The second room from the last is the worst in the whole game. You have to time all your jumps pixel-perfect to land between two spikes, and then maneuver to avoid the spike directly below the block in the corner when you pick it up. If you should make it all the way back to the starting point with the block, you'll want to know how to cross the entire bed of spikes to the door on the other side. Move as far as you can toward the spike bed, drop the block, move as far as you can on top of the block, press A and B simultaneously to pick up the block while jumping off of it and move south. At the height of your jump, press A and B simultaneously again to drop the block and moon-jump off of it. All that to clear this bed of spikes.
After all that, you'll want to avoid falling into the pit and get past the Zak into the elevator. Chances are, you used your Stun Gun to clear an earlier room. Have no fear. Simply press and hold the left arrow as you are entering the room (backtrack into the previous room for a moment if you have to reset it) and the falling Zak will land on your head harmlessly.
Note: The moves through each level are indicated by two letters. The first letter indicates an upper or lower designation. The second letter indicates a left or right designation.
Jump from level 1 to 3
Start at the beginning of level 1. Move UR, UL, LL, LL, UL, UR, UL, LL, through the UL wall, and use the Warp Device.
Jump from level 3 to 5
Start at the level 3 elevator. Move UL, UR, LL, LL, LR, LL, LL, UL, LL, through the UL wall, and use the Warp Device.
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