Win the World Cup with an African team to unlock the All-African team in friendly match mode. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeWin the World Cup with an American team (such as Team U.S.A.) to unlock the All-Americas team in friendly match mode. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeWin the World Cup with an Asian team to unlock the All-Asian team in friendly match mode. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeWin the World Cup with an European team to unlock the All-European team in friendly match mode. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeUnlock the All-Americas, All-European, All-Asian, and All-African teams to unlock the All-World team in friendly match mode. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeWin world cup on any difficulty with the following teams to get euro all stars and all america all stars:
Win with Argentina - All American stars
Win with France - Euro stars
Win the World Cup with an Asian team to unlock an All-Asia team for friendlies. |
Submitted by CenturionZ_1To unlock a All-World team, unlock the All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe and All-Africa teams. |
Submitted by CenturionZ_1To unlock new teams, win the World Cup with teams from different regions:
All-Europe Team: Europe, Oceania
All-Americas Team: N. America, S. America
All-Africa Team: Africa |
Submitted by CenturionZ_1More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements