To get 99 of any item, first put the item you want to multiply in the sixth item slot. Now use FLY and go to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle.
Right after that, fly to Fuchsia city. Make your way south and, when you you reach the water's edge, use SURF and make your way to Seafoam island.
When you get to seafoam island, swim up and down the beach until you run into a Pokemon called "M" (a glitch like Missingno.) Once you see him, kill him or run away. DO NOT CATCH HIM! After that, you should have 99 of your sixth item!
Normally when under the effects of Toxic, your Pokemon takes incrementing amounts of damage: 1/16, 1/8, 3/16, and so on, of their max HP. You can negate this by switching out, when the Pokemon returns, it will only be taking a flat 1/8 damage like regular Poisoning.
Here are your best bets for beating the Pokemon Gym Leaders:
Brock: Use water or grass Pokemon against this rock trainer.
Misty: Use grass pokemon or electric to defeat this gym leader.
Leiutenant Surge: use a rock or ground pokemon and he's toast.
Erika: Use fire pokemon or flight against this plant lover and shatter her dreams of fighting you again.
Sabrina: Use bug or ghost against this psychomaniac and she is a goner.
Koga: This poison pokemon lover will be deafeted easily by using psy pokemon.
Blaine: This fire trainer will use fire pokemon against you so you can use water or ice.
Final boss: Giovanni, the team rocket leader, is the final gym leader - use water, ice, plant and he's out of there (and talk to him again and he says something to you).
In the Indigo Plateu you find 5 pokemon masters. Use this pokemon lineup for a better chance of success:
Water, Plant, Flight, Ice
Ice or Dragon
Your choice
Good Luck!
Submitted by Pokemon Master
Celadon City Slot Tip
All of the slot machines have different odds, which change every time. Play each machine 4 times, and if it hits 2 or more, then stick with that one, because it's probably hot.
If the slow machine forces you really close to a 777 or Bar Bar Bar it will probably give you one or the other soon.
To catch Pokemon easier after you threw your pokeball keep pressing B repeadily. You should have a better chance of catching that Pokemon. |
Submitted by xgreendayxChange POKE ball into Master ball
To change your master ball into a poke ball you must first get at least 3 poke balls and once you done that get into a battle. Weaken the wild Pokemon by 40 percent [by estimating]. Now chuck a Poke ball at the wild pokemon, when the Poke is in midair hold down and B button, if you done this correctly the poke ball should altomatically change into a master ball.
NOTE: If you use the cheat on a very strong pokemon the cheat won't work.
Submitted by RobertContact Pokemon League HQ
After you beat the game, go to any poke shop and log onto the computer. One of the new choices will be the Pokemon League HQ. You can contact them and see your stats for the game and the Elite 4. |
Submitted by BrandonMoroneyOnce you get the HM "cut", your pokemon can cut down grassy areas. Use "cut" and it will cut a two by two area. Wild Pokemon will not attack you in the area you cut.
- Pokémon 1 that knows Sleep Powder
- Pokémon 2 that knows Disable
- Pokemon 3 Diglet lvl 15 in that order
- 5 Pokéballs (any type, except masterball)
- Space left for Abra (Pc or Party).
Save you're game data, and look for Abra on route 24.
Use sleep powder without fail. and next use Disable without fail too. and next Diglet. use scratch and Abra's Hp will catch by a half. Throw a Ball to catch him, make sure you have 5 Pokéballs or less.
By any chase, if Abra use Teleport you'll have to start over.
Note: Abra is also easy to catch with a Masterball, but if you play fairly, you can use the method above. |
Submitted by DennisDreessenFight Elete 4 with for example Rattata level 6 or lower. By doing this it will give the pokemon a ton of exp points. |
Submitted by Wesley InderbitzenTo easily gain experience, simply switch the Pokémon you want to train with the top Pokémon on your list. When you go into battle the Pokémon will pop out. You can then switch to another Pokémon. Once you win the battle the beginning Pokémon and the fighting Pokémon will both gain experience points.
Bring a Electrode to lvl 100 and hold the move, Explosion. Or catch him higher then lvl 100 in Cinnabaar Island. he has also the move Explosion already. Remember: The missingno trick is required. Next, make sure you have enough Revives or Max Revives, copy one of this item will be helpfull. Next, go to the Pokemon Leaugue and start a fight against the first Trainer at the Elite Four.
Step 1: The first thing you must do: is to choose a Pokemon you want to train.
Step 2: Send your Pokemon out for battle.
Step 3: Switch to Electrode.
Step 4: Command him to do the move Explosion. Effect: the enemy Pokemon will sure die and Electrode also, in any chase, your first Pokemon will get all Experience from the Enemy Pokemon, without shring it with Electrode. If not, Electrode dies only, and your enemy will survive but... he has lost a major HP so it will be easy to defeat by your first Pokemon.
Step 5: Use a Revive to heal Electrode.
You can repeat this trick, as much if you want. |
Submitted by DennisDreessenWhile fighting, select your desired attack. When it says you are going to use that attack (eg. "Venusaur used Razor Leaf"), hold down the A button until your opponent's life stops draining. If your timing was right you'll do more damage than usual.
Fight Land Creatures in Water
To fight creatures that normally live on land in water, go to the water around Cinnabar Island or Seafoam Islands (The only place you can be randomly attacked while swimming.) Swim along the shore of any island and you will fight land creatures. (You have to swim on a place where the square is half land and half water.)
Instead of fighting a set group of monsters in the water, you actually fight monsters from the last place you were. So to get safari zone monsters, you need to go to the section of the safari zone with that monster, let your time run out, then go to the coast. Using this trick I have caught Kangaskhan, Scyther, and Tauros!
Fight the Elite Four More Than Once
First collect all eaight badges. Then go through victory road. Next beat the Elite Four. After that your Pokemon will become Hall of Famors. Then the credits will show, following by your game resetting. Go back to your Continued Game. You will be back at home. Then fly back and beat them again and again. This helps your higher leveled Pokemon becaus you can still get a few thousand exp.
After you have gotten all eight of your badges you need to go beat the pokemon league. The credits will roll and then the menu pops up again. DO NOT RESET THE GAME!!!! Go to Cerulean Citygo north to the brige where you faced 5 trainers before the path to Bill's house. Turn left and there will be a large area of water. Surf until you get to a cave. You will find Mewtwo in that cave.
Warning! Catch missingno in the red version may delete your old game and prevent you from saving any other games.
To get MissingNo (a glitch) go to Cinnabar Island and go into the Pokémon Research Labratory and trade with anyone in the first room. Then leave the Lab and go to the EAST of Cinnabar Island and surf up and down on the part where the land meets the water. Eventually the battle screen will come up and the screen goes black for about 5 seconds.
Once you find him I suggest you use a Level 30 to 40 Pokemon. This is because Missing No., even at Lv. 80, has a VERY low defense rating. So get him down pretty low. Even at low he is still extremely difficult to catch. So next get a Pokemon that knows a sleep move and put him to sleep. Follow this up with a couple Ultra Balls and you should have him.
NOTE: Catching MissingNo. may cause minor glitches. Also note that if he evolves (i.e., by receiving a Rare Candy) he will turn into a Khangiskahn.
Buy a Pokedoll in Celadon Mart, then FLY to Saffron and talk to the Copycat. She will give you the Mimic TM.
