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Thardus will often summon rocks from beneath the ground and toss them your way. Take the moment to lock on to them and blast them to pieces. Note: if you're in Thermal Visor mode and try this, the Phazon material inside will blind you. If you get frozen by Thardus, just quickly tap the B-button to get out of it. Another attack that you must get a handle on is his boulder form. You will him animate, leaning back and then curling up in ball form. This is your cue to turn into a Morph Ball and boost out of the way. It's important that you memorize this animation. As soon as he begins to roll into a ball, do the same and boost out of the way. Thardus will also summon snow storms to blur your view. Try not to let it disorient you too much, and use your Thermal Visor when possible to cut through the haze. When it gets to the point that his Phazon is exposed during a snow storm and you cannot see him, try to get as close as possible and use those Super Missiles. You should eventually be able to work him down to the final center point of his body. Work through it and he will die. | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Use Normal Beams or charge a Normal Beam at it three to four times. Wave Troopers Use Wave Beams or charge a Wave Beam at it (two to four times). Ice Troopers Use Ice Beams or charge an Ice Beam at it and finish it with one missile. Shadow Pirates Use the Thermal Visor to see them. Use Wave Beams or charge a Wave Beam at it at full force (two to four times); or, fire with ease with the Plasma Beam. Plasma Troopers Fire at them with your Plasma Beam three or four times. Hide behind a wall and the Plasma Beam will end up finishing them with its burning effect. Do this to other pirates as well, even though they only need about three shots to be killed, only about one will evaporate them if you just wait patiently. | Submitted by AndrewBernish
2.) Use the West Furnace Access :: Chozo Ruins, Furnace 3.) High on ledge. Use Plaza Access from Vault :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza 4.) Use spinners to activate Morph Ball slot. Bomb slot to fill room with water. Located direclty across floating platforms down angled tunnel :: Phendrana Drifts, Ruined Courtyard 5.) Hidden in same stasis containment as Metroids. Use missile to blast glass open :: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether 6.) Use Thermal Visor to send power to cooling machine. Located behind purple passage (North) :: Magmoor Caverns, Magmoor Workstation 7.) Activate Ice Beam Morph Ball slot behind Chozo elder. Path leads underground :: Chozo Ruins, Hall of Elders 8.) Use bombs to propel yourself high in vertical shaft (3.3MB Quicktime) :: Tallon Overworld, Hydro Access Tunnel 9.) Super Bomb bendezium vent, roll through tunnel, scan to activate fans :: Phazon Mines, Ventilation Shaft 10.) Use half-pipe to reach Morph Ball slots, send power to elevator, and follow Spider Ball track (5.0 MB Quicktime). :: Chozo Ruins, Training Chamber 11.) Defeat Omega Pirate, exit second level :: Phazon Mines, Processing Center Access 12.) Blast wall of ice with Plasma Beam to melt :: Phendrana Drifts, Transport Access | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Endings are based on percentage in this game, not on time, so relax and enjoy the scenery. The percentage itself actually refers to the items pickups in the game. Scanning and the Log Book aren't counted in that percentage. Below 75% - Samus leaves the exploding Impact Crater, calls her ship in, and hops on top of it before the whole Artifact Chamber blows. She stares at the wrecked chamber for a moment, and the scene cuts as she's about to remove her helmet. End credit roll. Samus' Gunship flies away from Tallon. Congratulatory screen showing Samus with a victory pose and percentage. 75%-99% - Samus leaves the exploding Impact Crater, calls her ship in, and hops on top of it before the whole Artifact Chamber blows. She removes her helmet and stares at the wrecked chamber for a moment, then departs. End credit roll. Samus' Gunship flies away from Tallon. Congratulatory screen showing Samus with a victory pose and percentage. 100% - Samus leaves the exploding Impact Crater, calls her ship in, and hops on top of it before the whole Artifact Chamber blows. She removes her helmet and stares at the wrecked chamber for a moment, then departs. End credit roll. Samus' Gunship flies away from Tallon. Congratulatory screen showing Samus without a helmet in victory pose and percentage. Cut to a scene of a undulating blob of Phazon. A black and red metal hand bursts from the Phazon. An alien eye looks around from the back of the hand. | Submitted by Unrealdimensions
