Use the "SCENT" item in the "COLOGNE CASE". By repeating the methods above the Pokémon will begin to become purified. The purifying process differs based on each Pokémon's nature.
Bayleef Quilava Croconaw Noctowl Flaaffy skiploom Quagsire Misdreavus Slugma Furret Yanma Mantine Remoraid Qwilfish Meditite Swablu Dunsparce Sudowoodo Entei Ledian Suicune Gligar Stanler Piloswine Sneasel Aipom Murkrow Forretress Vibrava Ariados Granbull Raikou Sunflora Delibird Heracross Skarmory Miltank Absol Houndoom Tropius Metagross Tyranitar Smeargle Ursaring Shuckle Togetic
Raises Special Attack Permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village) 9800 Carbos Raises Speed permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village), Pyrite Cave 9800 Dire Hit Increases chance of a critical hit for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 650 Guard Spec. Guards against stat-reducing moves for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 700 HP Up Increases max HP permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village), Laboratory 9800 Iron Raises Defense permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village), Pyrite Cave 9800 PP Up Raises PP permanently Laboratory, Snagem Hideout --- Protein Raises Attack permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village), Pyrite Cave 9800 Rare Candy Raises Pokémon's level by one permanently The Under, Snagem Hideout --- X Accuracy Increases the Accuracy of all moves for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 950 X Attack Increases Attack for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 500 X Defend Increases Defense for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 550 X Special Raises Special Attack for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 350 X Speed Increases Speed for one battle Pokémon Mart (Phenac City) 350 Zinc Raises Special Defense permanently Pokémon Mart (Agate Village), Pyrite Cave 9800 | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Catch slugma and battle with it until it learns yawn. When you fight one of the legendary dogs get them to low health and then use yawn. While it is sleeping use ultra balls gallore. If it wakes up use yawn again. Good team: Raiku Entei Suicune Espeon Ariodose Noctowl If you are stuck email me on | Submitted by Daniel
Focus Punch Pyrite Colosseum --- 02 Dragon Claw Deep Colosseum --- 03 Water Pulse* --- --- 04 Calm Mind* --- --- 05 Roar Pyrite Colosseum --- 06 Toxic Pyrite Colosseum --- 07 Hail Pyrite Colosseum --- 08 Bulk Up* --- --- 09 Bullet Seed* --- --- 10 Hidden Power Pokémon Mart (The Under) 3000 11 Sunny Day Phenac Stadium --- 12 Taunt Deep Colosseum --- 13 Ice Beam Poké Coupon Exchange 4000** 14 Blizzard Pokémon Mart (The Under) 5500 15 Hyper Beam Pokémon Mart (The Under) 7500 16 Light Screen Pokémon Mart (The Under) 3000 17 Protect Pokémon Mart (The Under) 3000 18 Rain Dance Phenac Stadium --- 19 Giga Drain Phenac Stadium --- 20 Safeguard Pokémon Mart (The Under) 3000 21 Frustration* --- --- 22 Solarbeam Phenac Stadium --- 23 Iron Tail Under Colosseum --- 24 Thunderbolt Poké Coupon Exchange 4000** 25 Thunder Pokémon Mart (The Under) 5500 26 Earthquake Laboratory --- 27 Return Phenac City --- 28 Dig* --- --- 29 Psychic Poké Coupon Exchange 3500** 30 Shadow Ball Under Colosseum --- 31 Brick Break Pyrite Colosseum --- 32 Double Team Poké Coupon Exchange 1500** 33 Reflect Pokémon Mart (The Under) 3000 34 Shock Wave* --- --- 35 Flamethrower Poké Coupon Exchange 4000** 36 Sludge Bomb Under Colosseum --- 37 Sandstorm Under Colosseum --- 38 Fire Blast Pokémon Mart (The Under) 5500 39 Rock Tomb* --- --- 40 Aerial Ice* --- --- 41 Torment Phenac City --- 42 Facade* --- --- 43 Secret Power* --- --- 44 Rest Deep Colosseum --- 45 Attract The Under --- 46 Thief Pyrite Town --- 47 Steel Wing Mt. Battle --- 48 Skill Swap Deep Colosseum --- 49 Snatch Pyrite Cave --- 50 Overheat* --- --- | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Sells for a lot of money --- Big Pearl* Sells for a lot of money --- Nugget Sells for a lot of money Tyranitar (S.P.) Pearl* Sells for a lot of money --- Star Piece* Sells for a lot of money --- Stardust* Sells for a lot of money --- Tinymushroom* Sells for a little money --- | Submitted by AndrewBernish
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