This Ring shows that Vasu has appraised 100 rings.
This Ring shows that Vasu has appraised 100 rings.
Use a Mystery Seed on a Buzz Blob (the enemy that shocks you if attacked with the sword) and he will turn into a Cukemon. If you paralyze him with the boomerang, he will say funny things to you.
Find one of the green cactus-like enemies that electrocute you if hit with your sword. Use a Mystery Seed on them to change them into something else. Even if you do this, however, you still cannot hit them with your sword.
Go north of Horon Village, to the house that you took the Cuccodex to. Use a Mystery Seed on a big Cucco, and it will turn to a chick.
Hit his horn.
Defeating cactus type enemies
Use the Seed Thrower and throw a Scent Seed to kill them.
Use your Magnetic Glove to pull the giant spiked ball to hit him. Swipe the little pieces he breaks into with your sword.
Throw bombs in his mouth, then throw him into the spikes.
Get Mystery Seeds and Ember Seeds. If it is blue, shoot Ember Seeds to hurt it. If you run out of Ember Seeds, use Mystery Seeds. If it is red, shoot Mystery Seeds to turn it blue. Also use Mystery Seeds at its ice blades then pick it up and throw it at Frypolor.
Use your spin attack to hit both heads at the same time, then destroy his skeleton with your sword.
Hit her claw until it breaks, then shoot her eye with anything from your slingshot.
Defeating Koume and Koutake
Get in a corner and repeatedly swing your sword. The best corner is to the bottom right; face towards the left.
Use your Magic Boomerang to destroy the four heads. Then, use it to slice the shocker gel in half to hit the core with your sword. Note: It may not look like it is getting hurt, but it does.
Hit him whenever he is not doing anything. Note: If you hit him while he is in the center, you will freeze.
When he lands, hit him repeatedly. His mini-moths will always drop hearts when you hit them.
Destroy the Great Moblin's house
Once you defeat the Great Moblin at his keep, he will move to the abandoned house just one screen south of the Gale Tree in Sunken City, making bombs. Go in the house to find a pile of bombs in the corner. Set an Ember Seed on the pile or let one of your bombs explode next to it, and then the pile will blink. Get out of the house while it is blinking. The Moblin will run away and the house will explode. After blowing it up twice or so, they will catch you, knock you out inside of the house, and the explosion will kill you.
L1 Gnarled Root Dungeon: Seed Bag
L2 Snake's Remains: Power Bracelet
L3 Poison Moth Lair-Roc's Feather (L-1 item)
L4 Dancing Dragon Dungeon: Slingshot (not mentioned, but it is L-1)
L5 Unicorn's Cave: Magnetic Glove
L6 Ancient Ruins: Magic Boomerang (L-2 item)
L7 Explorer's Crypt: Roc's Cape (L-2 feather)
L8 Sword and Shield Maze: Hyper Slingshot (L-2 Slingshot. Shoots 3 seeds but you lose 1 seed)
When you get a dungeon map in a level, if you look carefully, it looks like the title of the dungeon. For example, Snake Remains or Sword and Shield dungeon, or Poisonous Moth Dungeon.
When you enter the shop in Horon village, go upstairs (see membership card). When you pay for your game, he will look at the chests. He will look at the correct one for slightly longer.
If you are in a dungeon and low on hearts, find some hearts in bushes, then go to another room and return. Get the heart at the same spot that you originally found it. Repeat until all your hearts are full. In some cases this also works for other items. Note: This only works in certain parts of the game where anyone would place them (if they could), such as the three bushes outside level 4.
If you are in a dungeon and low on hearts, find some hearts in bushes, then go to another room and return. Get the heart at the same spot that you originally found it. Repeat until all your hearts are full. In some cases this also works for other items. Note: This only works in certain parts of the game where anyone would place them (if they could), such as the three bushes outside level 4.
When the red snake in Vasu's shop lets you say a secret, enter the first fourteen letters/symbols of the secret that the red snake gives you. Then, go through every letter/symbol in the fifteenth spot in the secret. Many times the secret will be wrong or it will give you no rings. However, if you want to spend the time, it does work. When you finish just changing the last digit of the secret, change the last second, third, fourth, or fifth and see if you get more rings.
Note: This trick requires Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons and Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages. Go to Vasu's Jewelry Store and ask the red snake (to the right of Vasu) the secret. Make a note of the secret. Play the other game and choose "Say Secret" to the red snake (to the right of Vasu) and select "OK". He will say that he transferred the rings. Talk to him again and choose "Say Secret" again. The password you just entered will still be there. Change the last two or three characters or the secret and it might be another secret, giving you more rings that you never had. If the game replies that it is wrong, change them again and repeat.
Once you finish growing a Gasha tree, enter the nearest cave, exit it, and save. Get the Gasha Nut and if it is not a ring, reset and try again. If it is a ring, warp to the town with a Gale Seed and have the ring appraised. If you already have the ring, reset, and try again. You also can get different varieties of rings from the Gasha trees if you acquire the ring from the tree during various seasons.
When the red snake in Vasu's shop lets you say a secret, enter the first fourteen letters/symbols of the secret that the red snake gives you. Then, go through every letter/symbol in the fifteenth spot in the secret. Many times the secret will be wrong or it will give you no rings. However, if you want to spend the time, it does work. When you finish just changing the last digit of the secret, change the last second, third, fourth, or fifth and see if you get more rings.
Note: This trick requires Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons and Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages. Go to Vasu's Jewelry Store and ask the red snake (to the right of Vasu) the secret. Make a note of the secret. Play the other game and choose "Say Secret" to the red snake (to the right of Vasu) and select "OK". He will say that he transferred the rings. Talk to him again and choose "Say Secret" again. The password you just entered will still be there. Change the last two or three characters or the secret and it might be another secret, giving you more rings that you never had. If the game replies that it is wrong, change them again and repeat.
Once you finish growing a Gasha tree, enter the nearest cave, exit it, and save. Get the Gasha Nut and if it is not a ring, reset and try again. If it is a ring, warp to the town with a Gale Seed and have the ring appraised. If you already have the ring, reset, and try again. You also can get different varieties of rings from the Gasha trees if you acquire the ring from the tree during various seasons.
The L-2 Boomerang is required for this trick. Use the boomerang to hit one of the electric sparks. If you hit the correct type, you should get a small fairy. Catch it to get six hearts. Note: You can also destroy the black and white flashing ones, but you will not get a fairy.
The L-2 Boomerang is required for this trick. Use the boomerang to hit one of the electric sparks. If you hit the correct type, you should get a small fairy. Catch it to get six hearts. Note: You can also destroy the black and white flashing ones, but you will not get a fairy.
Get Ricky then get the floodgate key. Drain the water and jump down the left cliff. Go down once, then go left, get in the middle of the cliff, and press Up. Do the same thing when you get to the next cliff. Follow the path and you will eventually find a portal. Jump off Ricky, enter in the portal, and go down to the beach. Dig to find the Star Ore, then go to shop. Trade the Star Ore for the Ribbon. Return to the beach then go down to find Rosa. Give her the ribbon and go on date with her. You can now go to the locked doors. Open them, go to the temple and open the door.
The best Ring to get and try to use is the First Gen Ring, which can be described as the Z Ring (which stands for Zelda). . It is described as "Turn into something" in its information. You can turn into the original Link from The Legend of Zelda on the NES. You cannot use items, but you can enter places.
The best Ring to get and try to use is the First Gen Ring, which can be described as the Z Ring (which stands for Zelda). . It is described as "Turn into something" in its information. You can turn into the original Link from The Legend of Zelda on the NES. You cannot use items, but you can enter places.
Go to the Subrosian Dance Hall and play until you win the flute. Get a ride from Ricky (see Hint: Getting Ricky). When you drain the water from the floodgate, go down until you see an area with a flower and two Spider Tektites. Go down one more screen and go right, and up. You will see Dimitri being attacked by Moblins. Save him and he will teach you his song. If you get the song from the shop, it will not work with Dimitri, or the dance flute for Moosh.
If you are very low on rupees, take out your shovel and start to dig. You will get not only blue and red rupees from the ground, but you may also get a special huge blue rupee that appears at random. However, this rupee only appears in the towns.
After you get your Feather back from the Weird Brothers in Subrosia, leave their house then go back in again. They will have 50 ore chunks to hide. Do the task that follows, then dig up the money. You can do this as many times as needed.
