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Dragon Ball Z Budokai

Easy win for Dragon Ball Z Budokai - GameCube

To easily defeat an opponent, go to "Edit Skills" and give your character a Viral Heart Disease Capsule and a Vaccine Capsule. The Vaccine Capsule negates the effects of the Viral Heart Disease Capsule on your player, and only your opponent will get their life drained.

Fight through the story mode and/or the tournament mode until you can get the Senzu Bean, Viral Heart Disease, Vaccine, and Kamehameha skills. Equip all four skills on Goku, Gohan, or Krillin. When you now fight in a duel, allow your opponent to knock your health down to zero. By this time, the Viral Heart Disease should have depleted his health down to half of the last bar. The Senzu Bean will replenish all of your health and energy. Finish off your opponent with a four-punch combo and a Kamehameha.

Go into the options menu and set "Difficulty" to "Very Easy", "Com" to "Very Weak", equip the Vaccine, Viral Heart Disease, and a Senzu Bean, Set the time limit to 30 seconds.. When the match starts, dodge for the first fifteen seconds. The last fifteen seconds should deplete your opponent's health. When the clock reaches zero, if you have not been knocked out of the ring, you will be declared the winner.

Choose a small-sized character, such as Krillin or Gohan. Equip him with Vaccine and Viral Heart Disease and set the tournament to last thirty seconds. When you enter the tournament with your custom character, the opponent's health will be going down. When the thirty seconds are up, you will win. This is a very easy way to get Great Sayiaman or money.

When fighting in any match, press Guard until your opponent tries to throw a punch or kick. Then, as quickly as possible, press Punch(3) then blast. Then, knock him or her down with a kick combo. When an opponent is charging up their energy, use this time to back away and be ready for them to charge at you.

Go to the options screen and turn the difficulty all the way down. Try to block as many punches as you can, let your opponent come to you. Try to think as the Z-fighters would. Do the basic attacks Punch(3), Energy. It knocks the other fighter down so you can gather Ki, or go in the fighters face and kill them; or knock them out of the ring.

At the start of the match, press Punch(3), Kick. This will knock your opponent into the air. Tap Forward(2) to fly up there, then press Forward to knock the opponent out of the ring. Punch also works, but Forward is stronger. If it does not work, try it again.

When doing a "death move" such as the Kamehameha, Buster Cannon, Destructive Wave, Photon Shot, Power Blitz, etc., press Start at the moment just before it explodes on your opponent. The move will cause more damage. This may
require some practice.

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