While playing a game, press X, A(2), X, Y, L, B, R, L.
Appearing and disappearing hay barrels
While in level 1, go to Gloria's Pad, and kick open the left gate. Destroy the hay barrels in the Penguins' Pool then go back to Gloria's Pad. Look through the left gate and the hay barrels will be there. Go back to the Penguins' Pool and they will be gone.
Goto the main lemur that is on the drum where all the food lies. Talk to him 10 times in a row to earn food. This can only be done 2 times.
When you are facing the leader Foosa at the very end when you are on a platform with spikes around you, he will first make the back catch on fire then start chasing you. He will get tired and give you a chance to hit him. After that, he will blow green air at you. Keep jumping. He will then go to the other side of the platform and start to give the vultures a signal to attack. Keep roaring at them. This process will repeat until the leader Foosa's life meter goes out. Sometimes the
penguins will drop mangos.
Get 30 coins, then go to the Zoovenir Shop. Buy the Coin Magnet, which will make nearby coins come to you. In level 3 as Gloria (the hippo), hit thirty cars to get 15 coins. Note: this only works once.
When you are in level 3, go into the right subway entrance to find one of the arcade games.
Glitch 1: Penguin Pool and Gloria's Pad
Once you beat Gloria's race, go to the penguin pool and bust down the hay. Go back to Gloria. Look at the pool and the hay stacks will still be there.
Glitch 2: Ostriches
Once you beat Gloria's race, kick the cart near by. One of the ostriches will run after it. Now you can kick them seperatley.
Glitch 3: Sneaky Penguins
In the Marty's Escape level, go to Zone Bird. When there, go all the way around and get the key. Don't kick the gate open. Go all the way back around, and the penguin will not follow you. But when you put in the Zone Monkey key, the penguin will just slide in. |
Submitted by EWhen taking on the police you can use the statues, manholes, cages, and carts.
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit
the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. You can
also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.
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