On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, press A 14 times. Then hold A and B until the game starts.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials J and A. Then place the cursor over the letter T. Press Up and B at the same time and the initials JAM will be entered so that you can play as Air Dog.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials E and X. Then place the cursor on the letter J. Now press Up, Start, and B at the same time and the initials EXC will be entered so that you can play as Al Gore.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials U and S. Then place the cursor on the letter B. Now press Left, A, and B at the same time and the initials USA will be entered so that you can play as President Clinton.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials B and A. Then place the cursor over the blank square. Press Up, A, and B at the same time and the initials BAT will be entered so that you can play as Brutah.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials A and M. Then place the cursor over the letter Q. Press Down, A, and B at the same time and the initials AMX will be entered so that you can play as Chow Chow.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials S and D. Then place the cursor over the letter T. Press Down and B at the same time and the initials SD_ will be entered so that you can play as Divita.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials F and N. Then place the cursor on the letter L. Now press Left and B at the same time and the initials FNK will be entered so that you can play as George Clinton.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials F and R. Then place the cursor over the letter E. Press Left and B at the same time and the initials FRD will be entered so that you can play as Kabuki.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials V and I. Then place the cursor over the letter J. Press Right, A, and B at the same time and the initials VIK will be entered so that you can play as Moon.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials R and J. Then place the cursor over the letter F. Press Up, A, and B at the same time and the initials RJ_ will be entered so that you can play as Rivett.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials W and I. Then place the cursor over the letter M. Press Left and B at the same time and the initials WIL will be entered so that you can play as Turmell.
On the screen where you enter your initials, enter the initials M and A. Then place the cursor over the letter U. Press Up, Start, A, and B at the same time and the initials MAN will be entered so that you can play as Weasel.
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, hold Up on the Control Pad and press any button five times. Continue holding Up until the game begins.
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button 10 times. Then hold Down and A until you see the words "Power Up Dunks."
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, hold Left and press any button seven times. Continue holding Left until you see the words "Power Up Fire."
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, hold Right on the Control Pad, then tap any button 15 times. Continue holding Right until the game begins.
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, quickly press any button 15 times. Then hold Up and B until the game starts.
On the Tonight's Match-Up screen, tap any button three times, then hold Up and B until the game begins.
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