Fission Metroids or any other Metroid can be defeated by using a Power Bomb. This is particularly useful during the last part of the game when you are trying to avoid getting damaged. Enemy weaknesses and recommended weapon: Aqua Drone: Wavebeam or Wavebuster Aqua Pirate: Charge Beam or Super Missile Aqua Sac: Charge Beam, Wave, etc. Auto Turret: Missile, Power Beam, Ice Beam Baby Sheegoth: Plasma Beam or Missile Barbed war wasp: Power Beam Beetle: Any (best is Plasma Beam) Blastcap: Any Bloodflower: Plasma Beam Burrower: Power Beam, Ice Beam Chozo Ghost: Super Missile Crystallite: Plasma Beam Elite Pirate: Super Missile, Charge Beam Eyon: Charge Beam Fission Metroods: Any beam or combo Powerbomb, Phazon Beam Flaahgra Tentacle (weakness is base of Flaahgra): Morph Ball Bomb Flaahgra (weakness are mirror reflectors): Charge Beam Stuns Flickerbat: Any Flying Pirate (any combo): Charge Beam or Plasma Beam Geemer: Any Beam weapon Grizby: Missile Hive Mecha (weakness are four red lights): Power Beam Hive: Missile Hunter Metroids: Ice Beam, Phazon Beam, Powerbomb Ice Beetle: Plasma Beam Ice Burrower: Power Beam, Ice Beam Ice Shriekbat: Any Incinerator Drone (weakness is red orb when in sight): Any Jelzap: Combos Lumigeck: Any Beam Magmoor: Ice beam Mega Turret: Wavebuster Meta Ridley (weakness is chest and head): Plasma or Plasma Beam combo Metriod Prime 1 (weakness is face): Any Beam weapon Metriod Prime 2 (weakness is head): Phazon Beam Metriod: Ice Beam, Powerbomb, Phazon Beam Oculus: Super Missile Omega Pirate (weakness is Phazon Armor): Plasma Beam Parasite Queen (weakness is mouth): Any Parasite: Any Phazon Elite: Plasma and Power Beam combos Plasmatrooper: Plasma Beam Plated Beetle (weakness is rear abdomen): Any Plated Parasite: Morph Ball Bomb Plated Puffer: Missile Plazmite: Power Beam Power Trooper: Power Beam Puddle Spore: Any Puffer: Any Pulse Bombu: Wave Beam Ram War Wasp: Power Beam Reaper Vine: Any Reaper: Any weapon Sap sac: Charge Beam, Wave, etc. Scarabs: Any Scatter Bombu: Wave Beam Seedling: Any Sentry Drone: Wave Beam Shadow pirate: Super Missile Sheegoth (weakness is side of head): Missile, Plasma Beam Shriekbat: Power Beam Space Pirate: Power Beam Stone Toad: Morph Ball Bomb Tallon Crab: Any Tangl Weed: Power Beam Thardus (weakness varies): Charge Beam Triclops: Morph Ball Bomb Venom Weed: Any War Wasp: Any Wave Trooper: Wave beam Zoomer: Any | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Note: If you don't like Linkin Park, don't try it! | Submitted by Freezincold5
Artifacts Truth: Tallon Overworld, Artifact Temple Strength: Magmoor Caverns, Warrior Shrine (Monitor Station) Elder: Phendrana Drifts, Control Tower Wild: Chozo Ruins, Sunchamber Lifegiver: Chozo Ruins, Tower Chamber (Sun Tower) Warrior: Phazon Mines, Elite Research Chozo: Tallon Overworld, Life Grove Nature: Magmoor Caverns, Lava Lake Sun: Phendrana Drifts, Chozo Ice Temple World: Chozo Ruins, Hall of the Elders Spirit: Phendrana Drifts, Phendrana's Edge Newborn: Phazon Mines, Phazon Mining Tunnel | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Chozo Lore Fountain: Chozo Ruins, Ruins Entrance Exodus: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Nusery Hatchling: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Fountain Meteor Strike: Chozo Ruins, Watery Hall Contain: Chozo Ruins, Sun Tower Beginning: Chozo Ruins, Vault The Turned: Phendrana Drifts, Phendrana Canyon Statuary: Tallon Overworld, Artifact Temple Binding: Tallon Overworld, Artifact Temple Cipher: Phendrana Drifts, Ice Ruins West Cradle: Chozo Ruins, Furnace Infestation: Chozo Ruins, Crossway Hatchling's Shell: Chozo Ruins, Crossway Worm: Chozo Ruins, Crossway Hope: Chozo Ruins, Hall of Elders | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Pirate Data Fall of Zebes: Space Pirate Frigate, Biohazard Containment