At some locations you can burn bushes that can only be destroyed with Ember Seeds to discover a doorway underneath with a man inside. If you talk to him he will say that you broke his front door and make you pay for it or he will ask that you not tell anyone and give you lots of rupees. Some of the locations of the places where bushes that give between 80 to 200 rupees are:
From the screen of the first dungeon, go left and burn all the bushes. One will have a doorway.
Warp to the Scent Seed tree in north Horon and go down, left, up, and down. The closest stairs to the next screen in Summer are vines leading up the ledge Burn the two bushes. One will have a stairway.
Go to Goron Mountain. Burn the three bushes outside the cave where the Gorons live. One will have a doorway.
Go to the house where you gave Malon the Cuccodex. Keep hitting an adult Cucco until a flock of Cuccos appears. Use a Mystery Seed on the original Cucco and it will turn big. If you keep hitting the big Cucco, he will chase after you.
Enter Hero's Cave and go east, then south, and push the northwest block. A stairway will appear. Go down it, and a Gasha Seed will be there.
After getting the Rod Of Seasons, go into the waterfall in front of you and press Up.
Legend Of Zelda, The: Oracle Of Seasons Cheats.
After getting the Rod Of Seasons, go into the waterfall in front of you and press Up.
Play the game in a Game Boy Advance. Go to Horon Village and find the locked door next to the Target Aim mini-game. It can now be opened, allowing access to a shop that sells all items for 100 rupees. In the shop, you can buy a Ring that is appraised to be the GBA Nature Ring. It is described as "Life Advanced!" in its information.
Play the game in a Game Boy Advance. Go to Horon Village and find the locked door next to the Target Aim mini-game. It can now be opened, allowing access to a shop that sells all items for 100 rupees. In the shop, you can buy a Ring that is appraised to be the GBA Nature Ring. It is described as "Life Advanced!" in its information.
There are four jewels to find. In a regular, unlinked, (not secrets game), the four jewels are in the following locations:
Go in front of Dancing Dragons Den (level 4). In the upper right-hand corner, dive into the water and enter a secret cave. The jewel is at the end of the cave. You need a slingshot and Mystery and Ember Seeds. Go below Hero's Cave. Use the Slingshot to light the torch. Go on the bridge and shoot a Mystery Seed at the question mark. Kill the Ferret-looking thing and get the jewel. Get the first five Essences. There is a place in Holodrom Plain that will give you a jewel if you have the five Essences. The place is several screens south of where you find Ricky. Go to the stump in front of Poison Moth's Lair. Change the season to Winter. Go to the screen below and to the right of where the Heart Piece is located. The jewel should be inside the cave.
The Maku Tree slowly develops as you proceed through the game. It will change after each essence. The first makes it slightly bigger. The second makes it take half the screen and have a doorway. The third opens a stairway in the back of inside that leads to a doorway outside of the tree (second floor) -- it contains a Gasha Seed. The fourth makes the second floor have a room, but nothing really in it except for water in the corners and center and two bushes. The fifth puts some vines on the second floor walkway outside leading to the third floor. It is just a one space spot now. The sixth opens a walkway on the third floor, but no door. The seventh seems to have no effect. The eighth opens a doorway on the third floor. Inside, it is just like the second floor, only there are three bushes instead of two.
Go to the Lost Woods, change the season to Winter, then go left. Change the season to Fall, then go left. Change the season to Spring, then go left. Change the season to Summer, then go left. You should find the Noble Sword. When you have full hearts, you can shoot energy beams from the sword.
The passwords that are revealed when the game is completed are not valid for other players. Each game has its own specific password for the ending from people. It all depends on your name, what you do with Bipin and Blossom, and other things such as Gasha seeds, rings and your lives lost. The password is used for a link game to The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages. Passwords you get in Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages are already in Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons, but only in the games memory of when you completed the game. If you take a password from a completely different link game and enter it, it will not be valid. Otherwise, take passwords from Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages and put them in Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons to get the Master Sword or Biggoron's Sword.
Get a Member's Card. Go to the Horon shop and continue to the rear. Buy all items from upstairs. You will go broke after buying all of them. If you have almost no more money, go to the snake's remains and destroy the wall where the arrow blocks are pointing. You should get about 200 to 300 rupees. When you have bought all items upstairs in the Horon shop, they will have a new item (two chests). Talk to the manager from upstairs, then pay him 10 rupees (per try).You have to get five tries with 100 rupees in the chest . However, you will not win 100 rupees. After you have won five of the correct chests, you will get a Peace Ring It allows you to take no damage from bombs that are in hands.
Press Start + Select during game play to go directly to the save screen.
Go east from the Gnarled Root dungeon and change the season to Summer Go south from Gnarled Root dungeon to find a stairway. Go down and a man will give you a Red Ring if you do what he says. A Red Ring doubles your sword damage without making enemies stronger. He wants you to slay 4 golden creatures. They are found at the following locations. The Soldier is east of Heroes Cave in Spring. The Octorok is south of the warp in Spool Swamp in Summer. The Moblin is near the entrance to Snakes Remains in Fall. The Wolf is in the Ancient Ruins in Winter (where there usually are two Red Soldiers and three Hard Mushrooms).
Note: This trick requires Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages. Go to Vasu's Jewelry Store and ask the red snake (to the right of Vasu) the secret. Make a note of the secret. Play Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages and choose "Say Secret" to the red snake (to the right of Vasu) and select "OK". He will say that he transferred the rings. Talk to him again and choose "Say Secret" again. The password you just entered will still be there. Change the last two or three characters or the secret and it might be another secret, giving you more rings. If the game replies that it is wrong, change them again and repeat.
Once you have the Switch Hook, go to the Post Office in the past. Use the Switch Hook on any of the three filing cabinets and the screen will reset.
Secret 100 Rupee Advance Shop
If you're lucky enough to already own a Game Boy Advance (like many of the obsessed editors here at IGN), you can get into the Secret 100 Rupee Advance Shop in Oracle of Seasons. Simply plug this Game Boy game into your GBA and go to the house with the two doors in the village (shown below, left screenshot). On the GBC, the right door will be locked. On the GBA, you can march right in. The shopkeeper will welcome you and explain how only GBA players can access this store -- and as a special service, you can buy items here for 100 Rupees each. While some of the items are available elsewhere, you can also get a special Ring that's only availabe to GBA owners.
If you have not Ember Seeds and you need to see in the darkness, press Start or Select. For a very short while you will see all the paths that are not visible because of the darkness. Note: This does not work for hidden paths.
If you have not Ember Seeds and you need to see in the darkness, press Start or Select. For a very short while you will see all the paths that are not visible because of the darkness. Note: This does not work for hidden paths.
To get the shovel, find the house with a sign next to it reading "Santa welcome". Use the rod to make it Winter. From the house, go one screen left, go up, then one screen right. Walk over the snow and fall into the house. Then, talk to the girl.
To get the shovel, find the house with a sign next to it reading "Santa welcome". Use the rod to make it Winter. From the house, go one screen left, go up, then one screen right. Walk over the snow and fall into the house. Then, talk to the girl.
Break over 100 signposts with the Lv. 2 Sword or the Power Bracelet. Then, go to the signpost lover in Subrosia and he will get mad at you. He will get his revenge buy making it look like your game has restarted, but then it will return to the same location and he will give you the "Sign Ring" to remind you not to break signposts.
Break over 100 signposts with the Lv. 2 Sword or the Power Bracelet. Then, go to the signpost lover in Subrosia and he will get mad at you. He will get his revenge buy making it look like your game has restarted, but then it will return to the same location and he will give you the "Sign Ring" to remind you not to break signposts.
Defeat 1000 enemies then talk to Vasu.
Defeat 1000 enemies then talk to Vasu.
Enter the following password into a new file under the "Secrets" selection. Your name will be Link, and it will be just like a brand new file of a Seasons "Linked" file, except this password will not have the Bipin and Blossom kid as a teen because he does not have a name. Your sword is already with you at the start screen.
t b Heart f b Y Left Arrow t D Club
Square Circle N ( ! y $ s ~ 3
Enter the following password into a new file under the "Secrets" selection. A Triforce will be next to Link at the main screen. You will start with the Victory Ring (Triforce Ring) showing you beat Ganon.
t b Heart S b $ g s Square /
Square f 4 ( ! Y $ ? ~ 7
Successfully complete both games and defeat the Ganon. Once you start the next game, you will have the Victory Ring.
Collect 10,0000 rupees then talk to Vasu.
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