First, go to the Safari Zone. Walk around until you have 50-100 steps left but stay near the exit. When you have 50-100 steps left, save your game and turn it off and on. go out and the guy will ask if you want to play. Say no and fly to Cinnabar. Surf on the coast where you would do the Missingno. cheat. Eventually the PA will call saying your time is up. You will be back in the place before the Zone. Go out and you'll be in Glitch City. If you get caught in a trap, fly away. If you cant, turn off your game. |
Submitted by TaylorThis glitch requires you to have the Badges allowing the use of Fly and Surf, and Pokemon that can use these moves. You must also be able to reach Fuschia City or Cinnabar Island. First, head to Viridian City and speak with the old man near Route 2 who will teach you to catch Pokemon; view his tutorial. After doing so, Fly to Fuschia or Cinnabar and Surf to the Seafoam Islands. Once there, Surf on the coastline of the islands. As you Surf, you may encounter a number of odd Pokemon. These Pokemon will differ, depending on the name you used as that of your Trainer. For example, the name "DANIEL" can make Snorlax or Electrode appear, among others. However, a common characteristic of them is that they are often above Level 100 and thus very powerful: if you manage to catch one somehow, you essentially have a very powerful Pokemon, and can even level it up further, as high as Level 255. (Note that some Pokemon may evolve into glitch Pokemon because of this.) That is the first benefit of this simple glitch. Most people, regardless of name, should be able to encounter one of two Pokemon: Missingno. or 'M, both of which are glitch Pokemon. These two have special effects on the item in the sixth slot of your item bag, but that effect depends on whether you catch or defeat the Pokemon. If you defeat the Pokemon (or otherwise just do not catch it), the item in your Bag's sixth slot will be changed so that you have 128 of it; if you catch it, you will have 255 of it. (This is assuming you use an item that you can have multiple ones of.) This is very useful for mass-cloning valuable items, such as Master Balls, Rare Candies, or PP Maxes, or to clone TMs to sell for obscene amounts of money.
Go to Viridian City, up to the Old Man (the one who shows you ho to catch a weedle). Turn left down a passage. There will be a bush there. Do not cut down this bush. Instead, go up to it and press B. There will be a message saying "(Your name here) found Potion". |
Submitted by RoryCollinsTrained Pokemon by Rare Candies, haves half power than a Pokemon that been Trained by fighthing. however, there's way to get a Rare Candy Pokemon to his maximum power, like a normal trained Pokemon.
Get the next Items:
PP Up (You find this Item in the Secret Dungeon)
Copy these Items and use it on Pokemon on Level 100 or lower.
For each Different Stat Item takes 10 uses on each Pokemon.
Use the PP Up on Each Pokemon's Attack 3 Times.
Your Pokemon will be faster Stronger Defensiver, and also his attacks will be more usefull. |
Submitted by DennisDreessenHow To Train Pokemon Fast
To train your pokemon to a high level you must first do the 99 of any items on the rare candies. Once you have done this use the candies on your pokemon and they will start growing to higher levels. |
Submitted by JoseInfinity HP for Lv.100 Pokemon
First you must go to Viriden City and talk to the old man and say "No I am not in a hurry."Then FLY to Cinnibar Island then SURF on the right side of the water like half on land and half on water. Then SURF up and down until you get in a battle and if it is a Pokemon above Lv.100 nothen lower not Missingigo or MissingNo don't battle the Pokemon just catch with a Ultra Ball, or a Master Ball when you caught it go to your PC and withdraw the Pokemon or you have it with you. Then go to the Pokemon League and put the Pokemon at the top of the list battle Loriel and when she sends out Dewgong send out your Pokemon that's Level is higher than 100 then kill her Pokemon than your pokemon will grow to Lv.100 than keep on battling with that Pokemon and when you look at its HP it health is like a long line. |
Submitted by Gregory LouvatInvisible Walls in Koga's Gym
If you look at the floors in Koga's Gym you will notice it has lines. In some spots you will see little gaps in the lines. These "gapped lines" are the invisible walls.
Jigglypuff in Viridian city makes your last Pokemon sleep
What you do is you go into the Pokemon Center in Viridian city, talk to Jigglypuff, talk to the man next to jigglypuff, then walk to Nurse Joy, say cancel instead of heal, walk two steps away from Jigglypuff, walk back, and talk to it, and it will make your last Pokemon fall asleep! Note: Sometimes it wont work, so dont be dissapointed if it doesnt. It will work soon. |
Submitted by GlitchMasterArticuno -
Type: Ice
Level: 50
Location: Deep in the caves of SEAFOAM ISLAND
Zapdos -
Type: Electric
Level: 50
Location: Inside the POWERPLANT
Moltres -
Type: Fire
Level: 50
Location: Inside Victory Path; I think that's the name. The cave before the Pokemon league! |
Submitted by RagdollFollow these instructions to catch pokemon with really high levels.
