100% Guaranteed Catch rate
In order to do this, you must use Moga Cash, which costs real money or FB Credits. The better the Moga, the more the cost, but it is an absolutely 100% guarantee.
Go to Cydonia Castle to find Spike the legendary Moga who is like a cat with it's tail on fire.
If you want to full fil your Moga HP, The only thing you can do is rest them. Isn't it? But, I discover new way to full fil your HP. You just need to go back to your home and then refresh the page. After that, you found you start from Home and your Moga is in the full HP.
How to get alot of Bonus Attack
To get alot of bonus attack points visit all of you're friends homes and click on the trees with the bonus attack fruits.
The best way to level up in Monster Galaxy is to pick a Moga with a strong attack, such as Gryph, Messi or Tigon. You should aim to fight Mogas that are a couple of levels above your own, then choose the weakest Zodiac sign Moga of the enemy. Continue to attack and you will level up - the fastest way is to battle Mogas a long way above your own level, though difficult, and use plenty of bonus attacks.
You can get more Bonus Attack points by going to your friend's homes and clicking on their trees with the bonus attack fruits.
If you want to get somewhere far, like Cydonia Castle just calla cat taxi and go to the spiral caves and exit out of the cave and you are closer to the farest side of the map.
Make multiple Facebook accounts and a Monster Galaxy profile and just give star seeds to your main profile. You can also sign up for the daily prize which is normally 2 star seeds. Doing this too much though could get you banned.
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