Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Follow the steps below and watch the video to find out how to get instant XP. You must have Cheat Engine 5.4 on Facebook for it to work.
1: Open Cheat Engine 5.4 and Happy Aquarium
2: Click on the computer icon
3: Find firefox.exe or explorer .exe (depending on your browser) and click OK
4: Type the number of XP you have
5: Click on the First Scan button
6: Go back to Happy Aquarium and earn some XP
7: Go back and type the number of Xp you have
8: Click on the next scan button
9: Click on the last number and then click on the red arrow
10: Double click on the value and change it
11: Click on frozen
12: Go back and earn some XP again
How to Get Clams/Treasure Chests
You can get treasure chests or clams in your tanks either by purchasing them in the store, or by going to a friend's profile and clicking on their clam. You can then click buy - though you need to be level 19 to do this.
How to Get More Than 2 Starter Fish
To be able to do this you have to be new to the game. When the tutorial comes on and you click 'Get My Fish' you must click 'Get My Fish' and then leave the page (website) as fast as you can. Your fish will have been saved so next time you play you will get the tutorial again and you can click 'Get my Fish' again for 4 fish (this can be done more than once).
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