Talk to the old man in Viridian City who shows you how to catch pokemon.
Fly directly to Cinnabar Island.
Put your strongest pokemon on your team.
You might want to save now.
Surf on the shore where the land touches water.
Keep Surfing until you run into one of these strong pokemon.
These pokemon are well above level 100. Unfortunately, they will revert back to Level 100 if they gain any experience points. Rare Candy is the only thing that raises their level. They can be used in a two-player battle without losing their level, so have fun liquidating your friends!
NOTE: This is a bug in the game. It will not work in newer versions of Pokemon and may crash your game if you try it.
It is rare to find a pikachu in this game. But very early in the game you can find them in Viridian Forest. Very rare though. |
Submitted by RagdollPokemon Red/Blue
To get PP Up go to the Secret Dungeon (The Place where you find/found Mewtwo).
go to the north of the cave, do not go in the first ladder you reach, use a pokemon with surf to cross the river to get to the upper cave in the right corner, go in.
once you reach the lower floor go 1 Up 1 left 3 Down 1 Left 3 Down 2 Left 1 Down 2 Left 1 Down 1 Right 5 Down 3 Right 2 Up 1 Left 3 Up, there’s the PP Up.
Use Dig or Escape Rope to Get out the cave.
Copy PP Up.
Use it on your Pokemon to increase the PP for each Attack. |
Submitted by DennisDreessenTo Re-board the S.S. Anne, have a Pokemon that knows Surf with you. Go to the guy who says "the ship set sail". You'll be diagnall from him. now go in front of him and save. Turn your GB off and back on. Use your SURF Pokemon and hold DOWN. You'll be SURFing on the guy. Press DOWN the after SURFing, and you should be in the ship.
At the Game Corner there are secret coins lying around. You can get these coins by walking around and pressing the A button.
To get a Lv.173 Wartortle go to Cinnabar island an surf up and down nearest to the shore. It may take a minute but a wartortle will show, if you picked a sqirtle at the begging of the game this is pretty much useless, to capture this tought pokemon put your best at the top and pound him until 10% of his life is dead then use ultraballs and you should catch him. Note: If he gains any exp. points he will move to Lv.100.
Submitted by AntonGatalyakTo stall a pokemon's evolution, press B when its evolving and you will get a message saying
"Huh? [Pokemon Name] stopped evolving!"
Its particularly good in instances when a pokemon can only learn techniques in a more basic stage. |
Submitted by PoyzinbludCharmander -
Type: Fire
Evolution: Charmander > Charmeleon > Charizard
Squirtle -
Type: Water
Evolution: Squirtle > Wartortle > Blastoise
Bulbasaur -
Type: Grass
Evolution: Bulbasaur > Ivysaur > Venasaur
Note: Whichever pokemon you chose , your rival will chose the one that has the advantage over you. |
Submitted by RagdollOnly Rattata (learned on lvl 34) and Raticate (learned on lvl 42). Use the move on a Pokemon to reduce his HP from a half. To defeat or catch it easier. Even if your Pokemon's Attack is low for example. |
Submitted by DennisGo to the hotel in Celedon City. Stand where the PC is in a Pokemon Center and you will be on a PC with all the options. |
Submitted by MichaelUnlimited way to stop Sleeping
After get the Pokéflute. Use it in battle when a Pokémon from your side is asleep. It will awake so you doesn't need "Awakening" anymore. You can use it as much as you can! |
Submitted by DennisDreessenWhen the move is activated in battle. it will charge for 2-5 turns. And next cause a lot of Damage.but only if you're pokémon attacks. Use a stat-attack (like Tail Attack or Growl) until the bide releases the power. You’re pokémon wouldn’t hurt. |
Submitted by DennisDreessenMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements