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Digimon World 4

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Digimon World 4 on GameCube

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Digimon World 4 Cheats

Reach level 16 with Guilmon.

If you chose Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game on Hard mode.

If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Item Road on Hard mode after you complete the game and collect twenty items. Note: You may need to do this on all Item Road quests on Hard mode.

Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Hard mode.

The following weapons are not bash but blunt skill weapons: Dbl Axe, Rage Hammer, Hakatoncheir, Fang Smasher and Meteor Force.

Page 1
Agumon, Agumon, Veemon
Veemon, Guilmon, Guilmon

Page 2
Dorumon, WarGraymon, WarGraymon
Alphamon, Beelzemon, Imperialdramon Paladin

Page 3
Imperialdramon Fighter, Black WarGraymon, Gallantmon
MetalGarurumon, Susanomon, Apokarimon

Page 4
MaloMyotismon, Lucemon, Goburimon
Kokaterimon, Numemon, Sukamon

Page 5
Ogremon, Blossomon, Mammothmon
Arukenimon, Tyrannomon, Mummymon

Page 6
Minotarumon, Pharaohmon, SkullGraymon
Scopiomon, Tortomon, Otamamon

Page 7
Gekomon, MarineOrrimon, ShoganGekamon
Diaboromon, LordKnightmon, Imperialdramon

Page 8
Infermon, Megadramon, Raremon
Leomon, MetalEtemon, Ophanimon

Page 9
Seraphimon, PrinceMamemon

Successfully complete the Undead Yard quest with Veemon or the Item Road quest with Dorumon.

First, destroy the five spike balls on the posts around him, avoiding the fire shots and wind blow. Whenever five flying things come to attack, just block. Do not try to jump on the area that he is on, as you will get shocked. After the spike balls are destroyed, he will shoot a purple attack that follows you. You must run around trying to hit him without getting hit. Magic and a gun weapon work well; you do not have to walk up to him, but they do smaller damage. Physical attacks are more powerful, but you must risk getting close to him.

To defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form, keep hitting him. After a few hits he will transport to one of the outside circles and summon three Mecha Rouges and a light will appear somewhere on the field. If the three Mecha Rouges get to the light, they will transform into copies of Mecha Rouge X with the same health, and it will take the same amount of time to defeat one of those as Mecha Rouge X. The easiest way to defeat Mecha Rouge X is to defeat only two copies. After that, weaken the third until you think he is defeated. Then, weaken the original to that point where it will require one hit to defeat him. Finish the last copy and defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form. You must now walk into the portal to fight Mecha Rouge X's second (cocoon) form. If done correctly, this form is very easy to defeat. Hit the bottom of him. After a few hits he will generate purple rings around where you hit him. Move to the edge of the level. If you touch the purple from the
purple rings you will get poisoned. Two things will come out of Mecha Rouge X, and there will be spotlights from bottom of them. Do not get under them or you will be stuck in that location and they will send out two spinning tops and will damage you. Just keep hitting the spot when there are not purple rings. Hit him as much as possible or he will regain health. Once you defeat him, go in the portal and get ready for the final fight with Mecha Ultimate X. Just stay under him and keep attacking to win.

Reach level 16 with Agumon.

The game states that Double Axe (all types) is a bash skill weapon. However, when you use it you will gain the blunt skill.

In single player mode, repeat the tutorial about fifteen times, then go to Death Valley. Once there, follow a path and fight some Goburimon; do not go across the bridge. Follow the path up and fight the Goburimon. They will give 10 experience points each. Break, then get the Gate Chip, use it, and repeat. Additionally, go to Death Valley, then to the Fortress. When you are inside the guard room, defeat everyone for 32 experience points per kill. After all the doors open, go outside and enter the fortress again. This must be done two or three times to reach the next level.

After you have unlocked the "Fortress" in Death Valley, whenever you need to equip a new weapon that is too high in tech points, just return to the Fortress and fight up and down the tower multiple times. You will receive between 10 to 60 tech ups in one revolution.

Go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest and bring back the Blast Gun Gamma; do this on Very Hard mode.

If you are trying to get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining, go to the Goblin level (this stage is the easiest). Make sure you have a "ate Disc with you. Fight and go to the area after the rolling barrels. When you get there and see the area where you must jump from the rock things to get to the other side, fall. You will automatically be revived with 1 HP. Then, use the Gate Disc and return to the D.G.S. base. After your return with 1 HP, save the game. Next, go to the desired side quest that requires having 1 HP remaining to get the Digivolution. Note: While on the side quest, make sure you do not get hit by any enemies. This requires extreme practice and skill.

On Card Retrieve in hard mode, if you want to get the Digivolution by having to end that side quest with 1 HP remaining, use the following trick. At the end there is a sand trap that will suck you in if you get too close to it. First, destroy all the enemies that can get in your way. Next, jump into the sand trap. You will be revived with 1 HP remaining. Note: When facing the master of the side quest, try to use MP type attacks or a gun type weapon.

Check your Booster Packs at the Card Keeper. If you are not satisfied with your cards, reload and there will be new randomly generated cards in your Booster Packs.

Reach level 16 with Veemon.

Successfully complete the Undead Yard quest with Guilmon or the Item Road quest with Agumon.

If you chose Agumon in the beginning, then complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have 10 minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates".

If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode.

Successfully complete the "Wormhole" dungeon on Very Hard mode.

If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Complete the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete Hard mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Hard mode.

The following can be done while playing in either single player or multi-player mode. However, for the mode to become unlocked in multi-player, you must switch your players to the first slot.

Fourth MP Move: Increase your Blast Technique to about 1,000.
Hard mode: Successfully complete Normal mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.
Increase MP Power Moves: Keep repeating your MP Moves. Notice that the Tech Ups will increase about 300 tech points and you will level up your move from Petty to Magna.
Super Hard mode: Successfully complete Hard mode; this applies to player one only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.

If playing as Agumon, train your Blunt skill to the amount needed for a Bash skill weapon. When you have enough, you are able to equip the Bash weapon when your Bash skill is only 1. Note: When you tech-up on that Bash weapon it will not increase your Bash skill, but will increase your Blunt skill instead.

Note: This must be done with in a game with multiple players. If one or more of your allies are dead, go into a cave or another place where the game will load. Your allies should be back with full health and you do not need to use a disc to revive them. Note: If you or your allies die, then the amount of the dead Digimons' experience it needs to level up still doubles, and you will also lose all the money that carried with you on that mission.

If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and completing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done on Very Hard mode.

The following weapons in Hard mode will be different from what the dialog states when you check it in the inventory.

The dialog says Death Crimson, but it is a Dark Crimson.
The dialog says Death Bringer, but it is a Doom Bringer.
The dialog says Death Raptor, but it is an Omega Raptor.

Get five Digivolve Techs on Hard mode to unlock the Undead Yard quest.

This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.

Reach level 16 with Dorumon.

While riding the boat down the Numenume River, you can jump off it; it does not matter what weapon you have. Get near the edge of the boat. Whenever you get close to any part of land, do a charge attack. The screen should shake and then you should fly off the boat. You will be able to leave the boat behind and walk on water. Note: This will not work every time.

If you chose Agumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard in under 30 minutes and defeat all 279 enemies. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates." If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete Item Road after completing the game. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard mode.

Successfully complete the Undead Yard quest with Agumon or the Item Road quest with Guilmon.

If you chose Agumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination sidequest in the Shrine of Seals and complete the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. Do this on Hard mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, complete Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, complete the Undead Yard on Hard mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, complete Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes.

Successfully complete the Undead Yard quest with Dorumon or the Item Road quest with Veemon.

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