Artifact Site: Tallon Overworld, Temple Security Station Mining Status: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra Security Breaches: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra Phazon Analysis: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra Parasite Larva: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra Glacial Wastes: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra Phazon Program: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory Contact: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory Meta Ridley: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether Metroid Studies: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether Phazon Infusion: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether Elite Pirates: Phazon Mines, Elite Research Metroid Prime: Phazon Mines, Elite Control The Hunter: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Hunter Weapons: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Chozo Studies: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Chozo Artifacts: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Prime Mutations: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Prime Breach: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Chozo Ghosts: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Omega Pirate: Phazon Mines, Omega Research Special Forces: Phazon Mines, Metroid Quarantine B | Submitted by AndrewBernish
RESEARCH Map Station: Anywhere Save Station: Anywhere Small Energy (Purple): Anywhere Large Energy (Red): Anywhere Missile Ammo: Anywhere Gunship: Tallon Overworld, Landing Site Missile Door Lock (Blast Shield): Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza Morph Ball Slot: Chozo Ruins, Energy Core Ultra Energy (Yellow): Anywhere Spinner: Magmoor Caverns, Monitor Station Locked Door: Phendrana Drifts, Research Entrance Tallon IV: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory Zebes: Phendrana Drifts, Observatory Spider Ball Track: Phendrana Drifts, Quarantine Cave Missile Station: Chozo Ruins, Hall of Elders Power Bomb: Anywhere | Submitted by AndrewBernish
2.) Behind Brinstone wall :: Chozo Ruins, Watery Hall Access 3.) Bomb through Sandstone to reveal Morph Ball path :: Chozo Ruins, Burn Dome 4.) Solve the puzzle of the cage by using the double bomb jump :: Chozo Ruins, Vault 5.) Solve Morph Ball puzzle in wall (4.8MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Nursery 6.) Use Morph Ball tunnel that loops in half-circle :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Gallery 7.) Access from Triclops Pit, roll under grating :: Magmoor Caverns, Storage Cavern 8.) Bomb crates to reveal path. Located high up on elevated grating :: Magmoor Caverns, Fiery Shores 9.) Located under stone walkway; dust and steam pour out from beneath :: Tallon Overworld, Transport Tunnel B 10.) Behind ship in small tunnel filled with Tangle Weed :: Tallon Overworld, Landing Site 11.) Jump on piping, roll in Morph Ball form to access (3.4 MB Quicktime) :: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Aether 12.) Use half-pipe. Located under bridge on small shelf :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza 13.) Use clean water from fountain to blast upward and connect to Spider Ball track :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Fountain 14.) Blast weakened metal grating with missiles. :: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo 15.) Use Spider Ball track to access inlet above :: Chozo Ruins, Dynamo 16.) Platform to top of room. Located behind sandstone wall above East Atrium access. Jump on red lights, then double jump :: Chozo Ruins, Gathering Hall 17.) Activate network of pipes by shooting through cordite. Use half-pipe to activate Morph Ball slots. (4.6 MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Crossway 18.) Use Super Missile to blast cordite shield on front of temple; Spider Ball track revealed :: Phendrana Drifts, Phendrana Shorelines 19.) Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite pillar on top floor :: Phendrana Drifts, Research Lab Hydra 20.) Use Super Missile to blast weakened cordite containment door in submerged lower level :: Tallon Overworld, Biohazard Containment 21.) Activate crane controls with Wave Beam at power conduit, scan controls to change crane's position, and use Spider Ball track :: Phazon Mines, Main Quarry 22.) Use Industrual Pulse Beam gun to blast through wall with 8% integrity :: Phazon Mines, Elite Research 23.) Shoot explosive crate in ventilation shaft, use Thermal Visor to locate better :: Phazon Mines, Elite Control Access 24.) Use X-Ray visor in Great Tree Hall; door located behind tree :: Tallon Overworld, Great Tree Chamber 25.) Located in Morph Ball size tunnel amidst Venom Weed :: Tallon Overworld, Overgrown Cavern 26.) Use Grapple Beam to swing into submerged cave (5.3 MB Quicktime) :: Tallon Overworld, Frigate Crash Site 27.) Exit Training Chamber; use ledge and grapple point to swing over to power-up :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza 28.) Tree knot can be shattered with Super Missile :: Chozo Ruins, Main Plaza 29.) Sandstone weakness in floor; blast with Morph Ball bomb :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Shrine 30.) Boost out of half-pipe structure (Note: both sides have Morph Ball tunnels) :: Chozo Ruins, Ruined Shrine 31.) Use X-Ray Visor to jump to very top; look left when facing Plasma Beam door to see it located behind wall of foliage :: Chozo Ruins, Root Cave 32.) Stand next to the two diagonally parallel Spider Ball tracks; flip on X-Ray Visor to scan nearby rock wall; Power Bomb two walls successively; follow Spider Ball bridge and use X-Ray visor to locate last platform :: Phazon Mines, Metroid Quarantine A 33.) Located on the ground, beneath door to Quarantine Access B; use Thermal Visor to locate it, visible in a ring of small mushrooms; Power Bomb to uncover :: Phazon Mines, Fungal Hall B 34.) Weakened cordite shaft; use Super Missiles to shatter :: Phazon Mines, Metroid Quarantine B 35.) Weakened grating made of bendezium near entrance :: Phazon Mines, Security Access A 36.) Use half-pipe in Morph Ball tunnel entrance and set bomb at top (3.4 MB Quicktime) :: Tallon Overworld, Life Grove 37.) Set Power Bomb to reveal half-pipe; boost up to Spider Ball track and follow (6.2 MB Quicktime) :: Chozo Ruins, Furnace 38.) Plasma Door located at top of Root Cave; use X-Ray to reveal platforms :: Tallon Overworld, Arbor Chamber 39.) Use grapple points in Quarantine Cave :: Phendrana Drifts, Quarantine Monitor 40.) Located under ice-covered lake; use Glider to swing to elevated ledges and blast stalactite hanging above, sending it crashing down below :: Phendrana Drifts, Frost Cave 41.) Shatter large grouping of stalactites with Plasma Beam to reveal grapple point; swing to expansion located on elevated ledge :: Phendrana Drifts, Gravity Chamber | Submitted by AndrewBernish
Start game with all power-ups suitless Samus: JUSTIN BAILEY ______ ______ Start game with suitless Samus: 000000 000020 000000 000020 Start game with infinite health, ammo, and upgrades: NARPAS SWORD0 0000__ ______ Debug Mode: BOMBS_MISSLE SCREW_ATACK Hard Mode: 999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK
2.) Hidden under sheet of ice on rooftop in corner across from Chozo Lore; use Plasma Beam :: Phendrana Drifts, Ice Ruins West 3.) Use Grapple Beam to arrive at the highest point in Phendrana's Edge :: Phendrana Drifts, Security Cave | Submitted by AndrewBernish
(Phase two). Now you have to fight Metroid Prime again except in a form that looks similar to a squid. To defeat it, you have to stay away from it. When it charges up a wave, double jump over it. Just keep dodging those. Then it will lay phazon on the ground and turn invisable. Turn on your x-ray visor and run into the phazon. Lock onto the Metroid Prime, and hold A. Now keep on that same visor or change it into the combat or thermal visor. Now its going to do the wave attack again a few times. After its done it will put more phazon on the ground, but this time also summon some metroids. Shoot the metroids, and put your x-ray visor on again. Stand in the phazon and hold A. (Tips) The more you hurt Metroid Prime, the more Metroids it sends out. Sometimes to see Metroid Prime when you have to attack it, you have to use the thermal visor. Keep repeating this until Metroid Prime dies. If you defeat Metroid Prime, you can unlock hard mode. | Submitted by Krista
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